Why is the forum so anti-terran?

Every thread made by a fellow terran player is met with unfiltered hatered and toxicity even though we are the most active members of the community. We have a right to participate to balance discussions and let blizzard know we are unhappy by how insanely underpowered terran is right now.


I think it’s racist to distinguish between “terran” threads and other.

I agree, im not the one making the distinction. I wish other posters would treat us like any other posters…

maybe its because you and cheesetown make almost daily threads complaining about how hard terran is and how ez other races are. They’re each have distinct adv and disadv in macro/micro play, and if u don’t do well with the race you want to play, nothing stops u from switching. i doubt anyone here is getting paid from their gameplay performance, but reading the forums one could be fooled. Then there’s peekachi, who makes good bait threads.
Point being, its not so much anti-terran, as it is anti whiners. Just my 2c.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Sure, like any other demented whiner you (and CheeseTown and PikaChu) will get the treatment that you deserve.
Actually, as toxic posters you deserve to be banned.


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It’s mostly reacting to the classic ‘‘This T didn’t win hard enough’’ type of posts when T isn’t really on a rough spot, but it could be discussed since the performance in the last months at top level hasn’t been really good, but it should be treated as a debate/investigation looking for some answers behind the performance of the top T, not some whinner facts thread.

This could be rephrased to: why is the community so anti terran?

Watch heromarine for Half an Hour and also look at his Chat. Terran Players are the whiniest and most arrogant Players You can imagine. Everything they do is perfect and takes soooo much skill and everything not Terran related is braindead and skilless. And every non Terran Player is an Operator.

Terran Players will whine about every unit and everything. They even whine about carrier. Lol. How do You even lose vs carriers?

If for example the disruptor was a Terran unit Terrans would whine that they need to heavily micro it to Deal aoe while the other race has a massive amount ranged a move t1 units.

Or compare the hate for invisible men from terran to widow mines. They can kill 2 mineral lines with basically 0 micro and 0 investment and thinking they are maru. And can defend dts while not even scouting because of scans. Terrans underestimate their tools big time. They always see the greener sides of grass and are mad.


So terran have whine mind set im a correct?


Yeah. I dislike them because of the whine mindset. I respected the whine in 2019 and i can agree to some whine to an extent but the constant whining and thinking they are so much better is so annoying.


Same for zerg i guess these times

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so you agree terran is weak right now? How would you buff them to make them on par with the other races?

In 2019…they got heavily buffed since then.


By reverting the EMP Radius buff, reverting the Marauder buff, reverting the WM buffs.


My experience is that the forums swap favor from time to time

I’ve been playing Terran for years and struggle to get into D1 every season. A couple seasons ago I picked up Protoss for a couple weeks and made it within ~50 mmr of masters at my highest point. I can’t say the same about my Zerg though lol

hmm I feel the whine of PvT was justified in 2018-2019. The PvT was Protoss favored and it was apparent. But even then It never was Protoss favored to the point that Terran can’t win and have to all in every time. Its not like late 2019 PvZ where the matchup was so Zerg favored to point that S tier Koreans can’t beat E tier Zergs. Those times, you really really have to be bad in order to lose against a toss in ZvP.

PvT has generally been good for Protoss in Lotv but now,. Whilst I think Protoss is slightly advantaged at the early game due to the number of strategies it has, I really don’t think Protoss is that strong in macro games. The early game does feel like poker though, with build orders making a massive difference going into midgame. But if both go to midgame at even position. The games become very 50:50, lots of back and forth and it really feels like whoever plays better mechanically tends to win and the question becomes whether or not both sides can keep up with one another.

The only people i see doing really well in PvT is the Korean Protosses. They are just a lot better than the Europeans in PvT. In EU every protoss have a below 50% winrate against Heromarine and getting 0-3 or 0-4 ed by Clem is becoming standard now. But Korean Protosses in PvT are much much stronger. I mean they were the poineers of 4 gate blink and they also seem to be tighter and faster with their build order executions. Like Zoun gave Clem a hard time in the recent PvT matches whilst if clem meets showtime the matches are often 1 sided. Whilst if Heromarine meets Zest. HM never beats Zest or let alone take a map from him. But if Maru goes up against Zest a 4-0 for Maru is likely. Kinda shows how good the koreans still are. It will be sad when Zest, Stats and TY leaves. There is no one to replace them, and truth is Kr starcraft 2 has been declining since 2016. Its just a matter of time before EU talents overtake them honestly.

Maybe a #MeToss movement was started and gained several victories, thus starting to make the forum more anti-terran than anti-protoss? :crazy_face:

We are not anti terran. We are anti stupid


i no but blazzard is in on the discirmulation i get benned every time i ask question in the forms

You have the right to voice your opinions just as other people on the forum have the right to disagree and call out bias. It’s a two way street.