Why it's a waste of time to play vs protoss, illustrated

I showed him the tournament results and he kept going on about the central limit theorem and the base rate fallacy. It only lasted 20 minutes before I got bored and wanted to play more SC2.

This is a pernicious misrepresentation of balance because all players make mistakes. If you are claiming that you have to play perfectly in order for balance to be relevant, then you are claiming balance is never relevant ā€“ you are saying balance doesnā€™t exist.

Balance, when properly defined, logically/mathematically, is equal winrate for equal skill/effort. If you analyze game data you will find that Protoss does not meet that standard. In GM, Protoss have ~300 mmr advantage in PvZ aka a 70/30% split in winrates. In the pro scene, they have ~60 elo advantage aka a 60/40% win-rate split. In the pro scene, a reduction from 50% ā†’ 40% reduces your probability of making it from the round of 32 ā†’ round 4 by a factor of ~5x. Itā€™s just a fact of reality that balance favors Protoss and that this gives Protoss competitors a HUGE advantage in tournaments. Thereā€™s a reason why they win twice as many ESL cups as Zerg does.

The only way this issue goes away is if the game is rebalanced on an equal win-rate for equal skill/effort basis. Until that happens, I will continue to highlight the failures of the balance counsel.

Showing how easy it is to dunk on grandmaster terrans or zergs with meme builds. By contrast, beating protoss with real builds is basically impossible on an equal skill / equal effort basis.

Grandmaster. Top 50 in rank. If you selected 2,000 players at random, the most skilled one that group would be me. You gonna try to flex on me? Think again bud.

The first thing you have to realize about SC2 is that the reason you are frustrated by it is because itā€™s an incredibly easy game. Once you realize this, you craft a plan to make the game 100x harder. You swear an oath to never watch replays, to use only randomized build orders, to use absurd unit compositions & to win using unconventional win cons. For example, the restriction I gave my top 50 account is that I can NEVER take a third base & I must win by burrowing swarm hosts in their main. Yes, I am beating high ranked grandmasters with these strategies. SC2 is just too easy for guys like me. Gotta play the game on hard mode or winning is so flipping easy that the game is practically a sleeping aid.

Do you know how flipping hard it is to beat mutalisk-apes with only swarm hosts? I got high ranked GM streamers with their jaw on the floor because the things I do are so flipping impossible.

Toss abusers on the other hand pick the strongest race, abuse the strongest and lowest skill strategies to ever exist, and are still hard capped at 4800 mmr lmao. Those clowns and I couldnā€™t be more different. They gotta cheat to win, I gotta cheat to lose. If they discovered a second army hotkey, a 4800 toss would win the next esports world cup, and I am not joking on that matter at all. You got top protoss players with 1 army hotkey making it deep in tournaments. The moment they discover they can use 2 hotkeys they will literally never lose another game ever.

Beating mutalisk-apes in grandmaster requires 6 army hotkeys. 1 lings, 2 vipers, 3 nydus, 4 queens, 6 secondary ling hotkey, 7 mutalisks. You think a one hotkey f2 abuser is gonna do that? :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy:

Iā€™ll just have to put it into a video and post it on reddit. Might even launch a website with an interactive app that allows you to manipulate balance parameters and see how it changes Elo rankings and various Elo ranking charts. It will be blatantly obvious that Protoss is OP if they have a visual aid to understand whatā€™s happening in the charts.

How does ā€œIs the SC2 balance counsel filled with CHEATERS?ā€ sound for the video title? That outta get their attention lmao. The website could be called ā€œFactCheckingTheBalanceCounsel.comā€. Maybe I will make a desktop app that uses the bnet api to give live balance data and grade it from ā€œAā€ to ā€œFā€ like weā€™re back in the third grade. Balance counselā€™s about to get a big fat ā€œFā€ on PvT and a ā€œD-ā€ on PvZ. Iā€™d estimate TvZ to be a ā€œBā€ or maybe a ā€œB+ā€.

This is why oligarchies donā€™t work by the way. The average joe schmoe could do a better job balancing SC2 than some high ranked European grandmaster. Really itā€™s fascinating to see how the elite members of a society have a totally biased world view that makes their takes on reality sound like gibberish. They were born on 3rd base, landed on 2nd base, and thought they hit a home run. They click faster than the gold league players but ironically donā€™t understand the game at all because clicking fast is all you need to be a high ranked EU gm.

