I was under the impression that co-op was a non competitive 2vAI scene. So why is this hero Zeratul being nerfed into the ground like your monthly Overwatch patch notes?
I definitely never would have touched him or bothered to buy him if I knew you would go as far as doubling, even tripling some unit stat nerfs on him. It’s like an episode of Anthem over here, show them a shiny objective, ones they buy and play with it, nerf it into the ground and show another shiny object. It is a really frowned upon business model you got going on there.
Did we somehow shift outside of the AI scene and I did not get a memo on it? Regardless it doesn’t make sense to severely nerf every single unit and structure down into the ground. For example:
- The Xel’Naga Ambusher’s Vengeance of the Void now deals 50% of the Ambusher’s weapon damage, down from 200%.
4x the damage decrease? I thought peoples only problems with Zeratul were his cannons and calldowns, those I can live with, but going after EVERY, SINGLE, UNIT? Really?
- The Xel’Naga Shieldguard’s Reflection Shield cooldown increased from 60 seconds to 180 seconds.
Even the poor little Shieldguard’s? 3x the cooldown increase? You couldn’t even, idk, leave 1 unit viable?
I get your “team” at Blizzard is trying to “listen to the community”. But did it ever occur to you that you are listening to the non Zeratul players? Of course they’re going to have a huge problem with how “supposedly” their own ally next to them is performing in an “A.I. match”.
They certainly didn’t bother buying him so why are you listening to them?
What’s left for those who bought Zeratul? You completely destroyed him now from any and all sides now. I’m sure everyone who bought Zeratul wants a refund now cause this is not the hero we were introduced to or promised.
You should leave a sign somewhere for future commander purchases that says: “WARNING: Commanders are subject to complete and utter changes at any point down the line. Purchase at your own risk.”
Seriously, get your act together Blizzard.