So the whining never ends and has almost no logic. The GM argument doesn’t hold ground. If you look at what is actually happening you see a very different story.
Most recent data from Aligulac as of 13 Jan 2021:
Puts Protoss winrates as lagging 6% behind the other races and Zerg ahead by 8%
3 of the top 10 players are Protoss with Showtime moving up recently in the standings (congrats Showtime) which shows balance is pretty close. 30% are Protoss.
Similarly 14 of the top 40 players are Protoss meaning 35% of players are Protoss, an almost perfect split considering it’s a game with 3 races. with 5 of these 14 in ranked 33rd-36th.
39 of the top 100 players are Protoss, meaning 39% of the best players in the world are Protoss, making them slightly ahead demographically at this level, but distributed more heavily towards the bottom compared to the other two. So slightly more people are playing Protoss here, but most of them don’t win much of anything.
81 of the top 200 players are Protoss, making 40.5% of the top players in the world are players of the race. We see Protoss representation pulling more ahead here, but it is very noteworthy that again, Protoss is much more heavily distributed towards the BOTTOM of the ranks vs. the top. Unlike at the top level of the game, where you see an almost even 1/3rd share of victories.
120 of the top 300 players are Protoss holding their demographic share steady here at 40% as they were in the top 200, once again, more players showing up at the bottom of the ranks than at the more hyper-competative top level of Serral, Raynor, TY, Trap, Stats, etc.
So as we can see stretching out into the top 300 players in the world, though Protoss is the more popular race to play for whatever reason that might be: it is not leading in wins, and is not overrepresented at the top level, and is not dominating the tournament scene as one would expect were the race actually “OP” as salty Terrans like to cry.
In fact if you look at the stats on the match ups you see that Protoss wins 51.32% of the time against Terran and 49.8% vs. zerg making the three win rates about as balance for Protoss as you could possibly want.
If we go a step farther and look at the leading and lagging trends over time we see that Protoss has been lagging in win rates by 6 to as much as 12% consistantly since July 2015.
So what does this mean? Protoss isn’t OP, and in fact has been UNDERPOWERED for half the life of the game.