Why is there no timed Ban for leaving early again?

If you leave early from a game you should get time banned from rejoining:

  1. Leave within the first 1 minute = 15 minute ban

  2. Leave withing the first 3 minutes = 10 minute ban

  3. Leave within the first 7 minutes = 5 minute ban


And how could the system separate from people that have genuine technical issues?


After You lost vs a Canon Rush you just need to flame Your opponent for 4 Minutes then.


LUL, whineterran that one-base-push with…boyz that end the game before 7 min would be up in arms. This vegetable has lost to a probe-rush and parked himself here to express his frustration!

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You can possibly know you have actually lost in all of those time frames.

Plus what about unforseen situations?

Why should there ever be a time out for leaving a game. Let people do what they want, does them getting a time out improve your life somehow?

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They should have something like this for team games, because a player leaving usually has repercussions on everyone else. Same for inactive players in a match. They have something like this in league of legends. Not sure why starcraft 2 encourages scumbag player behavior so much.

In terms of 1v1, it doesn’t matter. Smurfing will happen regardless (people quit games instantly to lower their mmr). MMR donations (cheaters) will always find a way. And it’s always nice if your opponent leaves quickly so you can pick up free mmr.


exactly, they have systems like this in less competitive games, if you just want to have fun and ride the rng wave theres a lot of team mobas to stick to

sc2 is a pretty intense game, so i think they should leave the hand holding to other less intellectual games tbh

if somebody drone drone overlords and wants to leave they have the right to leave

if you cant understand that concept i think team games / luck games are more fitting for you

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Why is there no timed ban for making posts such as this one?

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No reason for this. This isn’t League of legends.

People still leave games in League of legends and just cop the temp ban. It does literally nothing to prevent the issue whatsoever. Further more, why you would play 3s or 4s with Randoms (which are just dead gophers lying face-down on the keyboard!) in the first place is beyond me. If you’re going to be playing 2s, 3s, 4s, you’re better off playing with friends. Your matchmaking is going to be more stable, you’re not going to have the issue with team mates killing your bases as I’ve heard people complain about, you’re going to have more communication capability, and you’re generally going to have a better time.

I fully support the idea. Wasting other people’s time should be punished and discouraged.

Whether it should be automated or done with a report system I’m not sure but some such system should exist.

Why would you care it’s free points.

stupid mentally abusive people get me steaming this ignore function is a life saver

There is no other game on the market that takes that into account. The reason for this is, is because there are far more people who are going to abuse the system. With this in mind you get punished regardless of whether it’s a technical issue or not.

The idea of such a mechanism isn’t bad, but your cutoffs are inadequate. I’ve seen people considering they’ve lost leave after scouting a counterbuild between 1:30 and 2:00. And you could lose all your workers to a proxy rax marines or a 12 pools between three and five minutes.

So if we wanted to set a definition for queue time (for example 5 minutes) penalties, I’d say it should be < 1:30, and preferably ≤ 1:00. And it should increase only if several freeloses are performed in a short time (for example 10 minutes if two freeloses are done in a short time, 20 minutes if there are three, etc. )

By “This”, I suppose you are referring to the ladder, but to the whole ladder or to some part of it ? You’re a diamond player if I’m not mistaken. What if the proportion of smurfs was different among the other leagues than diamond ? And what if one of the reasons LoL is more affected than SC2 (aside than being more accessible) was LoL being F2P right from the start ?

I don’t know about LoL’s exact system, and you’re probably right that a fixed ban wouldn’t dissuade the smurfs completely. However, I think that if a freelose meant as few as a 5 minutes penalty, the brute amount of time required for a smurf to reach one or two leagues below could be multiplied by a factor of 10.

Considering an average of 30s of a total wait+ 0:02s freelose, you’d need 45x 30s = 1350s = 22 minutes of constant freelosing to go from diamond 1 to platinum 1. If that waiting time is now 5 minutes, the duration to do so would now be 220 min, in other words nearly 4 hours of sitting like an idiot on your chair not to miss the 5 minutes mark to freelose again. Smurfs not being famed for their patience nor temperance, I have some doubt about the lose streaks being of the same magnitude if requiring 10 times longer sitting. :wink:

And if that 5’ waiting time was multiplied by each recent freelose, the amount of time required would be exponentially greater…

The market is very vast. Others games, mostly fighters AFAIK, have implemented systems against freelosers/disconnecters. Such as UMvC3 or DBZF for example.

I think it’s a matter of balancing. In my experience, people having technical issues tend not to freelose repeatedly, but only once in their whole recent history. People freelosing three times or more in a short amount of time are in vast majority doing so deliberately .

Anyway, if the base penalty for a freelose was 5 minutes, and that you left because of a phone call or a technicall issue… well fixing that issue or answering your all is going to take a good part if not all of that time. And even if not, waiting 5 minutes ONCE is no big deal.

The key point would be a sufficiently restrictive definitions of freeloses. There are completely legit games that are lost in 3 minutes, so considering 5 or 7 minutes like freeloses would be nonsense.

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Why invent complicated algorithms for punishing freelosers that has the tendency to punish the innocent people with technical issues?
What freelosers want? To drop MMR. OK, if a game ends in less than 1 minute the MMR (won and lost) would be 1. If a game ends in less than 2 minutes the MMR exchanged would be 2-3 and so on and so on.
Also if a game goes more than 15-20 minutes the MMR exchange would not be 12 points but…15 (this in order to encourage long-macro-games).

20 characteres…

It quite simple : you get 5’ additional queue time for each freelose (game left <1’).

And as I said, if you’ve got a technical issue :

  • You will probably try to fix the issue, and so won’t freelose repeatedly
  • You’ll probably won’t even notice due to the time required to actually fix your technical issue :laughing:

That has already been proposed on the Q&A smurfs thread. That could could be an idea, but that’s not simpler than the queue time penalty, and :

  • would punish a lot more regular users (as people cheesing would be affected, while in tournament a game lost is one lose cheese or not).
  • would be abused by people disliking some match-ups or cheese by leaving early to minimize the MMR loss.