Zerg is overpowered, It's my new main race

Protoss and terran needs to play poker every game against zerg to not be behind. If they play standard they are behind. When T or P are passive Z outgrows them playing whichever style prefered.
It’s pretty hilarious how terran and protoss prepare and micro in focus, it looks like they are constructing a jenga tower brick after brick. Once they miscplace it the whole structure falls apart. Meanwhile Zerg just masses a ton of low tier units, losing 40 of them to 1 disruptor shot or widow mine and remake it in 10 seconds sometimes even not noticing what happened. Those very units he remake are supply and cost efficient on open field against any ground army composition, so P and T before taking any fight need to position themselves properly.
I would describe ZvP and ZvT as Z sitting on top of the mountain throwing down unlimited amount of rocks, and P or T climbing, being on a clock, under fire, to get on that mountain. Mostly falling before getting on that, if succeded. They’re wounded enough to be thrown off it.
It takes real naivity to play Protoss or Terran, I’m not gonna be a tryhard peasant, I would rather be an Ape with easy wins.


As a terran player the two things that i personally hate about zerg are:

  • inability to do dmg with any units - doesn’t matter if you open hellion, bio drops, libs, banshees or even BC - zerg deflects all that like it was nothing. Protoss has the same problem - even double oracles with good micro sometimes can barely do anything vs spores and queens.

  • insane amount of control of terran units prior to engagment. I am approaching zerg creep knowing zerg army is nearby - so i need to: prematurely siege my tanks, siege my libs. Ctrl + click all my marines to put them behind marauders, some times pre-split them, and when zerg attacks my army, target-fire banelings with siege tanks, while pushing my marines back and splitting them.
    Zerg ? Pure A-move. Ling-bane-ultra is the most a-move composition of the game and it’s hilarious how easy it is to use.

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Don’t forget that Zerg also needs to split banelings when dealing with siege tanks or target fire them if using ravagers.

When dealing with protoss its also important to remember that Zerg has a lot of units that can only attack ground or air. Nearly all protoss units attack both air and ground. And the few units we have that can attack ground and air are rather fragile like hydras and mutas. This means that a zerg needs good map awareness otherwise you can easily end up building an army that can’t do anything to the opponent at all.

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Zerg NEVER splits their banelings vs siege tanks. I’ve never seen it below GM. Maybe pros are doing it, but even that is questionable. Can you post a link to the VOD where it happens ? 99% of zergs a-move their army. That’s how it works. The only zerg unit compostion that require some micro is roach-hydra-ravager where you need to constantly drop biles and pull own units back to prevent them getting friendly fired by biles.

Protoss has three ground units attacking air:
-stalker - soft counter to mutas
-sentry - laughable dmg not even a fighting unit
-archon - hard counter to mutas, corruptors but awful vs brood lords.
I’m not gonna talk PvZ because i’m terran but i don’t think zerg has any problems with that.

Zerg DOES have best map awareness of all 3 races -
creep, overlords and changelings are superior to scans, sensor towers and observers and revelations. Zerg usually has 70% of map vision.


Lol what a joke really split it? hahahaha

Hows that different than terran or even protoss ? Zerg players are truly braindead

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Well. Its not my fault most zerg players don’t do this. Not doing this will cost players a bunch of banelings.

Can you post a link to the VOD where it happens ?

My time is limited today. Could take a while to surf through videos looking for exact footage.

Protoss has three ground units attacking air:
-stalker - soft counter to mutas
-sentry - laughable dmg not even a fighting unit
-archon - hard counter to mutas, corruptors but awful vs brood lords.

I probably over exaggerated, but they have a lot more strong units that a attack both ground an air. This makes it a lot easier to A move stuff since you don’t have to worry as much about"What if half my army can’t attack x enemy composition?".

Zerg DOES have best map awareness of all 3 races -
creep, overlords and changelings are superior to scans, sensor towers and observers and revelations. Zerg usually has 70% of map vision.

I don’t disagree, but being able to scan from the safety of ones base is very powerful. Cloaked observers sometimes see complaints even at the pro level. And zerg needs that awarness to know what to build. Protoss can also hamper zerg awarness by building pheonixes and hunting overlords/overseers. You also can’t build creep near photon cannons.

Hows that different than terran or even protoss ? Zerg players are truly braindead

Because zerg has alot of units that can be rendered completely useless by other units.

Got an army of roaches and ravangers? Useless if protoss has out basically any air unit.

Got an army of mutalisk? Hope you are fine with loosing thousands of resources worth of army to mines, thors or even just marines.

Got an army of corruptors? Better hope the protoss doesn’t start pulling out dark templar and doing surprise attacks on your base.

Zerg doesn’t have any one unit that can be a moved and beat every army composition. They need to specialize based on what they know their enemy is doing.

Yeah Zerg is a bit obnoxious and it’s because they have an additional resource to drain: larva.

If you’re not forcing zerg to make stuff they don’t want to make, they’re going to drone slam you and 3-5 minutes later be untouchable.

