Your Relaxation Commander

See title. Which commander you find most “relaxing” to play? Not necessary mean they’re easy, but it feels relieving, therapeutic if needed be.

I like Swann, Karax, and Stukov, because their dialogues and voices are charming to listen to, and Karax a little nerdy at that.

I don’t really listen to them nowadays, so my angle will be game play. Zagara P1 is tops b/c her shtick is just F2-A-move Zerg Katamari death ball. All you need to do is to make sure your units are constantly stocked.

Stukov P3 or Tychus P2

Probably Raynor, Kerrigan, and Artanis for me. They’re just straight forward commanders and you can already stomp with a unit comp of 2-3 units.

Artanis - no need watch for supply, just build army
Tychus - no need to explain why - not even need of building army

I play them when I am too tired to think.

In some maps, you only need 2 units, 1 in defense (with turrets for detection), and 1 for offense, with medivac platforms for healing.
Now that’s easy army management.

Dehaka may work too, doesn’t really feel like his army or himself are dying at a certain point of skill compared to other commanders where you still have to really watch out for mistakes.

Stukov P3 is not relaxing in the beginning, but once you have enough bunkers, it becomes so. But whether it’s acceptable or not is another matter.

Hm, also Dehaka/Abathur, to spam Swarmhost. Unless there’s heavy air this tend to be auto-win.

I know this might be a weird one, but I’ve played so much Swann that I just feel super comfy with him. Especially with P1 where cheap floating factories gives me vision everywhere I need so that the only thing I have to micro at that point is a laser while I build up any comp I want back at base.

Nova or Zeratul. Nova both of them nearly completely ignore Macro meaning I can just field troops without worry.

That’s how I feel about Karax. He’s a bit high maintenance in where you need to keep up with certain, key upgrades. You can’t F2-A-move b/c you’d like for his units to live longer, and SoA lasers do require you to aim and anticipate where enemies will move to, and lead targets. But I’ve become familiar enough with him, along with map knowledge to know where to put towers to best effect, without going broke since you can only put up so many of them (concentrating them means leaving other areas exposed, but spreading them out runs a higher risk of them being overrun).