They do these long videos explaining how they won this game and that game and how smart they are because they are so high ranked at a video game. Except they overlook that you can spam literally any build order at any level and make it work as long as you click fast. So really they are just apm spammers concocting wild stories to justify the grand illusion of their own self importance. But the moment you ask them to read a graph their brain implodes. Make that one make sense, please. :man_facepalming: :rofl:

Frankly itā€™s the same exact mechanism at play in the USA with regards to the FDA and USDA and CDC. They wanted to help the poor people with their dental cavities so they poured fluoride into the water ā€“ oops, fluoride is a neurotoxin that knocks a whopping 5iq points off the children who drink it. They want to stop food poisoning, so they mandate that you gotta bake milk in an oven before you drink it, proceeding to chemically transform it into a totally different substance than the thing our ancestors drank for hundreds of years & are biologically dependent on in order to be healthy. They wanted to reduce chronic pain and so they made opiates, proceeding to kill hundreds of thousands of people in drug addictions. Thereā€™s many more examples. These kinds of systems simply donā€™t work. They are counter productive. They arenā€™t just useless, they are actively making things worse. In fact it would be better if they did nothing at all or threw a dart at a board to make their decisions. One of the fun things that Trump will (likely) be looking at doing, should he be elected, is to reduce the FDA/CDC/USDA to labeling agencies. The only thing they will be able to do is make sure the label accurately informs the consumers of whatā€™s inside the product they are consuming. Thatā€™s it. ā€œHereā€™s the information, make your own decisions.ā€ Might even put a QR code on it that you can scan with your phone and pull open scientific data about it. Man, wouldnā€™t that be nice.

But to give credit where credit is due, they did do a nice job on the map pool, so props to whoever was in charge of that. Near perfection. :pinched_fingers:

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yeah conversation sure seems pointless with you

5 yo are better because they donā€™t know how to lie

then again, based on the other posts, neither do you

Mad cuz bad at debating, and balancing. I lied? Where is the lie. There is no lie. Only data and opinion. The data is objective, easily verified from third party sources, the opinion is subjective & isnā€™t subjected to fact checks. I do happen to think SC2 is a very easy video game. Thatā€™s my personal opinion. On the matters of objective reality, things that can be defined via measurement, such as game balance, I believe protoss is favored because thatā€™s crystal clear in the data.

I suspect you think I am lying about being a top 50 gm, but I am a top 50 gm. I am actually even higher than that. Top 50 is what I achieve with meme builds on a barcode account. The problem is that you have a very narrow world view that biases your game understanding in a way that makes it implausible for you to imagine me as a grandmaster. The things I say make no sense within the confines of your world view. And thatā€™s the point I am making. European Grandmasters approach sc2 from the perspective of getting to an attack timing as fast as possible and spamming as much apm as necessary to get there. Thatā€™s their entire understanding of SC2 in a nutshell. SC2 is much bigger and broader than the apm spammers in the pro scene, and these people have no clue how it works outside of their bubble. Their bubble is very small and their understanding of the game is very narrow.

Itā€™s roughly equivalent to Marie Antoinette telling starving french peasants to just eat cake if they are hungry. She simply doesnā€™t understand why starvation happens because her bubble is too small. Thatā€™s the balance counsel right now. ā€œHow can protoss be overpowered ā€“ serral keeps beating it!ā€ vs ā€œHow can people be starving - why canā€™t they just eat cake of they are hungry?ā€. Itā€™s the same argument mutatis mutandis.

Asking yourself the question of ā€œCan protoss be beatenā€ is the wrong question ā€“ the correct question is ā€œIs it typical for protoss to be beaten.ā€ You see, big difference. Thatā€™s the problem with the balance counsel. They ask the wrong questions. They get the right answers but to the wrong questions and thatā€™s how you end up in a giant mess like this. Yes, eating cake can solve starvation, that is totally true, but is it typical for a starving french peasant to have a cake sitting in their cupboard? No it is not.

