You can be Diam league with bronze skill with Toss!

Then why you opened Up a thread asking how to counter Tempests ? Why were you reluctant to believe me that Vikings are good vs Tempests?

Said the Guy who insults a whole Race by saying a Bronze Player can be Diamond whilst Not even being Diamond with protoss :smiley:

Your nephest Page of mindspirit says otherwise. If you have another Account then Post it please.

Ah yes Sure. The Guy who replies within Seconds on bnet and opens Up dozens of Threads how His teammates sucks in 2v2 or how protoss is completly unfair is saying He doesnt have the time to Play sc2. Sure.

Again: If you think protoss is that easy, then at least prove your Point that you can get Diamond right now with No effort. Thats What your thread is about.

With no word in your initial topic you said its exclusively about cheese or cannon rush. These were all general statements:

More importantly you actually call out:

If you said: Not every protoss is like that but most of the cannon rushers have 0 skill, i would agree.

And since you are known for having 0 respect for protoss players and because of the post is not about cheesers per se i thought you meant ALL protoss.

Only in your second post you said something about cannon rushing:

As a protoss i HATE cannon rushers since cannon rush is strongest vs protoss and is completly lame. So i agree with you there.

However there are a lot of players from all races who just abuse certain all ins or cheeses.

Just yesterday i faced a 4,2k zerg (didnt take him serious because its an old account and i didnt know which mmr i would face) who didnt scout with his initial overlord, then built 2 overlords at the same time, sending them to the same rally point, built an early pool without lings and with gas. Everything i saw didnt make any sense. I thought he was like maybe 3k or something. Turns out he just bane busted. But threw every bane vs my stalker when i had a shield bat behind it. My stalker barely took any damage. Instaleave, no gg :smiley: i was so surprised when i saw 4.2k mmr.

That happens when you are addicted to all ins and cheese. You will have almost 0 clue about the game. But again, every race has those players and i really really really dont like them. But thats part of the game.

How the hell are you playing against silver or gold??? Then you are Smurf!!!

Please use the full Quote:

Was too lazy to write: I play at masters but taking breaks i also play mid diamond to high diamond and obviously masters, also depending on the race i play and i also watch a lot of matches at various levels of play such as silver to gold and mid diamond and obviously masters.

Happy now?

You are pathetic :smiley:

Mostly but not only.

Haha. Easy. Interceptor priority change. It was even in the patchnotes that its rather about lower level of play :slight_smile:

Oh yes. When im playing actively, which i btw dont do i am supposed to be at my highest level of play i ever achieved at my offrace? Sure :smiley: Jesus. You really try to trap me into some corner so you can feel superior?

Ofc im gonna drop if i didnt play terran for like a year or so. Its not my main. Ofc i drop even with my main.

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Got proven wrong and still cries. LOL.


Ok. Anyway. Was funny to talk to the weird kid today, but my office hours are done.

gl & hf!

Remember to l2p vs cannon rush and that every race has something braindead do abuse.

Why am I not in diamond with gold skill :frowning:

lol, sure. Zerg can cheese to diamond. lmfao – good luck with that. Maybe after 1000s of games

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