Zerg strength in pvz needs to be addressed

THERIDDLER, posting as IMEUROTRASH, claims he has 0 smurf accounts. Well, I gave you a chance but it’s obvious you’re just an inflammatory troll. Ahh, so much better:



I don’t see why people are trying to call you out. You’re mostly right. What I would say is…

  • Vipers are definitely imbalanced
  • Swarm hosts are definitely imbalanced
  • Queens are fine as is
  • Drops are high risk high reward, so they’re probably fine
  • Nydus is imbalanced slightly. The main issue is when nydus start popping out in early/mid game and protoss can’t make enough units to deal with nydus and roach runbys. You need 3 gateway units, a void ray, or an immortal to counter a threat that may be a complete buff (empty nydus) or game ending mass scale army transportation. We are already behind in economy as is, so the fact that we are expected to invest more resources than the zerg defending threats that we don’t know exist is ridiculous.

While it is true that Zerg can pretty much roll over the Protoss, it is not a reason to nerf the Zerg. Instead, we should focus on buffing the Protoss because as of thing right now, it is about the P is underpowered, not the other race are overpowered.

I think he will come back. He is really good at handle MM army. ‘Best’ is not a good word. But he is really closed to perfection.

A) ByuN is gonna get Terran nerfed again

B) He might not be as good as he used to, and it may take time for him to get better

C) He just comes back as a god

They need a nerf to 7 aa range

Necessary so oracles and banshees would be able to get something done more often

Who’s incubus?

20 chars

There are some people who are so deprived of attention that they become desperate and decide they’d rather receive negative attention than no attention at all, because then at least society acknowledges that they exist. So they lash out and force people to pay attention. That individual does not exist as far as I am concerned.

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Infestor viper-High templar

Queens-Not a siege unit. Not even close.

Baneling lurker drop-You mean like medivac drops? or warp prism drops?

Like these arguments are nonsensical because they ignore facts to make it sound more catastrophic.

PvZ is broken but i feel its just justice when terran get stomped by Protoss over and over again