
Serral vs Stats was a joke, Serral didn’t do any significative damage more than a baneling drop and stats was all the game defending till free units completly dominated the game, srly this was painfull to see, there’s is nothing protoss can do againts a decent zerg.


This isn’t exactly a good example - Serral is widely considered to be one of the best players active currently.

Stats is…very good, but isn’t quite the force he used to be.

I haven’t seen a Protoss trouble Serral in the last year. Dark isnt far behind. And part of it is due to the race.

Ironically the most that Serral was troubled by a Toss in the last year, IMO, was by Stats in I think Katowice where he had some next level god like oracle micro and was able to beat Serral in the initial group stages but Serral still won the tournemnt.


I guess that’s what happens when Protoss becomes the most aggressive race.

Protoss just needs a few strong all ins to keep the zerg honest, game 2 stats killed 30+ lings with 7 adepts and the worker count was still even.

I suspect we are going to get there when they will fix the adepts.

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That’s legit just 750 minerals worth of damage. Not even worker damage. Thats like a zerg killing 7 zealots. Not extreme damage for that part of the game.

Adepts aren’t a great ‘all in’ unit anymore. Which is predictable - the adept toolkit makes them nearly impossible to balance. If you give them too much dps or tankiness, you have an unreasonably powerful unit early in the game.

WOL saw a similar issue with reapers on release, with certain proxy reaper builds being nearly unbeatable even if you saw them coming.

Honestly, looking at the GSL stuff, Protoss are doing okay versus Zerg. Terrans were struggling in both match-ups, but that was the previous patch. Will be interesting to see what 2020 looks like.


Well yeah but the larva could have being used for 15 more workers and after they lose that match they have to make even more army so even less larva for workers.

Generally i think that the best player usually wins.

Now on the adept balance team made a change that was intended as a buff but it was actually a nerf so i suspect they are going to fix/change it. Ofc having power and mobility is a difficult combination to balance but since the adept is specifically an anti-light unit all races have an answer.

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I understand Protoss being mad. They did Nerf Protoss very heavily. Just understand that everyone that plays the game uses the tools provided to win. You are no different. You would abuse the system.

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It is true that Serral is awesome, but that shouldn’t suppose to work this way bro. He can’t be that better than anyone else, this is SC2 and everything is about current balance. I think in 2014-2016 wouldn’t took a map from top Protoss players. Currently Protoss is so overnerfed that a top Protoss player can’t even cross the center of the map. And this is called broken balance not great Serral even he is good.


Honestly your opinion isn’t honest

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Come back when you have an adequate sample size. One game/series means basically zero. Get more data. If you were to, this is what you’d see:


PvZ is statistically Protoss’ best matchup:

we all agree serral is good, but not that much to crush stats that way…

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It’s just because Zerg players, all 40,000 of them, are magically and inexplicably better than all Terran and Protoss players. Now if you think that’s stupid, maybe it’s because you’re a bigot!