In the most favorable interpretation of the balance counselā€™s actions, they ask the wrong questions because they arenā€™t smart enough to know what questions to ask. In the least favorable interpretation of their actions, they deliberately use the misleading arguments to gaslight their competition while they rig game balance. Letā€™s pray they are simply dumb & just donā€™t know what questions to ask.


Just witnessed this gem on twitch. LMAO.


He traded his whole army and didnā€™t make a single supply dent in the protossā€™ army. Protoss has a scaling issue. Did the protoss use some kind of legendary micro or immaculate positioning to achieve this efficiency? No, he simply a-moved, turned the void rays on, and cast t-click a couple times. Not only does Protoss have a scaling issue, anyone has access to this insane power with minimal skill or effort. If the balance counsel isnā€™t going to nerf this, they need to lock it behind a high skill floor bare minimum by increasing the micro requirements necessary to make it functional. When only MaxPax can achieve this level of insane efficiency, it will be balanced. Giving this kind of efficiency to an f2+amove abuser is the literal definition of a scaling issue.

Other thing: if this game drives you so unsatisfied, have you tried different games?

I thinks this could be influenced by the selective perception bias.
And, well, these games seemed not balanced in skills level, but maybe itā€™s just my low skill player opinion.

My intention was not offending you, I am sorry if you felt this way. I am not gonna try to flex on anyone, I just wanted to give an advice.
Since I donā€™t know you (and you donā€™t know me) I thought, seeing the videos and the posts, that you have a lot of potential to improve. You know whether it is true or not.

Also, I donā€™t understand all of that confidence in calling me ā€œbudā€, since you donā€™t know me. If you felt attacked or criticized, well, thatā€™s your choice to react to peopleā€™s word. Even Grandmaster top 50 rank can learn from basics, everyone needs to learn something, always.

For the rest of the post, including calling people ā€œapesā€ (that I donā€™t understand whether it is an insult or not, since apes are just animals, I donā€™t see nothing wrong in being compared to an animal), I donā€™t have energy for that, Iā€™m sorry.

PS: I would like to ask you a serious question, not joking or offending.

Does playing this game make you happy?
Are you happy playing this game?


Nah, sc2 is way too easy man but itā€™s the hardest one out there. If I played other games, Iā€™d legit fall asleep.

My man, my opinion is derived from data harvested from every pro game ever recorded & analyzed using industry standard statistical tests. This is the definition of unbiased. Without doing a twins study where you take identical twins and make half of them play protoss and half play zerg, this is as accurate of a balance measurement as you will ever get: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/sc2/t/updated-balance-charts-for-pvz/29317

Please. You wanted to downplay the validity of my argument by attacking my rank. Unfortunately for you, I am not only an expert in game design & data analysis, I am also an expert at SC2 which means those sorts of gas lighting strategies simply arenā€™t viable.

As I said, ā€œcan it be beatenā€ is a gross misrepresentation of game design theory because the proper question is ā€œis it typical that it can be beatenā€. The answer to that question with regards for protoss is simply ā€œnoā€. It not typical for protoss to lose on an equal skill/effort basis.

I love this game. If I could design it just for me, Iā€™d nerf zerg some more. Iā€™d legitimately delete the queen from the game. Iā€™d get rid of zergling speed. When Zerg has a 10% win-rate on an equal skill and equal effort basis is when Iā€™d be happy.

Unfortunately, I realize that my needs arenā€™t the same as everyone elseā€™s. All the players in SC2 struggle against protoss. Thatā€™s what the data says. For the health of the game, protoss needs to be nerfed. I am sorry but thatā€™s what the data says, and as long as the data says that I will say it also. I am simply a realist. The data says ā€œXā€ is true and I acknowledge that it says that ā€œXā€ is true. Donā€™t get mad at me for noticing the truth.

Also, letā€™s not pretend that itā€™s hard to balance a video game. Itā€™s extremely easy. We know an interceptor with 1,000 HP will be overpowered, and we know an interceptor with 1 HP would be underpowered. This means somewhere in the range of [1000, 1] there is a HP value for the interceptor that would result in a 50/50 winrate between a pair of identical twins (one playing protoss, one playing zerg).

Itā€™s not hard. You just gotta do some testing and find the proper HP value. Weā€™re not building rockets here. This isnā€™t NASA. Weā€™re not colozing mars or curing cancer. You donā€™t need a PhD or 10 years experience. Weā€™re tweaking video game balance, aka the easiest job that has ever existed in the history of jobs.

