Zealots build too fast compared to Broodwar version

BW Zealot was about 25 seconds

This game is like 11 seconds with WARP

Should be nerfed. I was playing zerg and found it retarded that the unit with the weaker race was actually not able to remax as fast as the protoss after battle…

then I looked at the time. His zealots are popping out faster than my zerglings…

Talk about blatant imbalance.

If you were going to speed up time for zealots compared to BW then you should do the same for zerg lings.

Build time for a zealot at the gateway is 27 sec. Warpgates works diffent yes you can warp in zealots and other warpgate units fast, but then there is a cooldown for zealots the cooldown is 20 seconds that means you can´t use the warp gate for the next 20 seconds. Zerg queens can inject and if you have a lot of hatchery you can build your army faster than protoss and terran so how can this be inbalance for Zerg ???

WE ALL KNOW BRO. You are not saying anything we don’t know.

The fact is the OP post here says its imbalanced that protoss can remax faster after battle than zerg.

Zerg units are weaker and the entire race is supposed to be “swarmy” yet protoss can make warp in zealots faster than a zerg can even make zerglings.

But this game is dead and this balance team is terrible.

They are out of touch and are only ruining this game.

The game was better before this balance team.

Problem cost for cost production Zerg is at best at par but being massively weaker and cost the same units.

Makes incredibly weak marines produce just as fast that why it’s impossible take advantage.

Plus’s Zerg only one has work keep the production up if not Zerg be very behind, while both races can behind a wall .

If they change larva system because 1 min just push larva out if count build time of energy.

It be better if put it on hatch and larva spawns once energy is there.

Problem is pop, warpgate cost 150 minerals

Queen hatch cost 450 that is 3 warp gates.

So every 10 seconds larva on top of Queen is 3 every 30 seconds so just say 2 larva every 10 seconds.

So every 20 seconds Zerg produces 2 larva so lings is 2 pop but Protoss produces 6 pop.

Math not exactly but close enough to see that zealots are too strong.

Why do u think they had give Terran op unit to deal with them.

This is a learn 2 play issue if you getting out macroed by Protoss

With the difference that you can also get any other unit besides zerglings, and get resources… also queen can inject. Spread creep and is great defensive unit.

Your comparing apples to oranges.

If any zerg is getting outmacroed by Protoss. He needs to race change… or uninstall the game … and im zerg

If you think zerg are underpowered, then you got another thing coming. No one race suffered a bigger nerf between HotS and Legacy then protoss did. Protoss lost one of thier big early game units in mothership core while gaining a shield battery which is only good for early game. Tell me when was the last time a Protoss won an ASL or ESL. I know you are biased because you play zerg, but zerg have been winning the most high end tournaments then any other race. To give you an example as to how big the MC was to protoss, imagine you losing the Queen, and injects instead went to a building that you must keep close to the Hatchery. That’s how big of a loss it was.

i dont find this as inblance , as that we have lurker , the all puprous GO-TO for anti infantry .

and hatch cost 400 , which is too much for what it dose , it should get a massive health buff , as it is essentially the only thing in most zerg bases .

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