Zerg probably needs some buffs

Sure Vipers are too strong if used properly. It’s basically a forced hostile Blink on enemy units (3-4-5-6 and 8 Supply) that instead of blinking the whole Zerg army, it brings (blinks) capital units of the opponents to their death.
There are ways to balance the Viper where buffing their counters is one of them.

Ok, I get you. But as it stands zerg cannot approach a Skytoss army, because in a head to head fight it simply loses and vipers were the one way Zerg had to mitigate that. Right now, it is not that turtling over a spore is just a strong option. It is the only option against Protoss.

Before the FB buff, most pro players agreed that the problem was not in the late game per se, but rather how Zerg always got into the late game with an advantage and was deemed by many to be well balanced if they got into it with an equal footing (with the viper interaction). Ever since the buffs to toss and nerfs to Zerg, the transition problem is no longer a thing. And it is IMO pretty clear that late game PvZ is somewhat Toss favor right now, especially considering the last tournaments, and why now roles have reverted to Zerg looking for timings to avoid the late game. And the FB buff has been pointed by many pros as the main culprit.

Hence why I think that the FB buff is no longer warranted since the problem it was looking to fix was fixed elsewhere (void buff, bane nerf). In other words, I think Viper does not need the balance it needed almost a year ago.

Moreover I think the FB reversal would be the only change needed to finally have a well balanced PvZ (after all these years).

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The issue is in a scenario where protoss does not forget aoe support for the carriers microbial shroud loses its value and so far it does not seem to be the answer at least according to pro zerg players.


Well, a slight buff to the ultra/brood can help out against disruptors too, I really think that’s the way to do it.

I think yes zerg need a buff ,i play protoss and zerg at the same level almost and i need to do some much more with zerg to win its very hard to win , i think may be buffing a Brood lords , and may be ultralisk could be good but hey Blizzard you need to do something about this we all love your game but you need to fixed and quickly

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I agree that they should revert the BLord nerffs.


Imagine having any army of pretty much pure air units, and complaining that something that is useless against stuff on the ground is OP against air units…

Hmm… you mean imagine the threat of the air units are actually the ground unit?