The only job that is easier than balancing video games is being a professional wine taste tester. On a scale of ā€œland a rocket on marsā€ to ā€œtaste wine for a livingā€, video game balance designers are barely distinguishable from tasting wine. This is not hard guys. I have no idea where all the drama and hullabaloo comes from. People act like game design is equivalent to performing open heart surgery. What planet are we on here because it sure isnā€™t planet earth.

In case you are wondering, this is how the balance counsel meets up to discuss game balance:


Lmao. You know itā€™s true.

All right, all of this for me is far more than considering a game ā€œa gameā€, so Iā€™ll give up on this forum discussion.

I donā€™t have energy for all of this, since for me this is just a game, and I want to spend my energy in other parts of my life.

Have a nice day,

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You had me nodding up to here.

This is actually the worst possible thing you could do. If you donā€™t know what the changes are, you will randomly win or lose because you have assumed something is the same until after you commit to it. The game is too fast to let you flip through the help menu for unit stats, and strategies are too tight to get away without one.

First, due to, you know, basic brainpower, you can note that this will never work the way you anticipate, due to breakpoints.

Second, far more importantly, if you did this you wouldnā€™t actually balance the game. You just make players stop building the unit you nerf, unless no other strategy is actually good. At which point you are creating a new problem, that even though you do ā€˜the right thingā€™, you arenā€™t favoured.

This is because if you make the Zealot only have 85 life as the way you ā€˜balance PvZā€™, then itā€™s entirely plausible that players simply build a strategy that has nothing to do with the affected unit. If thatā€™s still balanced - then the actual issue was that Zerg didnā€™t have a proper answer to the Zealot. Now, the correct solution to that can be to still nerf that unit, but thereā€™s three pairs to consider, and that change might be good for that one but bad for the other one that matters heavily.

Consider someone 12-pooling ā€“ Their win rate is highly dependent on the safety/risk of the opponentā€™s choices.

No, thatā€™s computer troubles or real-life necessitating a hasty alt-f4.

I mean this description is like

How I would characterize Marines stimming.

Soā€¦ eh?

If you actually read the post, that is not at all what got said.

If you want to be offended, please be offended at the fact that I am calling you illiterate right here; but StillLearnin never once insinuated anything about your rank.

and that this is simply not true

Yeah, no, not at all.

This is because youā€™re looking at one thing (win rate) and not interplay. TvT would obviously still be balanced if Widow Mines killed SCVs and Marines in an area, but the interplay of those mechanics would make the game be garbage for just about everyone.

Itā€™s also the case that that interplay is extremely important because your examples have always been talking about nerfing a single unit ā€“ and for every unit, youā€¦ can simply almost not build that unit. Lowering a unitā€™s vitals only affects that unitā€™s performance if it actually takes army fights - Lowering the Zealotā€™s health would make players want to avoid using Zealots except for run-bys and drops, because those situations are where its health isnā€™t as important.

As a fascinating case, Riotā€™s observed multiple instances of nerfing someone actually causing that characterā€™s overall success to increase - because the players have to use an actually good build and it turns out that the actually good build is really good but there are just so many bad players that were goofing off that even weighted, the average was dragged down.

This - or complete eradication - are summarily the issue I take with trying to balance the way youā€™ve described.

Anyway, this post made, Iā€™m going to do what I should have done months ago and just page down when I see youā€™ve posted, because every minute I spend trying to tell you things about is a minute Iā€™m not doing something more useful with myself and you are incapable of listening.

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Polo :sweat_smile: :joy:


GG ez no RE

20 chars

youā€™ve been pretty blind, donā€™t think you did

yeah you are stupid, good job

Thatā€™s a good thing. Blinding the data makes it virtually impossible for bias to impact the result. There are three kinds of people who donā€™t want to blind their data:

  1. People who have no clue what they are doing.
  2. Researchers who need more diagnostic information and who take precautions to be aware of their biases & double check that their biases donā€™t affect the outcome.
  3. People who find the bias useful in some way, aka cheaters.

