Why Free to Play made me a smurf

I reply here also. For a weak ago or so, there were a Beasty on stream talking that he isnt smurfing, he is not a PRO player, he is a Youtuber and entertainer and he dont has to play 24/7 only GMs etc, so his Bronze to GM series with lets say ,non traditional builds, (only widow mines, not atacking, only festors etc) isnt so really smurfing! **WTF HELL NO?! If you wanna proofe that you can get to GM with those stuffs, than pls MAKE A LOBBY, Invite every time some dude who wanna fight you a lets play with him! ** You know how disgusting is loosing MMR to M1/GM in Dia league!!! YOU ARE A REGULAR SMURF! Thats a fact! Okay, what only helping you is the fact, that you are only once in each league with each account, so you are not a toxic smurf who does mmr bombing

Congratulations on proving you have absolutely 0 reading comprehension skills

I can read perfectly fine. I choose not to read half of your post when the first half is pure nonsense and garbage lies.

Keep on dodging, lying and contradicting yourself.

Classic deflecting. Symptoms of a delusional that refuses to face reality

coming from the clown who says protoss isnt over powered and smurfs are non-existent

Your acts define you.

  • A smurf account is an alternate account compared to your main one
  • Smurf accounts are then used either :
    • to play anonymously
    • to play below your real level (by freelosing of spamming new accounts).

Either way you look at it, BeastyQT is a smurf. He still has some unique and entertaining playstyles, but does he really needs to steamroll small diamonds, or even platinum players to get challenges ? Other streamers do not. :neutral_face:


delete your account. smurfing ruins the game

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I think at this point everyone noticed that there is something very bad going on on ladder. Last time i lost 13 out of 16 games !!! I was never doing this bad on the ladder. Many of my opponents are multiple ex-diamonds/master leaguers and to confirm that they are smurfs i just checked all their losses - indeed. They are losing games under 3-mins probably with worker rush or something like that on purpose to leave the game thus dropping their MMR. It’s so horrible. Basically i don’t feel like playing ladder anymore. I lost all the motivation and joy of play. How can you win games at your level if you know that majority of your opponents are one league above you. That’s just dumb. And on top of that SC2 population drops down heavily from 500k to just 250k within a year !

I keep reporting them but I doubt t has any effect. You really should get some kind of confirmaton for your reports so you know f you should keep trying or not.

IS intentionally throwing games a “cheat/hack/whatever” offense?

Anyway,yeap, F2P creates a lot of problems and a understaffed and underpayed GM secton amplifies them. Sad to see it becoming such a dominant model.

No, it isn’t.

It certainly affects the opponents you get matched against, but not directly your ingame performance (contrary to a maphack, drophack, etc. ). It is however forbidden to use bots, but those seem to be nearly exclusively used in teamgames.

So yeah, current Bli² policies do not punish smurfing. Our only option is to deal with it. :neutral_face:

It goes against the code of conduct though.

" Behaviour

Behaviour that intentionally detracts from others’ enjoyment (such as griefing, throwing, feeding, etc.)"

Sent a support email now about this , since a certain someone killed my base because my creep touched his third CC or something.

There is no proper option in Sc2 to report for griefing/throwing.

Which is why I thought it wasn’t a significant offense to the code of conduct. :thinking:

Well, I see this version of the ingame code of conduct has been updated two years ago, so maybe they extended it. Not gonna lie though, considering they aren’t banning hackers anymore, I’ve got serious doubts about their punishments regarding less important parts of the code of conduct.

Yet, it’d be interesting to get their answer on this. Please share with us if you can. :slight_smile:

What, so it wasnt in the code of conduct in the past?

I Mean I guess the F2P model brought in too many ####### that otherwise cant play the game because they cant deal with consequences back when it cost money?

I’ll start by saying this. Smurfing is a detestable act, anybody intentionally deranking their mmr just to stomp on people worse than them should feel ashamed of themselves. Now if you are with in 1 - 2 tiers of your real league and are using that account to try out new builds then sure go for it.

Now having said that, I’m going to seriously doubt that you are facing enough smurfs to actually derail your climb up the ladder that severely. Maybe you fight 1 in every 15 games, and thats being pretty generous. The simple fact of the matter is the lower your mmr the more wild the skill varies from player to player. Player X might be an absolute beast at macro but horrible at holding cheeses. So he loses most cheese games and wins most macro games. Thus making him seem like a smurf in macro games.

People are also horrifically inconsistent the lower the mmr. 1 game they could play close to perfect, do everything right and dominate the opponent. Next game they screw everything up and get railed.

Its just to hard to say for sure who is and isn’t a smurf the lower your mmr. But again I would seriously doubt you are facing enough legit smurfs to completely derail your climb up the ladder.

Also there is a possibility some of those players were returning after a long break. I recently came back after a little over a year break and my MMR was totally reset. So I had to do the whole climb again. I did not auto leave any games. But until I was able to get back to the 4k range I was technically smurfing even though I had no control over it.

I agree with your statement, but this:

happened years before this:

Honestly, most of the community seemed to have left around HotS, Day9 was on the box and I never saw him play a day of HotS. Husky was gone before it came out. We had a solid 3 years of positivity in this community. But not much since.

Now we just have Avilo, beasty, and all the GMs do bronze to masters so they can talk and read chat while they play. The community is largely lost.

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I don’t recall so. I could be wrong though, but the fact they updated it suggests there has been changes.

It brought people, and it facilitated having multiple accounts at one hand.
At the other hand, Bli² previous team’s numbers were dwindling until they were replaced by Vicarious, and so it is unknow if anyone is still there to read the reports and enforce sanctions.

