Why zerg is under powered

This game gave zerg the short end of the stick that is for sure.

Zerg makes a mistake and its game over all the time. Even looking at pro level not that , that is important really but its obvious there when you see the terran swarming zerg until he gets a widow mine that lands a hit on a clump… well thats game over for the zerg,…

how about if a zerg drones too much or too little… then its also an immediate game over…

you dont see the same thing happen to terran for example when they lose 40 scvs… nope they still in the game with their free workers mules… that for some reason have not been balanced… (a simple way to balance this unit would be to make it have a cooldown and a limit of 1 per OC at max this way terran cannot save up 4 mules and this will punish them for playing bad).

Zerg gets punished if they do not inject on time we literally lose our larva and we cannot simply inject 4 times like a terran can simply droop 4 mules.
If a zerg injects 4 times he will have to wair for the MANY egggs to hatch and spawn again and hatch again … 4 times… nothing compared to EZ MODE Terran who simply gets to save up his energy and drop 4 mules… AS IF HE DIDNT PLAY BAD.

When terran loses army or even gets caught out of position he has many things he can do to make up for his mistake. they always have a good defense back at home preventing them from being punished after being outplayed.

Battlecruisers… not only does zerg not have any good answers to this unit … but when zerg does play so much better than the terran and catches them guess what… the Battecruiser can simlpy teleport to safety…PREVENTING THEM FROM BEING PUNISHED FOR PLAYING BAD.

I could go on all day but it is astonishing how terrans can be so bad at the game and continue to play at higher levels because the race carries them.

But bottom line

Either make the other 2 races as punishing as zerg is or make zerg less punishing so its as EZ as Terran.

You could easily revert some of the horirbly stupid nerfs you made in the past.

One such nerf was a nerf to the queens inject… it used to spawn 4 larva now its 3…

That hurt zergs ability to eco and make units to defend. I would suggest reverting that.

I would also suggest making corruptors better so they can counter battlecruisers.
You know if terran is going battlecruisers and they also have mass marines or widow mines… that zerg has lost before the fight started.

Widow mines… OMFG this thing counters everything… why? What was the balance team smoking when they let this out of beta in this condition?

Widow mines can destroy swarms of units with ZERO EFFORT FROM TERRAN. It does it automatically.
Its a mine… but it can simply RELOAD AND DO IT AGAIN? it SHOULD DIE AFTER USE MAY BE YOU KNOW if its going to be so strong.

But honestly you need to fix this widow mine it alone ruins the whole TvZ match.

The game can be fun and enjoyable and even back and forth UNTIL I SEE A TERRAN WHO KNOWS HOW BROKEN THIS IS and SPAMS IT WITH WHAT EVER ARMY HE WANTS.

LINGS, BANES AND MUTAS… THEY ARE ALL COUNTERED BY THE WIDOW MINE… and terran also has MARINES and bio, tanks, planetary, how about thors and battlecruisers…



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I guess someone lost to widow mines and needed to cry.


Zerg is supposed to be the hard race. That’s why it’s in the game. If you want a newb experience, pick protoss or terran. If you play either protoss or terran and you start to feel sleepy, it’s because you belong with the zerg cabal. The other two are just too simple to play and this makes them boring to anyone with a fast mind which makes you tired. So if you start feeling tired while playing SC2, consider switching to zerg.


Why is Z underpowered/ looks at IEM finals.


Cherry pick much?
Statistics show Terran has dominated since the release of SC2 overall.

Also in my opinion looking at pro level replays is not the way you balance a game.

Look at my example here since you are a terran most likely.

Eg: Pro terran players can spit marines amazingly but the player base should all not be expected to split (while running from banes) in order to win the fight. But at least terran has ample solutions at their disposal so they do not need to split like Maru. Tanks, widow mines and you have marauders , thors, and you can easily pick up in medvacs.

Ok so there is my olive branch because I can easily put myself in other peoples shoes. All I ask is that other people do the same.

Widow mines ruin the TvZ game. Terran does not have to work for anything they just wait for a widow mine to connect. They are cheap and are easily mass produced.

Zerg has to work twice as hard as terran to get the same results.

Terrran:Gets free scans to see what ever , when ever.
Zerg:Gets… overlods which are easily countered by marines the tier 1 unit terran starts with…

Scans are ridiculous I personally don’t think scans should reveal burrowed units. May be if it only gave them a visual but no did not detect burowed units.

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nope, teran hasnt been dominating so stop lying
every tournement zerg has won it
terran hasnt have to work for anything LOL what? you are so stupid omg, terran players work harder then any race in sc2 and in broodwar. wonder mines ruin tvz? no they dont. you are bad at the game so stop lying and crying. ill smash ya with zerg against your terran as a terran player

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terran players dont so stop lying and crying

zerg been winning every tournement

you cherry pick ya noob, every WCS is won by zerg

zerg lose everything so they lose? no they dont

you are full of crap

Mines are a bit cheap yes they are one of the problematic units but you say this if you just A move through mines.

What do you think players have to deal with against banes? Do you think they play just to siege and wait you to attack. The same can happen vs banes when the terran is moving.

Also what games are you playing that someone needs so many mines? Old ling muta? Most zergs go to eithe the broods ultras roaches (uh sorry now lurkers) but dont just have to deal with a bunch of mines.

Sure thing, with crappy and slow Raven all we need is to not be able to scan invisible especially that is such a major part of TvP but even TvZ with lurkers. But Ok you mean ‘burrowed’ well that is all Z has though, they dont have Cloak

I would compare scan to the creep tumors because eventually Scan still requires a bit of SENSE where you will scan and I cannot always expect to scan his army (unless staying at the base all game). But as soon as you enter the Zerg territory they see everything, less vision?

These scans become a lot with more bases. Which is part of the Z to take care of. Same way I cant complain if Z overwhelms because I let him live on 7 expands all game

Lol living under a rock ? 2018+ until recent 1-2 years when Terran started winning more equally. You all just say Maru won this maru won that but that is skill every single Playoff was full of Zergs. I watch race representation not the one person that can win because he’s just so good to overcome some balance too. But if people played to overcome balance instead of fixing it when needed there would be no balance at all.

But now even though this IEM is full of Z the overall recent years are better for terran than 2018-20

And to get back to the point, yes this is just 1 tourney but it doesnt suggest ‘Zerg are UP disappeared from finals’

All you Terran fans are full of $#€! Zerg is supper nerfed and I agree 100 percent with the initial post.

I would like to add the following
Battle cruisers - can attack both air and ground units, can teleport, and can be repaired, but that’s not enough, they had to make so it can also attack while on moving!! REALLY!

Let’s talk about the cyclone, another Terran unit that is faster that any Zerg unit, can attack both air and ground units, outrange all Zerg units and can attack while moving! AWESOME

Guess how many units Zerg has that can attack both air and ground while on the move? If you guessed zero you are correct.

I don’t care about the pros, not every one can spend every day all day playing, so for us mere mortals that play a couple of games a day it’s been really rough. Zerg certainly has the short end of the stick.

Problem is all stuff that was so called balanced was nerf individual players winning tournaments.

Blizzard made more money off Terran viewers then Zerg.

There two ways that should been fixed in beta the goal is nerf or buff each race equal.

The balance is make nerf Terran or buff Zerg and Protoss economy same as Terran.