Why do we leave cancerous strategies in this game?

It makes no sense. I haven’t seen a cannon rush, BC rush, mass carrier/mech play in Pro games in over a year yet they’re the majority of playstyles on ladder, all the way up to GM. Why can’t the balance council just remove these very annoying and cancerous strategies so we can make Starcraft 2 fun again?



A) Fun is subjective. What’s fun for one person isn’t necessarily fun for another person. You can’t dictate what’s fun and what isn’t, because every person enjoys different things and different strategies.
B) They’re not broken, they’re just annoying.
C) They’re still valid strategies.


Not sure about cannon rush or BC rush, but skytoss/mech are THE ONLY viable styles from protoss and terran respectively to play vs zerg. If you want these strategies to be nerfed/removed, consider nerfs to your own race. Thank you.

They’re really not.


They’re the only viable styles because you’re terrible at the game and those strategies are easy to execute and win games vs people way above your skill level. Don’t play me.


I feel like people need to find better ways of branding their whine posts in 2024 did anyone else mentally check out at the word cancerous?

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Then go play bio vs ling-bane-infestor or gate-robo vs mass hydra-lurker-viper birdbrain and tell us how you’re doing.

Good luck

I mean viable under GM.

Of course GM terran can play bio vs zerg if they have superb unit control but don’t tell diamond or master player to go bio vs Z. Even korean terran TY asked whether terran should play bio or mech answered simply: “If you’re under GM play mech”.

Same is with skytoss. Maybe herO or Maxpax can beat zerg with gate-robo style but not your typical plat-dia-master toss. For them turtle/stargate is the only way to play vs lurkers and then zergs come and cry about skytoss.

You want to be bad and win games, that is all youre saying.


Seriously you are as ignorant as tehbatz. Go play terran bio vs zerg - i guarantee you even d2-d1 will crush you if you don’t have excellent unit control - splitting, kiting, multiprong drops.

Recent infestor buff (energy + range) is the reason why bio is so hard vs zerg - one fungal means death sentence, you cant runaway, cant kite or even load them into medivacs. Do you understand ? Something tells me if you didn’t play zerg you’d be plat 1 max.

I play in masters bro, why are we talking about diamonds? lol. Also injecting and creep spread is more micro than a bio terran has to do and the Zerg hasn’t even touched their spell casters.

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Hahahahah :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
What ? Tell me about it. With this single sentence you literraly indirectly admitted you are masters only because you play zerg. If you played terran you’d be plat if not lower.

You can inject 6 hatches under one second with rapid-fire backspace method. And creep spread is literally all about spamming creep tumors in random spots on the map. Even bronze players can do this. So all these things are MORE difficult than splitting marines against banelings or doing multiprong drops while controlling both armies AT THE SAME time ??? Tell that to Clem.

Bro maybe you are master, but theoretical knowledge is silver at best and i’m not even kidding.

Again, speaking as someone who plays both races reasonably consistently, it really isn’t. Especially when you have rapidfire creep-spread and back-space method injecting.

Most Zerg players don’t even touch their spell casters till high diamond low masters anyway, which is hilarious considering how powerful they actually are. I’ll give you that it’s more difficult to control 2 spell casters simultaneously, but considering neither of Zerg’s spell casters are particularly hard to use (vipers are all instant-cast, point and click abilities, and they get consume to regenerate energy instantly, while infestors have the largest spell radius of any spell caster in the game on their abilities (fungal has a 2.25 radius compared to storm and EMP’s 1.5, MS has a 3.0 radius), and Neural can also be cast while burrowed -oh and neither of them friendly fire unlike both Toss and Terran casters) it’s genuinely surprising more people don’t use them.

Terran and toss comparatively must be using them by plat/low diamond at minimum.

And that doesn’t even consider the other micro that has to be done too.

Bio is absolutely viable under GM; a lot of it comes down to consistent macro and hitting your timings efficiently. Knowing when to hotswap buildings, which buildings to do so, when to start upgrades, ebays etc. All important. But less important as you go down the leagues.

Again, I can’t help but disagree, though PvZ this might be the case - I don’t have as much experience with toss as I do with Terran and Zerg. Personally speaking Skytoss feels easier, but being easier doesn’t mean that ground-toss isn’t viable against either Zerg or Terran.


Ok can you imagine dia/master terran with excellent splits against ling bane ? I mean if zerg has no infestors, good dia/master can trade quite efficiently but if zerg makes a SINGLE infestor bio is f**d so hard. You can only watch them die. This is what i was talking about. Prior to this patch i played bio, now i switched to mech, almost exclusively because of that.

Gate robo vs mass lurker/hydra. Do you think anyone under pro level can do this ? Hydra/lurker have insane dps. Gateway units evaporate before they even get close to zerg army. Immortals are quite tanky but without gate support they are no match against hydras. YOU HAVE to go skytoss and this is no coincidence that nearly every toss abuses stargate vs Z these days. Seriously i don’t see diamond or even master protoss beating lurkers with ground army - even though i don’t play P or Z at all.

I still play bio just fine. Generally I find myself struggling more against fast ultra transitions before I can get my ghosts out than against Infestor Fungal.

Disruptors are excellent against lurkers, while colossus are incredible specifically against hydras and lings. I have friends in D1 and Masters that play ground-toss regularly against Zerg. Sometimes they’ll transition to sky, sometimes they’ll stay on ground and usually be quite successful.

Zealots are an incredible front-line and tank, but they also deal obscene amounts of damage. Something that very, very few protoss players actually do is multi-prong - even at a pro level. It’s not like it’s not possible, because it is, but they just don’t.

Not to mention creep-clearing. Most protoss prefer to defend, build up a death-ball and a-move. the ones that are more successful are active on the map, clearing creep, harassing and poking.

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There’s always an answer to a strategy. For example, I hate phoenixes. So I build a lot of turrets. It really annoys the phoenix guy…

One of the reasons SC2 is barely fun anymore, you are lucky to have a nice fun macro game in 1v1 ranked, 1 out of 6-7 games.

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Your prayers have been answered. Low skill defensive strategies have been nerfed such as shield battery overcharge, queens, thors and sensor towers.

Still didn’t touch the biggest problem in the game, the Ghost and Thor. In fact they even buffed the Thor. Clueless balance council.

What are you smoking lol

Mech is less viable against zerg than bio. This is irrelevant either way when endgame TvZ usually is ghost/viking/lib with a bio ball