It started as a new/interesting thing to play around but why is it on every map. Why do you have to rush an air unit to prevent your opponent from having vision of your natural/ramp. They get to see every move out and retreat early game for free because the game just gives them an “invisible” spotting location.
It’s kinda dumb in TvZ because it massively restricts the movement of your hellions. Terran plays in the dark but Zerg doesn’t.
What would you do if it wasn’t there? surely it is to avoid that
This game was played for years before this became a map feature. I wouldn’t necessarily change my builds, the difference would be my opponent would have to put effort into scouting my build. You know like how terran and protoss have to do. Zergs don’t have to so much as sacrifice a ling to check the front anymore.
Maps have an area for reapers to climb. Why don’t you ask about that? The sacrifice is the life of the overlord, at the moment you make a viking or a fenix my overlord is dead
because zergs also require free vision
They don’t in TvP anymore, actually. I’ve been driven to float my proxy rax into the Protoss’ main to deal with it.
Are overlords free too? blizzard is crazy with so many buff to zerg
You mean the part where they nerfed reapers by making a single entrance to the high ground instead of like old maps where the entire edge was jumpable? The part where its easily blockable with your buildings before the reaper gets there? The part where almost any ranged can sit on top of the entrance and deny the reaper coming in? Are you seriously considering that as a buff/boon to terran players? That is straight up worse than previous years maps.
I’m just going to reply to another post you made further down here as well. Yes the overlord is free. The first is literally free as you start the game with it and it is the one used to get to these spotting locations in the beginning of the game. It is free scouting put in by map creators.
Do you remember the blink stalkers all in?
Reaper spots=/=blink spots
Blink all in was nerfed in other ways
I am going to have to give you the reason and cry with you this game is very unfair
You’re joking right? Like actually trolling? These maps do not in any way prevent blink unless the distance is too large to teleport. They specifically and only stop reapers from jumping up.
To prevent the reapers from jumping it is not necessary to make those dead areas so wide (I’m not talking specifically about the new maps)
The maps are made in a way where blink stalkers can get in but reapers can’t. It’s such blatant racial bias it drives me insane.
Do you really think that these large areas are to prevent reapers from climbing? That a stalker can blink that distance does not mean that a whole group can blink simultaneously inside your base
Could you tell me which was the nerf?
Msc Vision range, afaik blink research time increase, more importantly map pool change(but not ‘reaper cliff’ removeal)
Do you mean MSC removal?
When I play Zerg, I almost never use those spots except to save my Overlords when they’re being killed by a Stalker or Marine.
Instead for scouting, I get fast Overlord speed and send overlords into the opponent’s base every 30 seconds or so. Usually they make it out alive by getting to ledges they can use.
I also set my overlords to patrol in order to watch for drops and such.