Group matchmaking timeline update

LOL That OP seems funny in Sept 2020 xD


Is it safe to say that grant lied about the entirety of a group matchmaking system? I mean in October of 2019 he said a “majority of the work is completed” but since this post there has been no developer updates. I understand COVID-19 has definitely played a factor into a delay but to say “sorry next year guys” for 2 years in a row and then say “the majority of the work is done” nearly a year ago and never touch the subject again leads me to believe team matchmaking is never coming and it was a lie to try to put some flames out and give the community hope when in reality nothing was being developed


Complete lie, straight forward lie indeed.


He works on his personal side projects more than broodwar. Just look at his twitter. It’s pretty sad and aggravating.


Dont worry, Karma never fails.

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Yes, Grant Davies is still working on Starcraft Remastered. He’s made plenty of posts over the last year regarding antihack measures and compatibility updates. Blizzard is very strict about what their developers can share regarding what they’re working on. It’s fully possible that team matchmaking and additional paid cosmetics hit a brick wall and are never moving forward. Or it may be a case similar to Starcraft II’s recent 5.0 patch where there were eight months of silence and fans claiming the game was abandoned and then suddenly multiple new items came out of nowhere(with help from other teams). Either way, Grant Davies and his team aren’t going to be able to confirm or deny the status of any new content until they get permission. Likely when it’s either just about to release or there’s an official decision to ditch it entirely. Same thing with all Blizzard titles these days. Of course that doesn’t mean we should stop demanding information since a lot of these things only get attention if the players make enough noise.

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Your level of naive makes me blush, they are not doing anything for Starcraft Renastered, and if they are doing something is a “last update” which is to be expected.

Has been a year of this, any new information?

Making noise. Blizzard guys, I know you are on the good side. You’ve brought many great things to life, of which I am personally grateful to you. Keep your trademark — talk to your community, don’t stay silent. We want to hear you. These forums are made for a reason. But for the last year or so it looks pretty much like a reservation where only community members could be seen. Not a company representative. We are meant to talk to each other. Thanks.


They dont read forums until enough bug reports come in.
If you want to be heard use Twitter. I know it sucks but it’s the sad truth.
You can directly tweet to them and leave feedback on their “wall”. At some point you can shame a person in action.
That’s what happend with the last PTR.


Hehehe. If there’s nothing else being changed in SCR, why bother making noise all this time. Revenge?

Honestly I don’t think my assessment was that optimistic. I was just laying the evidence on the table. As far as team matchmaking goes, I’d give it a 40% chance of eventually being added. On top of that I’ll add that if it does get added everyone is likely to hate how it turns out as they rush to adjust the matchmaking and latency calculations.

I don’t consider the developers to have lied. There’s really no reason for that as those who want team matchmaking have already gotten Remastered. I see them as doing what little they can with the resources Blizzard gives them(which isn’t much). And based on how long it’s taking Warcraft III Reforged to add features that were legitimately promised, I wouldn’t hold your breath for the development focus to move beyond compatibility and security anytime soon.

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This will probably never happened been waiting for 2v2 ranked to come out since Remastered came out in the first place.


Oh, hi Grant!

Is there any progress?


2v2 MMR 2hard for blizzard =(

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So back in the ICCUP days (I forget how it works on SC2) each team would have its own rank. At this point I think we’d all be just as happy if it just went by a flat averaged MMR between 1v1 and 2v2 from total win/loss across the indv team members. If its too hard to implement a separate ranking system for each individual team configuration. Perhaps that’s not the sticking point but I imagine a compromise like that would simplify things. Its been a full year though. Seems like if this was a priority it would have been done by now. Or at least a post about them being in beta with it or something… I guess we may never get it ;(

Literally who cares?

Add a TR filter already, do something useful, you killed kespa and iccup for this?

2v2 and 3v3 is difficult because they are noobs

So I hope Grant or whoever is still left on this project watching youtube during work hours finally quits, and the community gets the reins back once again to fix this mess they’ve left us with


This aged well… sigh

This is why open source is so important, an open source comunity can make this and a lot more in a few weeks and sc:bw would be the best game in the world again, insted of that, we have being waiting 3 years for this simple feature and nowdays the ladder dont even work in 1v1 ¬¬