Will there be an "Art of Legacy of the Void" book?

I have been waiting for news of it patiently, but I cannot find not even a peep. :frowning: Does anybody have any info whether or not an artbook is coming? I could kill for one, not gonna lie, I’m a big protoss fan and I enjoyed the story greatly too! I would love to see behind-the-scenes and concept art of the final expansion.
Or is there a more official channel I can ask such questions?

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Not a full one. For the Legacy of the Void Collector’s Edition they included the “Veteran’s Edition” of the StarCraft Field Manual which added several pages of LotV concept art.

The Cinematic Art of StarCraft book also includes some LotV concept art alongside all the cinematics stuff.

Oh man…
Thank you so much for the info. I do have the Cinematic Art book, thankfully, but I haven’t heard of the Veteran Edition Field Manual, I guess I will look into that one. I only have the Infantry Edition of that book.
Do you think there is hope for a full book one day? I understand the former dev team has greatly diminished, and we genuinely have no idea when the next entry will come and in what form. But surely, putting together an artbook is not dependant on that, outside of asking for credits and permission to feature art, I guess!
Or is there an official channel where we can respectfully lobby for one? :smiley: The Firtsborn of the Xel’naga deserves their own book, much like the other two races did, and not just piggy-back off other entries.

The Veteran Edition of the Field Manual was only included with the Legacy of the Void Collector’s Edition just like that was how the WoL and HotS art books were released. But, like with them, it should be possible to buy it second-hand by itself.

Blizzard hasn’t released many StarCraft-related items over the last year. There were replicas of the Brood Lord done by Dark Horse Direct and after that all they did was a t-shirt at BlizzCon with a picture of a “Zerg Rush” energy drink. There are still four PocketStar and WildStorm books that haven’t been reprinted under the Blizzard Legends brand and it doesn’t look like they’ll be coming out. Blizzard also hasn’t been responsive to third parties asking to do StarCraft products since Carbot released the last of their plushies.

I don’t think there will be any new(or even reprinted) StarCraft books anytime soon. And I doubt something specific to Legacy of the Void art would be a priority if they do get around to it. I’d like to see one and I’m especially interested in post-release concept art for things like Nova Covert Ops, Co-op Commanders, and War Chests. But I’m not going to hold my breath.

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Does anyone here know if the Starcraft novels are any good? I’m looking for new books to pick up and was thinking of buying them.

The comics and novels are from a lot of different authors, most of whom focus on writing for existing properties. Naturally, there are some that are a lot better than others and not everything fits properly into the other lore. The Dark Templar Saga is a pretty good place to start. Heaven’s Devils, Evolution, and Nova are also really good. The worst is almost unanimously agreed to be Shadow of the Xel’Naga.

I don’t know how much of a protoss fan you are, but I also can only recommend the Dark Templar Saga! That’s a trilogy of books and it is probably the most in-depth dive into protoss culture and biology in general, it’s really fascinating! :smiley: The basic premise is that a terran scientists accidentally gets a protoss Preserver’s (a type of chronicler, basically) mind/soul stuck in his brain, and insanity ensues. It’s exciting, interesting, and an overall fun time!
I also read Devil’s Due, that was great too :slight_smile: It is about Jim Raynor’s and Tychus Findlay’s friendship in the old days waaaay before any of the Starcraft campaigns.