#2 definitely isnā€™t the case w/ the balance counsel. It takes years of objectivity training, and this skill is basically non existent outside of statisticians or lawyers. Statisticians know how insanely hard it is to get a good correlation, and they care only about the data and not what the data means ā€“ assigning meaning to the data is the first step in introducing bias. Lawyers care about objectivity because they need to understand what arguments their opposition will make, and how jurors will perceive the those arguments, and this allows them to craft the best possible defense for a given situation. Lawyers are so objective that they can represent anyone and give them the best possible defense no matter how horrible of a human being they are defending. Both groups undergo objectivity training for years and years as it is the most basic skill that the entire field is based upon, it is quite literally baked into their brain on such a fundamental level that thinking objectively is as easy as drinking water.

Outside of these two fields, bias is rife and the way you eliminate it is through blinding and randomization. The only reason for the balance counsel to resist this is if they are idiots or if they plan to cheat.

A good example is the ego depletion effect. Psychology researchers wished a new cognitive behavior into existence from bad data interpretation from studies that were conducted so poorly that their data was basically useless. This didnā€™t stop the entire field of psychology from being tricked into thinking the ego depletion effect was real, spending millions of dollars & hundreds of thousands of man hours studying it, only for it to later be discovered to be a total hoax. The revelation was so shocking that it caused a more thorough review of the entire field of psychology. Upon review, it was discovered that 80% of papers made claims that werenā€™t substantiated by the data within those papers.

You think some high school dropouts who click fast at a video game are going to be immune to bias? Give me a freaking break. Toss was more OP than any race ever has been in the history of the game, and they buffed it more. Bias is -O B V I O U S L Y- an issue.

Nope, itā€™s the best possible thing that can be done. Informing the user that the zealot was nerfed will bias the way the zealot is used and that affects the win-rate. You want to measure how the nerf to the zealot affects the win-rate, not how the gamerā€™s perception of the unit affects the win-rate. By assigning an unsuspecting gamer to a balance patched version of the game, you measure the balance patchā€™s impact on the win-rate and nothing else. In an ideal world, the battle.net matchmaker would randomly assign 250 or so games to a balance patched version of the game. From that, youā€™d see if the win-rate within that group goes up or down compared to before and after the balance patch. Not only does this tell you if the nerf impacts the win-rates, it can also be used to estimate how large of a nerf would be needed to equalize the win-rate difference observed. If knocking 1 hp off the zealot caused a 0.5% chance in win-rate, then knocking 17 hp off the zealot could equalize a win-rate from 58.5% ā†’ 50%. Not only that, it could be used to measure if this nerf would have any negative impact on other matchups. In the scenario where you are nerfing Protoss solely vs Zerg, you would want to find a nerf that has a -8.5% impact on PvZ win-rates but a 0.0% impact on other matchups. You could do that with this method.

No, thatā€™s what your method would do and thatā€™s exactly why the player canā€™t know that it was nerfed.

Thatā€™s exactly what I am saying.

Youā€™re playing 1d chess an I am playing 4D chess sweetie. Shake your fist at Mount Olympus as much as you deem necessary, just realize that the ways of the Gods are beyond that of man to comprehend.

Objectively false. Implying he has the answers to my ladder problems speaks volumes about how he interprets the situation. He most definitely does perceive the situation exactly as I described, even if he isnā€™t brave enough to admit it to my face.

As Jung pointed out, the shadow of oneā€™s psyche is a repression of oneā€™s true self. To become a master of yourself, you must be prepared to confront the uncomfortable aspects of your personality that you have hidden away in an attempt to please other people ā€“ to be a master of your own mind, you must become the man you fear you are. And Mr ā€œStillLearninā€ is clearly scared to say whatā€™s on his mind, so he hides it behind a facade of friendliness and compassion. But underneath the surface broils a an ocean of fear and resentment. To be the master of other people, you must first master your own mind. I found it ironic he thought he was my master -commanding me to explain why I played so poorly as to lose to a protoss, demanding I accept his help to fix my problems- when he clearly does not have a mastery of his own mind.

His views of me are a projection of his own repressed inner psyche. He cannot imagine someone saying protoss is imba unless that person is a raging nerd who is hardstuck in gold league, because thatā€™s what he does when he gets hardstuck. His interpretation of the situation explains himself, not the objective reality of the situation itself.

