Why people quit 4 vs 4 at start

If I see several bronze player on my ally list and several platinum/gold players on enemy team of course I am going to instantly quit, as I know it’s an automatic loss.

Could be many reasons.

  1. Meant to go offline, but forget they qued for a game.
  2. They got a position on the map that is unfavorable.
  3. Parent kicked them off.
  4. Accidently qued for something else.
  5. Smurfing.
  6. They join then realize they weren’t in the mood for a game now.
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I think he’s justifying why he quits 4v4

In any case, this is why I try to pick up as many premade allies as possible…

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Could be also leaving and hoping your allies will win the game so you will get free wins when you are not even playing the games, years ago people at 2v and 3v did that, queing a lot of games and leaving them, sometimes the allies continued playing and eventually the leaver got enough wins to gain achievements.

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The league displayed in teamgames isn’t your 1v1 one, but your team one (whether it’s RT or FT). And there are bugs in the leagues promotions currently. So you could play someone with a master rank who is in fact an 1v1 bronze player, and an bronze player which is in reality an 1v1 platinum or higher. Even letting smurfs aside.

So your current ways don’t really make sense. If you want to win, just play in fixed teams. :slightly_smiling_face:

Only if you stay for 2:31.

Team rankings mean very little and if you’re a little better than the opponents and get a bit lucky you can carry real hard against people in the metal leagues.

Right, a lot of times a master’s guy will be playing unranked on your team with you. So don’t leave just by judging the loading screen.

Because it’s almost Call Of Duty at this point. Depending where you spawn you might die in the first 30 seconds. The amount of cheeses possible in this game right now is ridiculous and even more so on a map that will have 8 players. A lot of people just auto GG. But team games also have a LOT of bots so a lot of times a bot player will randomly quit. You can tell if it’s a bot account by looking at their profile afterwards.

If you get a bot that leaves, then you’re simply not spending money correctly. Work on your resource spending. You can spam enough units with the extra money to win if you know how to macro.

Those bots a configured not to leave until a certain amount of time (like 2 minutes), precisely to prevent the resources to be shared too early with the other players I think. :thinking:

They have to stay until 2:31. If they are portrait farming. One of my friends wrote a program for a bot. In teams and 1v1. In teams, the bot will leave at a set time. In order to get credit towards the achievements/portraits if the team does win.

If you’re doing it manually, you can really focus on economy for 2 and a half minutes, and warn your team so they know why you are leaving. Just say use my money.

You should get one expo up and make sure you get both your gases going for the team.

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Can you explain this pls? I dont know what is it for. Thnx a lot

no its not an automatic loss youre just too bad to win the game

If someone leaves, you get to use their money. You can still win, but you must know how to spend the extra resources correctly.

Okay but what is this 2:31 time counter? Never know about that. :open_mouth: interresting

You can still get the MMR but if you don’t stay at least that long, the win won’t count towards the achievements/portraits.

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