ZvT help trying to push diamond

Hello guys, I am currently plat 1 almost diamond 3 mmr 70% winrate vs zerg/toss but only 43 against terran. I currently am not sure how to push into seige tanks/ stopping the terran from maxing out. When i attempt to fight off creep my army gets obliterated and the terrans just turtle the entire game generally. I need to incorperate investors/vipers i’m just not sure which to use in each situation. Maxed supply thors give me trouble I can never break them and sometimes i struggle against bio but have been trying to grab earlier baneling nest to fend off attacks. I dont have issues against drops its generally the large engagements i end up losing. Thanks for your time guys!

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It’s hard to give an advice without replay, but I will try.

I guess you might not need to push. Concentrate on your macro instead. Spread creep, grab bases and get 80 drones to saturate them. Get macro hatcheries if you have 1k+ money before you have 200 supply. Tech up: infestation pit → Hive + Spire (if you don’t have spire yet) → Greater Spire or Ultralisk Cavern. Meanwhile make zerglings and banelings to stay alive.
When T3 is ready start killing his bases. If you got into engagement and terran is still alive just make another 200 suply (injects and macro hatcheries!) and finish him.
You generally don’t want to fight off creep without your T3. Especially in big fights.

With good macro you don’t need them. I don’t have much use of infestors and vipers in my d1, but latter are good for blinding tanks or pulling units toward your army. I think infestors are most userful against cyclone-hellions, but in other situations they are way to hard to control. Just a+move your broodlord-corraptor army instead.

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I am terran so I am not zerg(I was d3 for some time) expert but I can tell you one thing as terran.
Always have 20 lings sitting somewhere on terrans side of map and send them in when you see him pushing on to your creap.
Also vs tanks you use vipers, vs thors use either viper, infester(with pathaging glance) or you can go mass broodlord. If you have over 12 broodlords thors wont have time to kill them. This is if terran in mech I would say.
Now if terran is bio with thore lategame units go mass ling bane and you will overrun him in plat and diamond, just keep in mind that you always need attack from more than 1 direction if you going ling/bane/something. And I wouldn’t recommend ling/bane because it is heavy on your micro and you probaby have bad macro as it is if you are plat.
There is a lot of thing I haven’t mentioned ofc I am not pro but I do watch almost all turnamants so I know what you should do but in practice it takes thousands of games. In the end only practice will save you.

I agree with this.

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Is there a way to share replays on here? Thanks for the information to you both i plan to improve what you guys have said. I also have been watching some streams aswell i have to get a better timing on 4th/5th bases and saturate my 3rd more efficiently.

I used to struggle vs Terran too, and then I watched this coaching session from PiG about how to get a proper economy going. You basically go 1 Gas into 3 saturated bases and lots of Queens for defense. Against Bio you can get Ling-Bane Hydra, and against Mech Roach-Ravager-Hydra. If you can get your economy going, it will end up like the HotS intro, with the Terran wiped out by massed units.

Here’s my build order and notes, but I highly recommend to watch the video as well.

0:13 13 Overlord > Send to scout enemy Natural and Main
0:51 17 Hatch @ Natural
1:02 17 Extractor
1:13 17 Pool
1:40 19 Overlord
2:05 20 2x Queens
4 Zerglings
2:15 26 Ling speed
Pull Drones off gas
2:55 33 Hatch @ 3rd
3rd Queen
Keep building Drones and Overlords
3:30 45 Drones back on gas
Send Overlord through enemy Main
4:05 56 Rally all Hatcheries to 3rd
Two rounds of Queen production
12-16 Zerglings
4:20 66 7 Overlords
Saturate 3rd
4:30 70 Spores at each mineral line (only for Hellion openings)
5:00 80 Reset rally points of Hatcheries
Take 5 gases
5:30 85 Saturate Extractors
6:00 100 2x Evos
Baneling nest
6:30 +1 Melee and Carapace
Double macro Hatcheries in Main
Hatch @ 4th
7:00 Centrifugal hooks
Hydralisk den


