Why do people think apm = skill?

if you think apm is skill you do not have any skill because you’re a dumb noob and are in platinum/gold league.

i usually have 140~ apm and outmacro opponents with 300, on ladder i rarely hear it as a metric for skill but on the forums and other places where there is a large concentration of garbage players(twitch chat, youtube comments), it seems to be that people think having high apm means you can do more things faster.


imo you shouldnt even look at your apm or epm, just try to not miss a beat on your macro and mechanics.

and if apm/epm really did mean skill why do i have so many more units than people with 300 apm.

It’s correlated with skill, but not the same as skill.

There are statistical outliers, like all things in life but in general APM scales with skill and vice versa.

APM also scales with “comfort.” I have 180 apm and perfect macro in 2v2 with 3 stargate phoenix, but if things go wrong or I’m forced out of stargate very early pressure my apm drops to 120ish (or lower) as does my “skill” with it.

or people who use positioning and scouting (any knowledge of WHAT they scouted) to make up for a lack of high apm ( like me) and hold their own (when I play mech terran my apm is around 110, but my results are often stronger than 180apm mass phoenix play).

However, if someone with the same game knowledge and positional play is against me with superior apm, I will lose.

Also APM is impacted by playstle.

Bio terran/zerg is around 180-300 apm depending on execution…and skill.

Phoenix is around 160-240 apm (based on my own observations of myself and others playing phoenix).

Gateway strats are around 180-300 apm.

Robo is around 140-200 (with high spikes from both sides during disruptor moments).

Mech terran is around 100-140, even at masters. GM’s like Beasty push their apm around 240 even in mech builds and dominate (they usually have great multitasking for multiprong banshee harass/nukes to support their mech, which players like me with 120 apm (mech) can’t execute and or handle (we’'ll just lose our banshees or micro our banshees at the expense of macro! LOL).

So yes, APM is correlated.


i play bio terran every game, just beat a 4.7k player with it, i had 130 apm that game.

You are in statistics what we call and “outlier.” I don’t doubt you.

khanacademy DOT org/math/statistics-probability/random-variables-stats-library/expected-value-lib/v/law-of-large-numbers)

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APM or EPM are readily available hard numbers that can approximate the player resource that is actually mosy valuable, player focus, which is a combination of player input speed, precision, screen look allocation, and reaction time.
This resources really is the biggest deal.
When phrases like “tax their APM” are said, they really mean “overwhelm their focus.” Describing a feat that takes incredible focus ability, Tastosis would say something like “this is really hard to do guys”

yeah, apm/epm matters, no, it’s not a perfect metric

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Also what would do you if Maru hit you with 3 rax reaper in TvT.

Moments like that would teach you how important EPM actually is.

Could you hold a HAS prism proxy or a Florencio (flovid) worker assault or printf cannon rush at 140 apm? I think not.

i would definitely lose because its maru but build 2 bunkers in my main base and start making marines after reaper finishes.

im really not sure how high apm would help me there.

The amount of PikaChu arrogance is breathtaking. I don’t know if people saw it just for 2-3 sec his reply…

He posted probably and then understood the enormity of such atrocity removed probably and put definitlty…
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


lmao shut up, the reapers could do literally nothing against you and he would float home and still crush you as well.

I look at buildings razed for the optimal game stats.

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i know that was sarcasm but that would probably give you a better idea of who was the more dominant player than apm.

I’m certain that Maru could play 3rax reaper every game giving you map vision in a custom mode and still win.

And the same for the rest of us.

APM does matter in those situtations.

no i think i could probably hold the reaper aggression but i think hes so much better than me that he can easily overpower me with his macro mechanics.

Do you also think you could hold a printf cannon rush?

And here’s why you would lose to Maru. If you dedicated enough attention (apm) to beating his reapers, you’d straight up forget to macro at every opportunity during it, because APM is the resource of attention.

no i would lose because his macro is about 100x better than mine.

Yes…because he can micro reapersperfectly and macro at home perfectly at the same time…because of his greater apm.

Because Zerg players have high apm #MasterRace #TLM