While yes, it is very obvious that thatā€™s not what actually got said?

No, this is very much not clear to anyone except you.

No, you donā€™t!

Your brain is entirely checked out.

Because if you change numbers on units, unbelievably enough, people will go and document that they are changed and change their strategies accordingly.

If you make a change, just because you donā€™t tell people about that change, they can still find out about that change, and they will still change their plans!

Yes - saying that ā€œPlaying against Protoss is a waste of timeā€ is, in fact, very convincing about saying ā€œI suck against Protossā€ and not as much towards the conclusion you want it to say.

You have no idea what youā€™re talking about, got it.

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This is exactly why Iā€™d nerf the queen by the way. I hate this unit so much itā€™s unreal. The least interesting unit in the game by far is the queen. You spam nothing but queens and drones and you automatically defend 100% of allins while affording so many drones that you auto win vs 99.9% of players by simply having more units than the other guy.


This is how zerg would win games if I were in charge. Way more interesting than spamming queens, drones and defending on creep for 20 minutes. Zerg has a skill crisis much like Protoss, just of a different kind. Zerg players tend to be APM spammers with zero strategical ability. The only thing they do is optimize drone counts and thatā€™s it. If you took away the queen, every grandmaster zergā€™s brain would implode because they literally canā€™t win any other way.

I have the same criticism for skytoss and immortal based comps. The difference is, win-rates favor protoss so spamming carriers is a lot stronger than spamming drones. So from a balance perspective, protoss can be condemned while zerg cannot. From a game design perspective, they are both horrible. Itā€™s really hard to find ways to criticize terran by comparison. I think terranā€™s in a pretty good spot except that protoss likely has an advantage in PvT. But terran players have a lot of build order diversity and the players are very skilled in a range of ways. Drone spammers and carrier spammers should get giga-nerfed into the next dimension.

By the way, ā€œcomplexā€ is a player called Kane with peak mmr of 5600. So heā€™s pretty decent.

That awkward silence after balance counsel members lose an argument, try to ladder snipe you and get clowned on w/ a meme build.



Smurf detection 101: high ranked account that hasnā€™t been played on in 3 years magically becomes active only long enough to ladder snipe you once. Interestingly, he has GM level mmr for all three races for season 41. Itā€™s just too flipping obvious, guys. I hope you learned your lesson. You canā€™t out-flex the flex-master. :muscle:

Imagine being a 6200 mmr balance counsel member, losing a debate to an NA player you think is inferior to you in every way, ladder sniping him to prove a point and then losing to swarm hosts in your main base. As I was saying, sc2 is just too flipping easy dude. Nerf zerg, please. I mean that quite literally.

To be clear, I have no interest in being a pro player, and never will. Pro sc2 is heavily infused with european culture, and europeans heavily discriminate against americans. I have absolutely no interest in being in a career path that would result in nothing but culture clash & discrimination against me. So when I analyze pro level balance, itā€™s purely through an observational lens. I have no personal stake in the outcome, and never will.

European marxism has ruined the balance of SC2 because some players are more talented than other players and the european balance counsel members are nerfing entire classes of people based on the talent of the elite members of that class. Itā€™s literally identical to the way marxists approach economics. Demographic X has too many billionaires therefore the system must favor X demographic and disfavor non-X demographics ā€“ we need to use the system to nerf demographic X. Theyā€™ve nerfed zerg under a delusional marxian lens. It is baked into european culture to view success and talent and merit in a negative way. In america, these attributes are celebrated. Serral is an incredible player and deserves every ounce of praise and gratitude that we can muster, not endless zerg nerfs that make the entire race unplayable for non-serral players.

Explaining data analysis to european marxists be like:


Time to wake up and smell the coffee. Youā€™ve nerfed zerg because serral was too good and now itā€™s unplayable for everyone else.

