Failed Authentication error 2:5

But we cant even connect to blizzard, yet alone a game
before clicking multiplayer

Thank you for your reports! This should be fixed now. Some folks were able to switch to a different region to workaround this issue. Please let us know if you are continuing to experience this issue on your home region.

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When I play fastest maps, I can’t select certain colours like Black, Grey, but when I play BGH I can select them. This problem only started today, and a few people online said they had the same problem

They don’t allow you to use colors that look too much like the map palette. Those maps are typically dark, so the darker colors aren’t available. BGH is green. Pretty sure that’s what that is. You also can’t select colors that look too much like other players, if someone picks blue, you can’t pick light blue or something.

I have the same problem and switching to Asia or Europe does not help. I want the game I paid for.

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I’ve got error 4:2 Unsure what’s going on USWest doesn’t work but Korea does.

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It is most definitely not fixed. still going on right now. Please fix. Been getting kicked lately. Was just in a game, we all got kicked and can’t log back in. Pretty frustrating.

My party and I were just all kicked from our game too. So frustrating

The previous issue was resolved from a month ago. There was an issue last night with connecting to Blizzard Services which caused the Failed Authentication error and various other connectivity issues. If the issue is persisting after the service issues, please create a new thread.

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