Zerg needs be more swarmy

So ling need produce in 4 instead of 2 cost instead 50 be 75. There weakest out of all mineral units in game so they should be cheaper.

Why 4 well every race can produce mineral units faster then Zerg. Zealots produce faster than lings. Marines also produce at same speed but a lot stronger.

This give Zerg better chance maxing faster then Terran give enough time for banes.

No matter how much I agree with your topic title, absolutely not.

Four Zerglings for 75 minerals would make them - on top of about the highest damage per resource - also be the tankiest-per-resource unit, at almost 2-to-1.

The Zergling being more larva efficient wouldn’t really change too much about how you still want to transition away from them fairly often in my opinion, because of how squishy and counterable they are – but since they’ll always be fast and high damage, even currently, you’ll definitely still want a few.

With a lowered larva cost, late game, I would be worried the expenditure will become too costless for the amount of damage they represent, and early-mid game, would allow you to build significantly more Drones for a much stronger economy without losing any defenses.

This is wholly ignoring the massive issue that approximately doubling the number of early-game Zerglings you can use in ie. rushes is. Fast pool strategies are fairly decent as it stands since they can set up the timing attack to not put the Zerg very behind, and getting to have nearly double the Zerglings in the attack would be crazy.

While I do agree that late-game, building Zerglings kind of sucks because each pair could have been a better unit, it still carries significant value off the back of how useful information and Adrenal Glands’ damage are.


Bring back the 1 supply, 3 range roach.

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So keeping 100 would only push out 8 instead 6 of 12 pool.

Terran is immune to this toss would find slight annoyance since force to go fast cannons to wall off.

So Zerg would causing problem but this can be easily fixed by adding 10 secs build time pool. To see if it’s deadly.

Lings should faster made unit but every race produce just as fast or even faster.

I am not asking them to be .25 pop still be .5 so pop 2 comes out in 4 lings instead of 2.

Maybe 75 vs 100 might be extreme so keep it 100.

“Slight annoyance” - not to long ago fast pool against protoss was an instant-win condition since they would often kill the first pylon and the game would end there and then.


The Zergling produces the fastest - individually - of all combat units, at 24 editor-seconds to the Marine’s 25, and larva spawning every 15 editor-seconds for effectively a natural multi-queue. Though, of course, the other races do have an easier time adding more production and are not restricted on producing low and high tier units at once, so I don’t mean to say that your actual point isn’t the case.
Zerg’s production feels inherently limited, especially for the base Zergling; but changing Zerglings or the Spawning Pool just has a lot of knock-on effects if it isn’t in the vein of another late-game upgrade.

For example, increasing the Pool’s build time delays everything significantly - can’t get Spores, Queens, Lair - and a lot of timing attacks are heavily adjusted in what they cut out so that they can bring ie. air units in before the Spores complete. Life due to the difficulty of getting good anti-air ready is already difficult and a problem for ZvP.

I do really agree that it would be better for Zerg to not feel bad when building late-game Zerglings - Adrenal Glands is supposed to fulfill this role, but because of the opportunity cost nature of larva expenditure it doesn’t always hit the mark.

Not really important, but I have not seen a Protoss use early defensive cannons in actual months - plenty even not having the forge to begin building them. It’s always batteries, so this concept intrigues me.

Zerg should be more swarmy because it now feels like its an moving death ball. Roach should be 1 supply but weakened, hydra 2 supply but weakened, zergrings in general should be weakened, ultralisks either removed or reworked (in a nerf way),infestors should be reworked to cast some boost damage or armor aura for the swarm of zerg,in general - everything weakened and supply cut a bit, it would made another opportunity to harass as zerg with anything else than lings. Zerglings also should die up to MAX 2 hits (depends on the upgrades) from zealots and helions. Then we could do some buffs like bananelings huge damage buff so they can clear the way IF PLAYED PROPERLY.