Ya'll ready for my PiG inspired GM crusher TvZ build?

It’s a significant refinement to my Reaper Hellion cheese and now the build functions mostly as a series of decent skill checks.

I’ll provide replays but it now starts off with 2 rax reaper, moves into 1 factory with a reactor and then an armory (for Hellbats) with +1 ship weapons and then a Starport for BC production.

So essentially how the game plays out is

2 rax reaper
reaper hellion
reaper hellbat
BC harass
BC Hellbat (and maybe Reaper if any are left) frontal push

This is all done on 1 base, which is where the PiG inspiration comes from, he constantly goes off about bad 5300 MMR GM Terrans who go 111 every game and basically a move but win because the allin is so bad that nobody believes they’d do it.

Additionally, you can turn it into a 2 base build and all it costs you is faster BC production and instead allows double Starport BC production 60-90 seconds later than normal. For giggles, I like making the nat into a PF though. Because Florencio is a national treasure and that’s my homage to such a magnificent man.


This is on my smurfing NA account.

I was inspired by that as well. Ive been over complicating terran for years. When 111…1 base all in its to gm

Pretty much. I mean why bother doing macro when Terran has such absurd allins and if you’re efficient insane production can get you a 2 base army on 1 base economy, depending on the composition.

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you can do anything you want in TvZ on this patch.


This build doesn’t rely on abusing Zerg nerfs. It’s actually very slightly weaker due to the BC nerf than last patch. And by very slightly, I mean only weaker if you don’t warp your BCs out fast enough.

Give such builds vs terran/protoss… I think rushing zerg is one of the most common things in sc2 due to their (them zergs) very potential macro cheese.

Even though some don’t consider it “normal” - that’s all individual imo…


Not meaning anything bad though. Good job on your build!

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I just cheese or allin Protoss every game. I’m not good enough to layer Ghosts and all that fun stuff to screw Protoss over in the mid game.

TvT for me almost always turns into a 60+ minute game of BC Thor with mass PFs and hundreds of Turrets. There’s no real build order. It’s just scout, don’t die and starve them out because attacking into tank lines loses games.

내ㅕㅜSounds good

Who is good enough for layering ghosts? Yea please give.

Why do macro when terran is at a severe disadvantage. But that’s neither here nor there

I would say there is no way a 1 base build could get to gm, but we are talking about terran so… if that’s true they really need to reign in terran. There’s no freaking way making a single bc and clicking it across the map should be this powerful.

Oh, you warp it across. You just killed a ton of queens and you know where the spores are.

Anyhow I’m farming more tears for everyone’s viewing pleasures! Still undefeated with this build vs Z!

Well, that’s part of it. The other part is when your allins are crazy strong and you can layer+snowball them why macro at all? At least on ladder. In a BOX who knows, maybe someone would develop a super specific strategy to counter it. But so far this thing is absurd!

Based on 2 rax Reaper expand but screw the expand (or don’t), keep reapers alive, so account for speed finishing with lings, add a factory with a reactor for a more badass version of Innovation’s Reaper Hellion. Then it transitions into a KR GM Hellbat Reaper allin…not sure who made that one…and then goes into +1 BC production on 1 Starport, or 2 if you have your nat in the 2 base variant. Warp them across since you know where the spores are and the queens should be dead hurt or super out of position, get damage, manage the front with hellbat reaper, using Reapers to snipe queens and bounce units around or retreat and go for a frontal assault with a buttload of Hellbats and 2-4 BCs after your 1st 1-2 BCs harass, retreat and are repaired.

The 2 base variant can also transition and both are capable of adapting in case of weird crap or outright overwhelming it.

It’s aggressive, hits hard and can snowball even the smallest mistake from the zerg into a gg. It’s also hard to scout since it has a weird seamless transition between multiple builds. Oh Innovation Reaper Hellion, he expanded. Im good. Nope its a Reaper Hellbat KR GM allin now! Assuming you don’t bleed critically from the 2 rax reaper. The rest is just uncharted territory, all me. But it’s a fast BC timing with +1 attk.

Wow… All ining every game
Must be fun

It is! This hit is bananas. B A N A N A S.