So it says in the description of her prestige that mass frenzy only applies to Zagara and her summoned units but Zagara doesn’t get the attack speed increase for some reason
Zagara probably is the most problematic commander and seems to have the most issues with prestige and mastery bugs
There has been updates but non fixed these things and they’ve been there since like a month or more
Blizzard pls finish the game before abandonning it
Indeed, fix Zagara lol.
RIP another bug that has been around for…3 months!!? Jeez…
If they fix this bug, they will probably also “fix” her masteries, which will hurt Apex Predator far worse than the frenzy bug does.
Kind of hoping they don’t touch Zagara.
This. ^
They catered to the P1 fan boys who had loud squeaky voices and changed Zagara’s mastery set to benefit P1, nerfing P2, and definitely P3. Luckily it’s been bugged so P3 Zagara is really good right now.
Thats probably because literally noone plays Zagara P2 or P3. Its either P1 or P0.
By which you mean “I don’t play P2 or P3, and I assume my preferences are universal, which they are certainly not.”
By which I mean public queue.
~1300 games after the patch and saw P3 ~3 times and P2 ~ 2 times.
All the others ~75% P1 and ~25% P0.
I believe this. Key being since the patch. P1 Zagara was the fad thing to try post patch. I’ll admit it was something I looked forward to trying.
I wonder what the numbers are over the last month. I’ll admit I saw a lot of P1 play when the patch first hit but it seems more even now. I’ve actually seen more P2 play this week, which I find surprising.
0 P2 or P3 for last month. All of them I saw was during initial leveling.
Also overwhelmingly popular is Raynor P1 and Stukov P1 (P2/P3 Raynor ~5 times, P2/P3 Stukov ~3 times).
I agree that overall popularity of P1 can be explained by fact its easier to get than P2/P3, but for all other commanders split between prestiges is significantly more balanced in public queue.
In EU since September and out of 713 games I had a Zagara ally 42 times (so it is very small to make statistics, to small) and for me there were
P0: 24%
P1: 52%
P2: 12%
P3: 12%
So there is an imbalance but not as big as what you paint it. There are prestiges on the other hand I never had any ally play in those 713 games: Stukov P2 or Fenix P3.
Also quite a few I saw one or two times precisely:
Raynor P2, Swann P3, H&H p3, Stetman P3, Fenix P2. By comparison Zagara has more different prestiges being played.
Indeed, also keep in mind getting to P3 requiring p2 and p1. This means you need to at least take that 12% x 2 (from p2&3) away from that 52% for a more accurate p1 representation (which is still inflated at 28%). Overall, not that high.
I bet if people did the same stats for another commander, they’d find similarly p3 is less than p1 in general. And that’s simply and partially due to the grind system.
it is easier to get p1 then p3 so obviously more people play p1. you cant compare these directly
Its more impactful for low levels while you get matched with other low levels who’s grinding through prestiges.
But after I finished it and got back to playing on Ascension and matched regularly with Ascension allies prestiges picks became more stable.
Raynor - P1
Kerrigan - P3
Zagara - P1
Vorazun - P1/P2
Karax - almost equal split
Abathur - P2
Alarak - P3
Nova - P1/P3
Stukov - P1
Dehaka, Tychus - almost equal split
Zeratul - P3/P1
Artanis, Swann, Fenix, H&H, Stetmann, Mengsk - severely limited amount of allies encountered.
So yes, generally P1 gets first place, but for commanders that got good prestiges after it, most of players already got them and playing.
My stats are from 1st of September so I assume quite a few have already unlocked the prestige they want to play.
For most commanders P1 was more played than any other prestige (including P0) but there were exceptions.
Dehaka P1 (devouring ones making Dehaka weaker) and Abathur P1(without ultimate evolutions) were both less played than the other options. For Abathur P0 and P2 were played more and for Dehaka P0 and P3 were played more than the others.
I should also mention H&H who play P0, P1 and P2 in the same proportions or Raynor, Stukov, Nova and Kerrigan where P3 is way more played than P2 (for example Stukov P2: 3%, P3: 21% or Nova P2: 11%, P3: 28%). It is the same for Zeratul but the difference is much smaller (P2: 17%, P3: 20%)
I feel you
But what I mean is if it’s stated that Zagara gets the attack speed buff I want her to have it
That she has to have it
If she gets the fix then you have an adequate choice between attack damage mastery and energy regen mastery depending on your playstyle with P3
If for example someone doesn’t like using energy (for some reason ahah) that person can choose her attack damage which makes her destroy faces under her mass frenzy
But it’s just not possible with this bug
So there isn’t much choice
As well as mastery bug
I don’t use mass frenzy on P1 because I don’t get zagara and it’s annoying to have a mastery point wasted for literally nothing