Ziggy v Reynor shows Z is OP

Classic forums. Person tries to spread the truth in order to get much needed action and gets called a troll…

Give me one good reason why Ziggy - who is for all intents and purposes, a nobody - is better than Raynor, who is an ESL Dreamhack champion and beat a GSL runner up to do so. You know, aside from the fact that he’s a Terran player.

I’m a Terran player, does that mean I’m better than Raynor? Serral? Dark? Trap? Classic? Neeb? No. Not at all.

He plays a style that only the god himself (Byun) can still use for success even AFTER it’s been nerfed to the ground…

Okay? So why does that matter? That’s not an achievement that makes him “better” than Raynor or anyone else that I mentioned. What are his accomplishments? Was he a GM at the age of 12 like Raynor or Clem?

How many terrans outside of Korea do you think can beat him in a tvt?
Here he is playing protoss against Kelazhur (A better known name than the one you said) and he does quite well

Really, who knows him? :rofl:

I do, but in Polish community he is more recognised as a very minor streamer than a pro-player. He attempts many Polish tournaments and scores high there along with Art, but such tournaments usually lack rank SS Polish players. (SSS is Clem/Serral/Reynor for me, SS is MaNa, ShowTimE, HeroMarinE, Elazer, Vanya, Denver, S are minor semi-pros like Ziggy, Indy, Art)

Sounds more like on the level of a typical Velitey whine post as opposed to a typical terran whine post.

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This thread is obvious troll.

Reynor wins as protoss, the other ez free win race? No surprises there

Terran has to whine, we are underpowered and get kicked out of tournaments by free win zerg and protoss. If you cared about fairness you’d whine too. Artosis refuses to be silent about anti-Terran racism, be more like artosis

SuperMage = CheeseClown :smiley:

I am not CheeseClown, I just agree with CC. CC is a beacon of light in an otherwise dreary and dark world of Zerg and Protoss anti-Terran racism

I don’t think so… but yeah whatever. Have nice trolling saying that Ziggy is a SC2 star :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Ziggy should be, if it weren’t for anti-Terran racists like you defending Zerg and Protoss free wins he would be. Terran deserves buffs. You can call me names all you want, it doesn’t change the TRUTH.

You don’t see a SINGLE Zerg player claiming players like Garitos and Jimrising should beat Maru with Zerg… Zerg players don’t do that, Terran players do. That’s pretty much this thread right here.

You had the opportunity to call out that Terran player for this absolutely ridiculous whining. Instead, you decided willfully let it go and let it happen, which means that you support it 100%… you believe Ziggy is better than Reynor?

Players like you that let this happen are a part of the problem on the same level as players like OP and a lot of other Terrans that actually do the whining and are cancer to this community. You, Crusaderking are A PART OF THE PROBLEM. At least Miro stepped up to the plate this time.

It’s not my fault you have an IQ of about 50.

The guy is an obvious troll.

Don’t blame me for your lack of intelligence and self-awareness.

I am no troll, I am a proud Terran standing against the injustices our race faces every day

Holy %&%?& you’re a useless clown. THAT WAS LITERALLY MY FIRST SENTENCE, THAT YOU QUOTED. Do you even read what you respond to? Or your brain can’t process English… I literally agreed with the poster above me that I responded too saying it was a troll…

Seriously, grow a brain. You need it.

The question becomes “why would I call out a troll for trolling”? Why would you then call me out for not “saying this guy is bias, bla bla bla”, if he was a troll.

Both of you just try to skirt around my arguments by calling me a troll. I’m not a troll. Just because some Terrans are willing to stand by quietly and allow anti-terran racism run rampant doesn’t mean I’m a troll for speaking out against it.