ZvZ Baneling Micro Help Arcade Game?

Hey there my fellow Zerg players!

I know that there’s a good percent of you that have made at least 1 arcade game. I was watching PiG’s ZvZ - Aggression is the Key Part 1 - Ling Bane and wanted to improve my LingBane micro. Does anyone here have the spare time to make an arcade game for that? (Kinda the Creep or Die! idea but for LingBane micro)

I think the bottom line is you’re going to need another player to practice with. AI just don’t move like an intelligent player does. You can either use unit tester or just practice in customs.

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Hmm… Thanks for responding, and I think the main reason for me posting this is, really, what the LingBane micro is. I’m positive about the Ling micro- Don’t let them touch the Banelings; but I’m not sure what the Bane micro is… I guess if you could answer that, that would be great. Thanks for the advice!

You move them around (but not A-move in any way!). If they make a mistake, you A-move and the banes should make a big boom. It’s basically a matter of controlling 2 armies (banes and lings). Lings fight carefully. Banes catch your opponent’s mistake. It’s a fairly complicated dynamic. You have to watch high level opponents do it. Maybe try to find 2 master level Zergs to spectate and see how they do it?

If you add me, we could make a little video…
Or even better: search for my twitch page and join my discord server, if you don’t mind.

We’d need like at least an hour, I guess. (hotkeys, different mechanics to split of lings and how to attack / defend; also overlord vision and last but not least timings and when to stop or when to switch to roaches)
Or just the micro & hotkeys …

Shuuragksh, (That’s hard to spell!)

Thanks for the offer, but I can’t do that (for various reasons). If you can point me to a guide or something that will teach me these timings, I would love that.


Thanks for the suggestion! Do you have any good players in mind for that? I would think you’d just point me to a pro, but it doesn’t hurt to ask, right?

Both of you,
Thanks for your help. I guess making an arcade game for that would take too much time, and I respect that. If you as the reader who is browsing SC2 Forums instead of doing school, don’t comment unless you know you can do that and have enough time.

Once again, Thank you!

You have several things you can train:

  1. deselect units / spread them on the map (shift + lclick to deselect)
    –> move a pack or all of your army to do the thing, then deselect one zergling, then move back and finally overwrite the army hotkey with everything -1 zergling
    –> If you are rather close to the enemy army (especially banelings; fighting with zerglings vs. ling/bane), you’ll want to move back the lings, then grab 1-3 zerglings, right-click them on a baneling, then use the “add to control group and take away unit” hotkey to move that ling into a rarely used control group and then micro the main army again (run away from banes probably).
    –> You can train this at the “unit tester lotv online” and just have some banelings up a ramp and move command single zerglings there until you destroyed all the lings (in a real game, you could send 1-2 zerglings via the 3rd to the natural then main base of your opponent and then another ling via the 4th, then natural, then main base (everything via minimap and do it until a zergling reaches the main base / aka no banes left).

  2. There are several scenarios that are possible in a ZvZ so make sure to use the unit tester in some ways to think up moves and else post replays to get feedback.

  3. Remember that it’s ALWAYS good to train your micro because it makes you feel more confident and you can take map control / scout better. BUT your overall goal should be to MICRO LESS (or rather use less time to micro) because your macro is so awesome.
    So if you want to improve, don’t care about winning but only about hitting EVERY inject in the first 5-10 minutes, always trying to be 10% ahead in drones and taking one more base than your opponent (or even 2 - just for the larvae).
    Also spend your larvae ASAP (watch the replay with units tab open).

  4. Get a feeling for your opponent (aggressive or passive, early attack or tech?) and for strategies (roach, muta, lurker, ling/bane). So you can prepare (though that’s mostly about how many banes you get, bane speed and upgrades or when to build drones).

I forgot the most important thing in ZvZ: Overlord spread (scouting 12 pool, having vision vs. enemy banes and runbys)!
And kill the queens first, if possible. (no injects, no ranged defense, no blocking of ramps or chocke points).


Thanks for the help!
I’ve got three major questions I’m going to list here;

  1. What’s the hotkey for

I’d think it’s ALT-SHIFT-#. ( [#] being the group I want to put my units on)

  1. Where can I post my replays, as you state here.

  2. How can I

as you put it? Is it due to direct scouting? (E.G; ling runbys, Ov’s in the main and natural, forced confrontations) or is it through more subtle means? (I know if I see one of his Ov’s just outside his base (using my own Ov) I know he’s playing a macro game because his build is similar to mine, in the sense that he’s sending Ov’s to pillars and to scout. Is it like this?)

Overall, I find your post really helpful, and welcome anymore juicy Zerg advice. As you probably know, Zerg is the hardest race to play due to the amount of things they need to remember and their need for multitasking. The strategies are also so diverse and complex, I don’t know where to start!

Thanks for your help!

  1. You’ll want to have “add to control group and take away units” instead of “add to control group”. Just try it out a bit. It’s extremely convinient in ZvZ ling/bane wars.

  2. _drop.sc
    –> Note the _ before the link.

  3. Subtle: Is the first scout aggressiv? Good unit control?
    Solid: 2nd / 3rd base is late, tech/gas is early, lack of workers