Basically, you thought warp gates were annoying? Larva make all zerg units produced by warp gates. That’s imba 100% and every zerg unit needs to be a pile of dung for it to be balanced.

That’s why zerg is typically seen as the best race. In hindsight, the special macro mechanics for every race in sc2 probably should have either been designed differently or just not exist with some adjustments to compensate for it.


Personally i wouldn’t complaing much about zerg if they gave both terran and protoss ability to do some actual dmg to zerg eco. This is something that zergs conveniently avoid to answer. How do you stop zerg eco ? You can’t. Hellions, banshees, drops, wp harass, oracles, DTs ? Lmao. Just spam queens, put few spore crawlers, bunch of lings and you’re invincible.


Queens aren’t the answer to everything. Sure they are a good defense, but queens cost 150 minerals. Build 2 of them and thats money you could be spending on more hatcheries and spore/spine crawlers. Queens also take some time to emerge. Like with protoss you can spam build cannons and have like 8 of them defending a base within a matter of moments if you have the minerals. And cannons have higher dps and combined health+shields.

As for lings. Those are countered by so many things. Mines, mass marines, wall offs, any air unit that attacks quickly, Zealots do pretty good too especially if they block paths.

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Well, voidray opening followed by 2-base 8gate prism +1 chargelot all-in will kill any zerg with no banes or roaches in the early game. It is actually an important pvz cheese that the zerg need awareness of. Just zerglings and queens are not going to cut it.

ever thought about the reason?
Zerg defends primary with units, from harass- push.
Z-units are mostly specific or inefficient.

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Exactly. Even if you kill off 16+ drones, you basically just evened the game out economically. You’re not ahead, you’re just in a fighting position. Unless you lost your army while harassing, then you’re about to get parade pushed and likely lose. It’s a really weird dynamic where there is no real answer since every scenario is different.

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The only that are broken are Carriers and Swarmhost.

braindead zergs here complaining about queen cost LOL

Queens are basically orbitals without the hatchery buddy. They can spam larvae, heal, create creep. All for 150 and takes about the same time than orbital. Zerg really is the easiest race


Whining about Zerg will continue until the heat death of the universe. :see_no_evil:

I like how so many people complain that you can’t hurt a Zerg Eco, without realizing the Zerg have to prepare for harassment, slowing down any aggressive play from them. If you could easily harass a Zerg econ, Zerg would lose every game.

Complaining about Zerg Defending Drone harassment is all I need to see to understand that the people complaining are in fact, delusional about their race.

T and P can Wall-off on 100% of the maps and be “Safe” for the first 10 minutes of a game if they are good. 1 messup from Zerg and it’s GG. Losing even 3-4 drones means that’s 3-4 larva Zerg is down which also means less Larva to make units to defend. T and P can lose 10 workers and still produce from army buildings while remaking workers.

The debate can go on and on, but if you make it easier for T and P to harass a Zerg’s econ, you better make wall-ins weaker and give Zerg counter harassment options that are not simply shutdown by a good wall.

Good T and P will get some value out of worker harass. Even if a Z is prepared for it. It’s an easy win if you force a Zerg to commit too much to defending harass. Which is easy to do.

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Except the fact that zerg can lose 1-2 hatcheries, bunch of drones, few queens and STILL win a game or at least prolong it to last 20-30 mins. Being able to harass zerg eco is the proper way of balancing the game. The reason why zergs are so dominant in tournaments is literally because of that one factor alone !

Oh really ? zerg will have 6-8 lings/banes less. That’s really game ending mistake bro. (sarcasm)

They have it - banelings, vipers, nydus worms - you name it.

Surprisingly zergs are so confident even in diamond they:

  • never drone scout
  • never defend their base with spine crawlers (just make bunch of queens, lings and banes) and laugh in T/P face as you don’t lost sh*t. Yeah buddy. Very easy.
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I love posts like this. All races are pretty much the same skill level until you get to Diamond 1. If you aren’t there, you don’t even understand the units or the micro required for them to work. Saying you’re winning in wood league doesn’t mean sheeeeet.

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I regret that i deleted some of my previous replays. I would show them to you. In these replays i managed to do dmg to zerg eco - snipe their 3rd, kill bunch of drones, pick 1 or 2 queens AND still they somehow manage to gain economical advantage. It’s insane how meaningless harass to zerg eco is when zerg can spam drones literally out of their s.

But of course ppl like you will say that i suck and i do not understand the game but neither do you. Even if you’re master.


Don’t know why you are so mad. Think you need to go outside instead of forcing your opinion down others throats.

What does “skill level” even have to do with this post? Aside from attempting to incite a reaction. Congrats you did, and it’s pity for you.

I spend most of my time watching E-Sports and enjoying the game when I have time to play it. Here you are are, so hostile and aggressive it’s just plain sad. Most peoples problem is they don’t have the speed to keep up with someone who is simply faster and better, then run to the forums crying cause they lose instead of analyzing their own replays to see what could have been done better on your side.

If all you want is cake then go play a mobile game. Plenty to feed you there.

Got your point, you disagree with me. Not going to blow a gasket. Peace and chill.