Just played this game: https://i.imgur.com/KO8YJjE.mp4

Starkiller is 5500 and beating him is unbelievably easy. Remember, in a ZvZ the only factor determining the outcome is skill. Same for PvP. Mcanning did a stream the other day titled ā€œChecking in on the state of PvPā€ where he cried about PvP balance. Do you think itā€™s a coincidence that the strongest matchup for Zerg players is universally ZvZ and the weakest matchup for Protoss is PvP? The reason toss think PvP is imba is because itā€™s the one matchup where they donā€™t have a balance advantage. PvP shows their true skill level, and the same is true for ZvZ for zergs. Here is the elo distribution of PvP and ZvZ in the pro scene:


There is obviously a skill difference here. We could do a full statistical breakdown of this. The difference in the means as well as the differences in variance is absolutely fascinating. But instead I will provide a different way to visualize the PvP/ZvZ vs ZvP/PvZ matchup chart. We can take the difference between two normal distributions: https://mathworld.wolfram.com/NormalDifferenceDistribution.html. This means we can subtract PvP from PvZ and get a normal distribution that represents the balance of PvZ with skill factored out of the equation. We can then convert this to a win-rate:

PvP ~ N(u=220.3887083, o=218.7852305).
PvZ ~ N(u=247.4351294, o=223.6184679).
PvZ - PvP = N(u=247.4351294 - 220.3887083, sqrt(218.7852305^2+223.6184679^2)).
PvZ - PvP = N(u=27.0464211, o=312.845)

Factoring skill out, Protoss are +27 elo. In a balanced scenario, this test should produce a mean of 0 (meaning there is no difference between PvP and PvZ performance). But we arenā€™t done yet because the Elo equation demands r1 - r2 which means we need zergā€™s average rank (again, factoring out skill):

ZvZ ~ N(u=247.8041504, o=196.8285858).
ZvP ~ N(u=212.5082166, o=205.7349355).
ZvP - ZvZ = N(u=212.5082166 - 247.8041504, sqrt(196.8285858^2+205.7349355^2)).
ZvP - ZvZ = N(u=-35.2959338, o=284.72)

Amazing. Zergs underperform -35 and Protoss overperform +27. Now we have the r1-r2 required for the Elo equation:

WinRate=1 / (1 + 10 ^ ((r1-r2)/400))
WinRate=1 / (1 + 10 ^ ((27.0464211- -35.2959338)/400))

There you have it: a 41.1% win-rate for Zerg in ZvP (when skill is factored out of the equation) using only basic statistics readily available here and here:

Difference between normal distributions: https://mathworld.wolfram.com/NormalDifferenceDistribution.html

Elo rating to win-rate: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elo_rating_system#Theory

So, to evaluate the claim that ā€œonly I, adventurer, notice how hard the ZvP matchup isā€: absolutely not. Every zerg on planet Earth knows how hard ZvP is and every Protoss on Earth knows easy PvZ is because we can compare it to how hard PvP and ZvZ are. Winning a ZvZ is extremely easy, as I pointed out in the video clip where I beat a 5500 zerg with basic multiprong. I gave an example, also, for PvP with Mcanning crying that PvP is too hard. We can tell. Everyone can tell. The only people denying it are the balance counsel members.

This also explains my theory for why buffing protoss to the moon will never result in a protoss GOAT. The more imba protoss is, the more important PvP mastery is because you have to be able to make it through the avalanche of protoss in tournaments. In the last Aligulac ā€œseasonā€, PvP was 6x more common than ZvZ. It doesnā€™t matter if you buff toss to where they dominate every zerg and terran they face ā€“ they will still bomb their PvP matches. You canā€™t balance patch a protoss into becoming a GOAT. The more you do that the more important PvP is and that is a severe obstacle to their ability to dominate. The point I am getting at is that it is absolutely useless to try to buff protoss to force them to win premier tournaments because you will never have a solution to the PvP problem. The only way a Protoss gains a mastery of PvP is through skill ā€“ itā€™s 100% a skill problem. Why FUBAR the balance of the game as a whole for a goal that is impossible to achieve anyway? People just havenā€™t thought this through. Buffing toss to the moon was a bad idea that serves no purpose except to harm the game.

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no i mean that you cannot see two metaphorical feet in front of you

idk how you could possibly misread that

and the game has public patch notes

you are literally arguing that players not having all the elements of the game available, when thatā€™s the condition the game is played in, would let you draw balance conclhsions

youc anct get good meaningful daata that way.

you arenā€™t even plating ā€œheads i win tails you loseā€

like you are boxers on head the whole aprade here.

if one of them was here your massive walls of useless would scare them off

well, at least nobodyā€™s stupid enough to like them

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