Thanks - yep stats confirm what we all know from our game experience - Terran is the hardest/weakest race unless & until you get to the highest tiers of GM-level play.
The reason is that it is much harder to get the most out of what the Terran race has to offer because both the macro & micro are harder and less forgiving. You need very high levels of APM to neutralize these disadvantages. They do neutralize at the higher levels and Terran units have a lot of micro potential, but unfortunately only the pros can snipe banes etc and pick up, dodge disruptor hits etc. Mere mortals take it on the chin, and if you do, terran is weak. And the game is balanced for GM level play, not gold/plat play.
On the macro side, you have a lot of APM burden the other races don’t have. You have to rally multiple workers back and forth for construction (and take them away from mining), drop mules consistently, build and switch add ons, which is expensive and slow. You also can’t accumulate larva and build a million units at once like zerg can. You have to build all your production, which is costly and slow, unlike zerg, and that also restricts which units you can build and in what number. You can’t warp in gateway units instantly, anywhere u have a pilon, like toss can. As long as zerg injects or builds macro hatcheries, if they don’t produce for a while, they can then make 30 units at once. With Terran u always have to be producing & can’t afford to ever slip up. Toss can chrono units, workers, or upgrades they forget to build or need. Toss also doesn’t have to worry about rally points for gateway units.
On the micro side, terran units are cost efficient and have a lot of micro potential, but they are brittle and easy to lose. You can’t A click terran armies in the way you can with toss armies and ling/bane/hydra/ultra style zerg. It is much harder to micro bio against zealots, disruptors and banelings than it is to deal a lot of damage A clicking. So high levels of skill are needed merely get you to a level on par with an A clicking opponent, the latter of which anyone can learn quickly.
Terran also has the hardest and most expensive scouting. Toss can get free scouting with sentry hallucinations, zerg with overseers. Late game whene Terran has a lot of scans its easy, but in the early-mid game where it matters more, terran scouting is harder and more expensive (you can’t afford scans). Reapers are expensive, require careful micro and are unreliable.
And yet scouting is also the most important for Terran due to its vulnerability in the early game, because Terran has very weak early game units & production - particularly vs toss, & also early roach pressure/baneling pressure from zerg.
So terran has the burden of scouting well early game, which is expensive and APM intensive, optimizing more complex macro, building the right units and macroing well to defend early game aggression, and then microing much better throughout the game to avoid taking big hits that kill you. Terran can avoid taking damage by turtling up and survive for a while, but you then ultimately lose the game as your econ is too weak and your opponents can kill you with carriers/brood lords if you do.
So year, it is imba for lower level players for sure. It takes a lot of skill merely to not die & offset the natural advantages the other races have.