Why Free to Play made me a smurf

Smurfing in sc2 imo is relatively okay because the game is totally centered around YOUR skill level. It’s not a moba where 1 smurf displaces up to 9 other people’s MMR and where your allies will drag you down. If you lose, it’s because you probably need to get better (ZvP is debatable because of this trash panda map pool).

The thing to realize is if you face a sc2 smurf is there’s probably a lot you can learn from the replay. Either their timings, their efficiency or their reactions…whenever you face a better player there is almost always a lesson to learn, even if it’s just cheese defense.

Obviously this doesn’t apply to team games but team games in sc2 are a joke anyhow.

Again, who cares about the “learning opportunity”.

There´s enough divergence in MMR distribution to offer that without wasting everyones time. Again smurfing is not only about the game that you play but the game that you don´t play, which results in distorted rankings and worse, wastes peoples time.

Its such hypocricy to talk about that newbs should be happy that they are facing an opponent that has gamed the system when the whole reason a lot of people smurf is to have more relaxed games (supposdly, though as with all these things like when Winter does the LOW-apm challenge, they tryhard when it actually matters). The newbie should be allowed to have relatively relaxed games in their appropriate bracket too.

Its stressful to play against a smurf, its extremely stressful to play 2v1 when that smurf throws a game to stay lower ranked.

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This right here tells me all I need to know. Have a great life, you won’t hear from me again.

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Thats a great sentiment and all, and while you aren’t wrong. Thats just not how humans work. You get absolutely annihilated by a couple smurfs during a ladder session and most people don’t think to themselves, “oh wow what a great learning experience, let me meticulously comb through this replay to figure out how I can improve”. Most people are just going to quit playing the game. Also most people in these leagues where smurfing is an issue don’t even know what to look for in a replay to understand how to improve.

Intentionally smurfing is a detestable act, you aren’t doing it to make these low level people better. You are only doing it to make yourself feel better by beating up on noobs, lets be honest with ourselves. If you want to teach low level people play them in custom games where there is nothing at stake and help them comb through the replay.


That’s what I do 98% of the time. No excuses.

And there is an excuse for smurfing? Spare me

Love you too bby <3!

No there isnt an actual excuse, which is why he had nothing to say once
his moving of goalposts was exposed :slight_smile:

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Mhm. Well, if you refuse to learn the lessons to be learned, that’s on you - and frankly this is what separates boys from men;

Boys look for excuses, men look for solutions. Which are you again? Please remind me.

Lol a typical response from a smurfer. Screw the over all health of the game, all that matters is how you feel about the particular issue yeah? We don’t care about promoting a fun experience to keep new players in the game, all we care about is can DankTemplar beat up on people way worse than him because he is to scared to play in his real league.

Also if this is your main account then judging by your highest achieved league I think we both know who has learned more from their mistakes and by your logic makes me more of a “man”. What a ridiculous notion. Just because you want to enjoy the game vs people similar skill to you that makes you some how less of a “man” spare me.

Yet you sit here and play vs people who stand no chance against you because youre scared and call those people the “boys” I think we all know who the real panzy is here.


I don’t smurf. I’ll ask you again, which are you? A boy or a man?

Yeah I bet you don’t, nobody except someone who actively smurfs defends the practice this hard.

I mean I’ll repeat my self, look at my mmr compared to yours and why dont you tell me who has learned more from their mistakes.

But I’ll also say again, its a ridiculous notion when the people smurfing are literally only doing it because they are so scared to play at their real level that they have to resort to beating up on people significantly worse than them. That makes smurfs the “boys” in my book, I guess being a panzy is something to be revered in yours though.


Oh you just enjoy getting rekked. I see.

Again, maybe you, after 2926 posts and 10 years of playing still harbor delusions of becoming a pr0 in a soon to be dead game ™ but most people dont. And again, the smurfs themselves de-rank so they don´t have to haves stressful or frustrating games. Why do you think the newbs would enjoy playing above their bracket when the smurfs want to play below their bracket?

And who the #### enjoys being forced to play a 2v1 game when most people play team games so as to have a more defined role and not have to think of everything all the time - again to have a less stressful environment.

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I smell 2 bans coming :slight_smile:

and there it is, cant defend his position so he resorts to reporting lmao XD ok im done here XD


:kissing: :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy:

ROFL :sweat_smile: Weeee :crazy_face:

Such a dumb argument anyway. First of all, the system shouldn’t be like it is. You shouldn’t be able to leave games like that and they should bring demotions back.


Those gamess can give you some experience, every game you play is important imo but that’s just for the dedicated. It can scare people away from the game. It’s already a hard game as it is and you get guys that are literally toying with them just for fun and… For what exactly? it’s just like facing AIs, might as well play that. Smurfing is such a selfish practice.