  • Hotkey 6 Queens for defense, place only 2-3 Tumors to save energy

  • Target fire Medivacs with Queens

  • Fight with Zerglings only on creep

  • If scouting full Mech without a Starport, drop a Roach warren and 2 Extractors @ 4:00 and go into Roach-Ravager instead

  • When macro Hatches are done, queue injects on them with the defense Queens

  • Put Banelings on hotkey 2, target them at the center of Hellbat clumps

  • Split army in 2-3 groups and attack from multiple sides

  • If fighting against Mech, prioritize attack upgrades over carapace

  • For late game, transition into Hive and Broodlords

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drop . sc (spaces between dots and maybe more spaces between “/” if that isn’t enough).
If you’re plat1, your mechanics might be not very efficient:
#1: Don’t move the screen with your mouse - EVER. (if you can)
–> click on the minimap, use control groups, use camera location hotkeys or the base camera (backspace by default - I got it on space bar with grid hotkey layout)
#2: Slow down with your clicking if you have more than like 150-200 apm.
–> Try to play “choppy” (mental checklist, concentrate on macro 95%).
–> Is it really worth to micro 20 lings while you have 1k overmins and/or miss your upgrades and tech follow-up?
#3: Care more about scouting, timings and drone-timing (i.e. scout if it’s a factory opening with hellions that can hit at 3:30 so you’ll want like 10 lings and 4+ queens or you don’t know what the heck the terran is doing so get as many queens as possible because it’s most probably a BC rush (overlord speed after ling speed helps).
#4: Take a look at your mechanics: How good is your creep spread and do you hit EVERY inject until 6:00 game time?
–> You got an extra control group for your creep queens?
#5: Micro: Are you actually microing? Don’t! All you need is a-move, retreat, move-command and split your army in half to come from 2 sides (with a-move).
If you can’t win without microing ling/bane and focus-fire whatever, your macro must be really bad.
#6: Vision: What does your minimap look like? Black or do you have creep, overlords, lings and changelings running around? (if your macro is decent, get some more vision AND get better at drone-timing and moving up the tech tree without dying or getting too few drones)

But yeah…
TL;DR: Post a replay please or else it will be really vague.
You could also download some diamond replays here:
https : / / gggreplays . com / matches#?average_league=4&game_type=1v1&race=zerg&vs_race=terran&gateway=eu&page=1

https : / / drop.sc/replay / 11892353
https : / / drop.sc/replay / 11892364
two longer macro games, thanks for all the help guys here are a few games sorry for late response was recently moved and didn’t have my computer hooked up yet to upload these replays.

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#1 try to always get lings speed, then overlord speed (you can start it right at 98% building time of the first queen)

#2 uppper right corner --> check how many drones you have and

#3 Please only post replays where you lost AND had more workers than the other guy.

#4 keep it simple. ling/bane/hydra into lurkers or corruptor/brood lord every game. Don’t get every upgrade in the game unless you’re bored and have too many ressources anyway.

#5 What kind of player are you playing?
–> turtle guy? 2 base muta or 2 base swarm host ftw and if the opponent doesn’t roll over and die immediately, get more bases & workers.
–> aggressive guy trying to kill your workers? Get enough army units to kill them easily but never over-do it. Don’t build 30 roaches vs. 6 hellbats but get 8-10 and build workers right after you get them.
If you are ahead in economy, he can kill workers all day and you’ll still be ahead.
–> aggressive guy trying to end the game? Queen/ravager or roach/bane or roach/ravager/queen usually does the trick in all match ups.

TL;DR: Just watch the replays again and watch the worker count on both sides - you always have less workers for no good reason AND THEN you loose the game shortly after.

Don’t worry - people actually trying to improve always cheer me up - no matter the race or league. Keep the motivation flowing! :smiley:


Ling bane hydra is a good anti-bio comp, and adding more hydras with vipers would be good against mass thors for abducting into hydra balls

play safe vs agressive things
If they turtle thats good for you as zerg
Focus on creep spread dont take fight off creep
For the first push use flanks, atleast 1 but preferably more angles
For the next push you should have vipers ready in the ideal situation
If you dont mess up your macro then you good