Zerg Has No Viable Early Game Harass

Zerg Has No Viable Early Game Harass,

Sure, zerg have linebane busts or roach timings that can kill you, but we aren’t talking about that. We are talking about worker harass.

Aside from ling runbys praying the door is open, there ain’t jack ya can do.

Baneling drops (or something) need to become available earlier.

By the time zerg has viable harass, they’ve already been harassed atleast 2 - 3 times + expo blocks.


20 char required


Nah, I earned the right not to have to listen to that L2P crap when I earned diamond in 1s.

I’m not some platinum noob you can shoosh away.

We can and will do it.

When zerg could do fast drops, that was probably the most broken period of zerg, more broken than bl infestor.Just a couple of overlords and it was instant gg.The first time I tried the strat, I killed 25 probes, and the build was awfully executed, protoss had three units and suddenly his base is overwhelmed by speedlings and his nat flooded.


Probably because zerg has the best early game defense unit.


difficult topic.
Speaking of the normal game. Hatch/gas/pool -> 3Base at~ 24-30 sup. no gas or 1 gas, to 48-60 work . Is a very ecco strong build and ignores tec.
Comparison to T/P that already use 4 gas on 2 Base. Does it make sense that they are in tec ahead ~5min T/P have almost everything enabled.
From my point of view harass = tec & army. (based on the three: ecco| army |Tec)

generally harass:
-run by: all units can do this. for zerg it’s ling because they are fast or roach for heavy roach style (burrow rarely used).
-Air: Zerg has actually only one real air harass mutas. Corruptor are more special and BL are not harass slow from my point of view. Mutas do their job but they are expensive.
-Drop: here I’d say zerg is the weakest. Because drop lords are the slowest. The only good thing about drop lords, they don’t cost sup. Zerg units are inefficient in small groups. To do damage quickly, you can only do bane drops.

maybe you have to calculate otherwise 1 medi (100/100)=8 slots ~ 4 Droplord =32 slots.

But you have to remember zerg has nydus. The problem with nydus takes a long time to get up, you have time to stop it. So it doesn’t feel like a harass. But it’s dangerous because Z is going to be able to move the entire ground amree.

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read what it’s about before you write anything.
Based on your statement you only read “harass” and missed the point with your statement.

My point still stands.

Hello. If you are saying you have no early harass, that must mean you’re claiming your army is entirely at home, including queens. If your army is entirely at home, including queens, how is it any harassment against you has any effect whatsoever except to hand you free kills? Harassment only works when the opponent is also trying to get some harassment in, which is what leaves possible openings to get harassed as well.

In any event, I’ve noticed zerg has the ability to get units to the enemy base at the 2:00 mark. 2:30 is the earliest with other races. I cringe when I see games where they have nothing at the 2:00 mark as 6 lings would then end the game (assuming followup lings are in route and still being made as well). And win or lose, that’s early game harassment.

Just food for thought. I find the tactical aspects of 1v1 of this game fascinating, although I don’t participate much at all.

always these topics with best - worst.
I find difficult. for the reason that you have to deal with the context, in my opinion.

in this example i would not talk about harass but push (chees, early aggression, semi all in). Therefore the context is important.

to your main statement. Yes you have to send out units and I want to add the more earlier the harass/push, the less def units.
150 sup → 2medi/ Marine is nothing. but if you send 53sup-> 2medi/ Marine then this is the major part of your army.

And that’s why the context is important if you play as zerg gasless then you just have ling run by in the early game.

“No Viable” he says as zerg from the beginning to now has shape the meta. Zergling runby single handedly win games, forcing Protoss to wall off like a dumb baby, placing their tech at the front just so they don’t die.


Early game

Reading past the fourth word of the thread is hard apparently.

Speedlings. One of the easiest and most effective harass units in the game.


Just ask dear, he has a lot of experience with them

You don’t understand how the race works…

Yeah, may I please have all the:

  1. economy
  2. defense
  3. map vision

Thank you. Now that I have that, I also want the build diversity as well…


Zerg does not need harrass, if zerg defends harrass, zerg is way ahead and has already won.

Also, even if the dmg of the harrass is not significant, Zerg will still be ahead.

Zerg can lead banelings into overlords and drop mineral lines, mutas.

They do if you go fast lair Mutas or something. Zerg can get mutas way faster than Terran can get BCs. They just typically don’t because playing macro is a safer way to win the game.

Zerg tend to take a super fast nat + 3rd, because it gives them an eco/production advantage, so they don’t need to do any damage early, and that delays their tech.

Harass for Zerg in the early game is threatening to run in with lings if the opponent moves out and stopping their 3rd. As long as the Zerg isn’t taking damage, while they set up their eco, they’re getting ahead, because Zerg eco grows faster than the eco of the other races.

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Zerg have Speedlings as early game harass. One of the most efficient and easy to use harass option in the game.