As a result, the game is still alive, but toxicity grew stronger. :neutral_face:

There might be a contradiction between the first and the second assertion here. If freelose-smurfing is despicable, then freelosing is despicable whatever the reason. I mean you don’t need to stomp on people with worse mechanics to try-out one build, on the contrary. You can completely train vs IA or in customs, and then at your real level.:slight_smile:
I’ve heard that excuse a handful of times, and from people who had just as much freeloses as regular freelosing-smurfs in fact. :roll_eyes:

That 1/15 (=6%) is also probably inaccurate. Smurfing varies among the leagues, and probably according to some other factors, and so your subjective impressions of a low smurfing might be just as wrong than the one of people who see smurfs everywhere.

You might remember I had performed a randomized study on the matter, and for the metal leagues it was around 21.5% of smurfs. And :

  • This hides locally important discrepancies. For example, if you’re a bronze 3 player, you’re gonna get trolled by about 50% of the players around. Think about it, that’s massive.
  • that was in 2020 ; with the game becoming less attractive, it might’ve increased since then (more stagnating/bored/toxic users over less newcomers).

True. Not to mention the individual performance can also vary wildly depending on the match-up. So in otherwords, the gaming history is the only way to make sure a player is a smurf. :slight_smile:

I never said you should free lose games to stay at that “1 - 2 tier lower” thresh hold. If you naturally rise to your normal mmr playing builds that you arent comfortable with then you should keep it there. But if you are doing builds you arent super comfortable with your mmr is naturally going to be at least a couple hundered lower than your real mmr. Which to me is totally fine because you arent playing at your full potential.

Also this is why I say 1 - 2 tiers lower (maybe 1 is more realistic). Ok im D1 for example, if im trying out new build I can 100% lose to people in D2 pretty frequently until I get the hang of the build. The second I get the hang of the build I go back to my real MMR.

Ai is ok, but not great. You can get the general build down timing wise vs an ai but you are never going to get the nuances of a build down unless you play vs real people. Custom games would be the ideal choice but that requires having friends. XD and not only friends, but friends that are good enough to put up a decent challenge to gauge how good the build is. I have a couple friends that play but they are all so much worse than me that its really not good practice to play with them.

His profile says he is in diamond league. Being in Diamond league myself I can deffinetly say that I fight smurfs maybe 1 in every 15 games, again being pretty generous.

True the lower you are the more smurfs. However I help a guy that is currently working his way up the ladder (recently went silver to plat 3). I’ve watched almost all his games now and I can probably count on 2 hands the number of smurfs he has played.

Regardless though, smurfs haven’t derailed his climb up the ladder so I doubt they are derailing anyone. Again, NOT SAYING they arent a problem. They are 100% a problem and should be fixed. All I’m saying is its not a big enough problem to completely derail the climb.

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I can tell you that support was rather ambiguous to me.
The man I reported directly using a support ticket will be dealt with.
But as to what function to use in-game to report such people with in the future or whether or not they do get banned I never got answered. I could push the issue but I believe that I would get a generic answer if I did.

Behind the GMs answer I sensed this:

“This man deserves whats coming to him and will be punished for destructive behaviour but we neither have the time nor resources to look through every claim”.

So if someone did something really toxic, contact support directly. But I doubt that the occasional smurfing and/or disconnecting will be dealt with unless the person receives many, many reports against him or her through game.

So I guess you (or maybe someone else) can continue destroying games for your team-mates by losing them on purpose, unless you make it too obvious or do it too often. Or if done in 1v1, one may never be caught as few people will take offense to simply a free win.

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If the MMR lost is linked to real defeats, then that’s quite different than smurfing, as it only reflects a change in your performance. So there is no issue to begin with. :slight_smile:

You can open a custom game room, which random people will be able to join. Now, regarding the no-learning when the gap in skill becomes too great, I’m 100% with you. Which is why I usually disagree when some smurfs says his behavior will be beneficial for the users he trolls.

Well, if you’re in D2 or D1 that’s probably the part of the ladder where freelosing smurfs start getting lower and lower. First because not everyone has the skill to troll a D1 player, second because… that’s in fact the part where people get frustrated and become smurfs themselves. Diamond was the league where most smurfs originated from in my 2020 study.

So there are D1-D2 smurfs, you just won’t find them at D1-D2 MMR. :laughing: And so this is completely compatible with your experience of having only 6% smurfs around D1D2 MMR. :slight_smile:

That’s what I was supposing. I guess when finding a grave offender multiple times, it might be better to cue a ticket then, but we can’t make it too often. So that completely rules out signaling smurfing (>20% of the players encountered in average, as I said above) .

Thanks for the feedback anyway, Ondskan. :+1:

I’ll admit I’ve never tried just opening a custom lobby and seeing who joins. But tbh sounds like it would take a while. Easier for me just to play on my account that is a couple hundred MMR lower when trying a new build. I legitimately lose around 50% of the games on that account still so I don’t see an issue with it. Like to give specifics, my main account is 4056 and my practice account is currently 3932.

If the much better player is just trolling then yeah not great practice. I would say in a custom game scenario however its good practice for like Gold/plats to play vs people much better than them. I don’t in anyway think its a good justification for smurfing on the actual ladder though.

Oh yeah no as Toss (my main where I’m D1) I pretty much never run into smurfs. Honestly I cant even think of a single game where someone may have been a smurf. At least not people trying to smurf. I get a lot of legit match ups where the match making system places me vs people 500 - 700 mmr higher than me though haha. But thats a different issue.

However, I am D3 as both Terran and Zerg at the moment and thats where I come up with the 1 in 15. Like seriously I hardly ever run into them.

However again, not saying smurfing isn’t an issue. It definitely is and I wish people would either stop doing it or blizz would do something to stop it. My position is merely that its not enough of a problem to derail the climb.