While diamond is probably the point where the probably of being smurfed by a freeloser starts to decrease, I think you must’ve missed some of them. I usually play between 2.9 and 3.2K MMR (which is just at the doorstep of D3) and currently I feel the 22% is underestimated. You feel it’s 6% or less.

The thing is unless are systematic randomized method is applied both your feeling and mine can’t really be relied upon. So then again, the best estimate we have is my thread’s randomized study. :thinking:

But this is not the point I was making. I was saying that whether they smurf at bronze MMR, gold or platinum, diamond league is statistically the original/true league from most metal league smurfs. Best estimate is 22% or all metal leaguers ladder accounts are smurfs. This is actually a great number of players. What I suspect, is that when those are trolling in the lower leagues, they aren’t playing in diamond. And so the actual player pool available for a game at the diamond MMR gets reduced. And so the MMR matchmaking range gets wider. And so getting matched with people 500-700 MMR above you could in fact be linked not only to players of higher skill being less many, but also to the smurfs not being their to answer the call in their original leagues. :thinking:

I used to do that, there isn’t that much wait in fact, both to join or to create. The issue… is that there the discrepancy in level can really be massive, and if either your opponent or you are considerably weaker/stronger than the other play, either the build works more wonderfully than it should reasonably ever fare (you kill the opponent with your harass timing :laughing:) and so you can’t fully unfold let’s say a 3 bases build ; either your build fails where it shouldn’t. And you can’t draw conclusions from both. :neutral_face:

The only good thing is that compared to the IA, you’ll face the unexpected, which is an execution challenge.

You openly admitted so some months ago. Did I mention most smurfs always deny doing so at first ? :slight_smile:

Already heard that from you. I remember having answered by a question : if men looks for solutions, and boys for excuses… what are then the individuals who create the problems the men have to deal with ?

This is theoretically true. In practice, it’s the opposite for several reasons :

  1. Most smurfs conceal themselves, and so most regular players won’t know they are fighting a smurf from the start. Heck, most players don’t even know how to confirm their opponent was a smurf afterwards. Which therefore would leave them towards biased conclusions afterwards ( xxxxx imba ! xxxxx OP ! xxx this game ! etc. etc.)
    • One of the motives the smurfs most frequently alleged was to have a “relaxed” experience, which implies they find playing against a similarly skilled opponnent too stressful. Well, guess what, regular players have to deal with that very same tension.
    • And more in fact, as smurfs both have greater skill (= more tension on the opponent) and tend to be more toxic the the regular (insults, taunts “ez” etc.). All of that hinders the things that could theoretically be learned from the experience. Contrary to a friendly coaching lesson from a higher league friend, for example.
    • Not to mention, that a lot of times the conclusion would simply be that there is a gap in mechanics. And this, could lead you to draw wrong conclusions. For example, a smurf 1 bases RR pressures you. You defend with 2 bunkers and a tank just away enough from the bunker for the biles not to reach. You defend almost perfectly. Then you go to counter, and get rekt by a massive army on 3 saturated bases. The conclusion you could then draw is that your defensive reaction was inadequate… but this is wrong. Your defensive tactics could have been the best choice available, but as your opponents just has superior mechanics, you cannot get the rewards from it. Hence the possibility of drawing inadequate conclusions.

I have one account…I don’t smurf. Ya’ll are nuts.

Instead of blaming some person who’s punching down a few brackets, how about you blame yourself for not playing better?

Smurfing in 1vs1 games is much different than smurfing in team games because in 1vs1 YOU are the only variable that matters in relation to your opponent. In team games other players on your team are a variable that YOU cannot control.

And frankly, if you have time to whinge you have time to improve.

So, which would you rather do? Cry about it or get better at the game so smurfs don’t beat you anymore?

If you cry, then expect to not be taken seriously given the context. Watch the replay, see what the difference is (it’s probably general efficiency unless you’re being cheesed) and adapt.

Winner mentality vs loser mentality.

We’re not. Nordy and Ondskan have noticed how often you were advocating for smurfing.

As for me, I’ve got a memory :

Told ya. Most smurfs always deny at first. They’re not proud of what they’re doing.

I have my ways of dealing with smurfs. As you said yourself, real men search for solutions, don’t they ?

Now I don’t see no-one crying here. And most of the regular players are trying to improve. The issue here, is that as you improve, you’ll only get matched against stronger opponents, and even stronger smurfs. So it doesn’t ends just like that.
There seem to be a turning point about this around D2 MMR however, as it might be where most smurfs originate, and so below that is the limit of skill they’re able to troll.

But to get there is a long road, even admitting all players could ever reach that level (which isn’t a given). And while I have accepted it for my part, I think the deviance we call smurfing might deter newcomers (who expect the matchmaking to work normally) from being hooked in the game. And so to slowly kill it. :thinking: