I believe you guys are trying to get this done. I hope you will, soon enough. And I’ll make a selfish demand here and say it would be amazing if you could make dragscrolling in bw just like it is in sc2 and wc3 (they’re the same, but different in bw).
When u call a remastered game 21 years old.
Blizzard needs more servers and fix the lag issues first. We should not be only be able to play a lagless game with players in our own country or near it. We should be able to play a lagless game with other countries especially korea
Sure, u willing to give them the money to spend on those servers? Cuz ur 10 bucks sure will be enough for them to buy the servers, jeez be real on your demands dude
<3 just saw this thread, and after the reforged release it’s apparent what’s going on with you guys at the classic teams I hope this backlash incentives the higher ups to invest more into the classic gems which are the core of what people see when they refer to blizzard as blizzard. as much as overwatch and other new games are what blizzard tries to push nowadays those games aren’t the core of the company nor will ever be, the day they are is the day blizzard becomes just another company.
It’s too late, nobody cares any more. And btw we all know that if this feature is ever implemented, it’s going to suck anyway like everything else you’ve done
So, let’s see if SC:R can launch multiplayer before Blizzard fails, you fools
just change the main page that says in the table “matchmaking - yes” to “1v1 matchmaking - yes” and “team matchmaking - no”…
game is out for 30 months now, if there would ever be a team mm, we would already have it…
i remember once (years ago) i saw a Diablo 3 PvP Arena gameplay published by blizzard. do we have d3 pvp ?
the pathetic thing is that they can simply close down a couple gateways very easily, it would force a greater concentration of players, and then all they need to do is implement a iccup like lobby ladder system. this could have been done and ready at release. If we can play lobby custom 2v2 at release, we can play 2v2 ladder at release. End of story. Thats a next level degree of incompetence.
You realise this is Blizzard? They can take something relatively simple, like updating graphics, and not only ruin the new version of the game, but the old version too.
You see, you know the answer already!
I don’t think this is ever going to happen… I really hope that I’m wrong.
Exactly this. And it’s not like this hasn’t been suggested before… They just don’t care
“the pathetic thing is that they can simply close down a couple gateways very easily, it would force a greater concentration of players, and then all they need to do is implement a iccup like lobby ladder system. this could have been done and ready at release. If we can play lobby custom 2v2 at release, we can play 2v2 ladder at release. End of story. Thats a next level degree of incompetence”
I know of putting US West and East together but what else do you think should be put together?
Exactly, dont promise things you cant keep…
At least you have communicated it will not come, now many can just desinstall the game and maybe come back next year …
ahahah, lol i know you are p of j. … thinking about your other posts …
But this is gold …
Well, if you think about the work that most pros , Afreeca TV and many of the community have done pushingthis game to these heights … Your statement falls short… At least we can argue that the graphics work quite well, and look nice together with full screen functions and the benefits of Remastered… Aswell as launch of the remastered “client” have atleast brought the community back in sense of a new beginning, but since than … Meh…
To user : mambavic since 3 replays limit …
Actually many are… But why would they if all what they see are experimental patches that crash the game for weeks and a endless list of games you cant join?
Together with a wave of questionable promises…
Dude It has been 2 years and more since launch …
Any defending on more money is falls short in its own logic, they could have launched with a finished product… THey didnt… THey could have asked for more money on lauch and they did… The hyp and calling to buy of DLCs in form of commentators,carbot, was fullfilled…
It is a miracle people stiill want to play this game, despite being traumatized since day 1… This the f. Orgin of E-sport … Maybe you forgot … IT deserves better …
Blizzard FAn-boys/girls should defend the company withreal argumments not fictional ones …
Like: THe company made record breaking revenue despite realeasing employers !AGAIN!.
Can we get a blue post?
I agree, an update on group matchmaking would be highly appreciated.
I just Enter to this forum to check any news