Will sc 3 be released?

Hello Blizzard. I know that SC 2 development has stopped. But I don’t know why. Anyway, will SC 3 be released? If so, when? It is more or less known when this will be released, but is this video original and yours: " https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_qnzJl8pdRM " I would be very happy if this video is original. Because I’m waiting for SC 3 to come out. It’s a good game in SC 2, but SC 3 would be better. Please reply to me as soon as possible.


Everyone involved with StarCraft 1 and 2 has left Blizzard aside from some of the writers and artists. The budget and team sizes were already very low as shareholders were pushing them to release new titles and RTS games didn’t fit the business models they were looking at. It was very clear that a new RTS game wouldn’t get approved to go ahead so the remaining developers either joined other studios or created their own new ones. So SC2 and SCR went into maintenance mode with both relying heavily on esports organizers and community members for any changes they made going forward.

Regarding StarCraft 3, former Blizzard president Mike Ybarra went on record late last year to say that they don’t have anyone who specialized in RTS and left the company last month. At best Blizzard could make a spin-off into a different genre, which has been tried before but always canceled. No official announcements or videos have ever been made for SC3.

Microsoft does have a studio called World’s Edge which has been working on the Age of Empires RTS series. This has mostly involved new editions of previous titles although they did collaborate with Relic Games when they made AoE4. It’s possible that they might get involve with StarCraft at some point but there were no projects in development when Microsoft acquired Blizzard as they weren’t sure when they would get through the regulatory challenges.

Maybe SC3 will be released someday, but it definitely won’t be anytime in the near future and it’s just about guaranteed that it’s not in development right now.


Dude really, you were already told no several times, just like how you keep asking for improvements to the game, there is no development. you really are a thick headed fool.

Haha still wishful thinking but let me give you a hand. This is concept, could have at least specified who are we seeing in it, clearly not Zeratul he ded.

I bought this book Nature of the beast that allegedly is the only story continue after Nova campaign. So maybe in this video I was seeing an Ihan rii protoss (though it looked like not them). Next story should continue from that book on ward

but since in this book (warning - spoiler) even the evil merc Spectre/Shadow Ops get reformed into good with a vacation on Aiur… then what is really left ? I don’t think a SC3 will be anywhere before another 3-4 years to even release such revealer that such thing will be made, let alone to expect a game anywhere before 5+ years from now.

All I know is that I had to be the one to buy the last Wings of Liberty collector’s edition that Amazon had.

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You help me a lot. That’s why I thank you. If you want, we can be friends in SC 2. I will give my full name. Also, SC 3 may come out, but do you think it will take long?

A lot has changed since 2018, but at the SC Summit at Blizzcon 18, Bliz overly stated that there was no current or future plan to make a SC3. Then, ~2 years later, everyone involved in the Starcraft franchise was laid off/quit Blizzard. So there’s currently no one left to work on it. But again, a lot has changed so nothing is for certain. But as of right now, there’s no credible indication that SC3 is going to happen.

Will SC 3, which I’ve been waiting for for years, not be released? :c Even if it is not released, there will be no update for SC 2. Because your employees are leaving. I understand you. I wish you’d said this before.

As for SC2 being out of development, I and several others have said so before, many times.

As for SC3, I’m just going off what Bliz said in 2018, and the lack of anything to the contrary since then. But again, a lot has changed since 2018. Even if it was going to be made, I doubt Bliz would reveal/talk about it outside of Blizzcon.

If StarCraft 3 were to release, they can’t be any further than throwing some pitches for it around right now. If that is the case it would likely be at least four years after a team starts on it before Blizzard even confirmed that it’s in development and actually releasing would take a couple years after that. And big games are becoming even more bloated with how much content they’re expected to have these days.

As far as work being done on StarCraft II or StarCraft Remastered beyond the balance patches and new map pools, it would have to be done by World’s Edge or studios outside of Blizzard or Xbox Gaming since Blizzard is lacking in RTS developers. World’s Edge is continuing to develop “Definitive Editions” of Age of Empires games and I could picture them eventually doing something similar with the two existing StarCraft titles. Also, Microsoft might want to put the StarCraft games on the Windows Live subscription service which could encourage some more significant updates.

According to reports, there are people at Microsoft who want to do something with StarCraft. But anything they might have in mind can’t have started before the acquisition late last year and game development takes a very long time. On top of that, the gaming industry is in the midst of massive layoffs, cuts, and cancelations with Microsoft very much included. So anyone anxious for more StarCraft in their lives would find more benefit looking through the existing game content for both games, including the old Brood War Map of the Week entries on the classic website or reading through some of the books and comics.

They ruined a great game, man!!! But let me tell you this, I don’t need this vote, we don’t need your vote anymore! Are we left to you!

I don’t understand that response. StarCraft 1 and 2 still seem like pretty great games to me. What votes are we talking about?

I dont wan’t sc3. Sc2 mapsters could deliver so much more content if we could at least get passed the numerous amount of bugs of the editor. I’d call it better than any sc3.