"Zealot Push" Achievement Broken?

Hey I’ve recently started playing Starcraft and really enjoy completing some of the challenges that really improves your skills. I, however, have been playing Protoss as of recently, focusing on acquiring the economy achievements. I’m not able to unlock the versus “Zealot Push” achievement for some reason. I have tried in 1v1, 1vAI and custom melee warping in 5 zealots by 4:05ish. Is this achievement unacquirable or am I playing the wrong modes???

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There are a few achievements with bugs. Sometimes they aren’t granted inmediatly , sometimes they need several tries, sometimes they need a specific SC expansion (WoL, HotS, LotV). The last ones are currently unavailable, and that weights heavily upon me, since I don’t have all of those.

Hi, have u solve the problem? i have the same… tried all but nothing happen

Hi, you have to build them without warp gate research - it counts.
Just build a couple of gates and build zealots directly from them.

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I just recently started achievement hunting, for this case, the description is wrong, you need to warp 5 zealots before the 3min mark (180s). you can check, the achievement counter increments before this time and will reset after it. it’s very doable 3 gateways chrono boost the first continuously. Got it with 30s to spare. GL

P.S. same issue with the zergling rush, though i did not check the timer, i just made the 20 as soon as possible

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Still possible to get. I created a custom game and changed the timer to Normal and just created warp gates & Zealots. Works just fine.

The achievement IS bugged though - it’s based off blizzard time since the achievement was introduced before they changed the game’s timer from blizzard time to real time, so players have less time to do it than is actually listed.