Why bc never got nerfed its so broken

Zerg has weakest air so they gives parasite bomb but bc can teleport away if get hit by it and there free from its damage.

Or Yamato cannon has no leash range can’t run away nor burrow can avoid its damage.

Whole point Thors first got 10 anti air is stop muta harass and buff every anti air
where mutas have very limited play.

Bc with teleport has same harass crippling ability. If Zerg moves out Terran can teleport his bc take out major tech there is no real answer.

I think need short leash on cannon where even stealth will cancel it

Telport needs screen length not whole map and doesn’t negate parasite bomb


Neuro cancels yamato, and in general infestors beat BCs.

Also a fun fact, ultras are great against breaking turtle terrans, they die very hard to BCs, and are very fast so they can out ran.

(Composition like Ultras bane ling can actually kill a terran BC player, with some spores and def home)

Courrupters are also good against BCs, as long as they don’t max out on BCs, and if they did max out on BCs it is kinda your fault for letting them, when you could of killed them like 3 times before that happened.


Main complaint that these things shouldn’t exist first place.

Plus’s u act like bc player only uses bc and is dumb.

Ultras suck they can’t run into siege line they can’t brake not if Terran use ghost siege tanks liberators.

So they can constantly apply pressure and force stay at your on defensive.

Once try apply pressure he can teleport bc and destroy your base. It’s so broken.

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mate blinding cloud for the tanks and fungal for the bcs and dive in with ultras, corruptors and anything else you add

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Problem what u doing say this works who cares that parasite bombs won’t work on bc because telport or that Yamato any unit in game and if don’t have np ready your dead no matter how far or if become stealth your dead.

It’s not like liberators is effected by cloud or ghost can easily kill viper. Or they add Vikings and snipe vipers.

I don’t know fg only last 3 secs so u hoping that Terran dumb that u will catch him out position.

If Terran smart he will know exactly where your main army is since they have better tools. So all u arguing as wishful thinking. While whole time Terran has upper hand in this. Since he can poke u and get out before any real threat comes. He can scan and Yamato all infestor and might be lucky with one fungle but only last 3 secs so he tactical jump.

Ur ideal try say that it’s ok it’s broken but if they dumb u can beat them

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Bcs are not broken, they are not even strong until they scale in mass.

Before that you have many ways to counter or even kill the terran.


“Why bc never got nerfed its so broken”

Yes, it Was Nerfed and it is Not Broken, everything is wrong with that sentence.

Patch 4.7.1

  • Tactical Jump now stuns and puts the Battlecruiser into a 1 second vulnerability phase before it teleports. In this state, the Battlecruiser can be damaged, but Tactical Jump may not be canceled.
  • Yamato Cannon will no longer cancel itself if a target enters a transport or becomes cloaked/burrowed. Instead, the Yamato Cannon will miss, and the ability will go on cooldown

Why do you guys never check your information before posting??

  1. You think 1 sec is slow on game runs on a faster time.

  2. When says miss it picks the same area. Only two units can escape Yamato roach or infestor. Everything else burred dies problem it targets area so burred on station target gets killed. Plus’s it has no leash corrupters can’t run away.

  3. If parasitic bomb is cast 150 energy spell cast on it and tactical jumps it removes the spell that’s bs.

Again ur defending that its not broken so as long they tactical jumpits very very hard to kill them 1 sec is not long enough not to get away.

Plus’s you have fight all other bs that protects them.

Tactical jump is broken that it gives them huge advantage avoiding losing bc so he can easily build mass gg.

It forces play defensive or you can try split army but he just push his bc with his main crush your divided army.

Or see whole army so tactical jump to destroy critical economy or structure. Which most pushes are designed try remax but if can kill main structures you lose that ability from Zerg.

I would rather make small jump or leave portal open where 5 seconds any air unit can go threw.

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clearly you don’t know how Fungal growth Works, alright if you have mass corruptor and infestor the infestor can use Fungal Growth so the Bcs can’t tactical Jump and so the corruptors can fly in and destroy them with either hydras or mutalisks if you have made them before engaging

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It is no use man, we all try to tell him suggestions, but he didn’t create this topic to find solutions or counters to BCs, he just wants to cry and whine about how bad he is at fighting against BCs.

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One second is a big deal when games are won and lost in the blink of an eye. Fungal growth is a 3 second slow, by the way, not 1.

I’d have to test this as I’m not actually sure that’s how it works, but I’ll give you this since I can’t be certain.

Also, reading this gave me a conniption, it took me a few moments to work out what you were actually saying. Please, for the love of legibility, check your spelling and grammar because they’re really, really rough to read.

Corruptors, even in large numbers, are also pretty efficient against BCs regardless of Yamato. Equal supply of corruptors to BCs will always destroy BCs in a straight up engagement. They are one of the best anti-air units in the game.

Firstly, Parabomb is 125 energy. Secondly, why are you using parabomb on them in the first place, given that Parabomb is designed to aoe clumps of lower HP units like vikings or phoenix, unless you’ve hit them with fungal from an infestor to prevent them from spreading out (Either way, you already have the capability for multiple counters to the BC at that point anyway).

The BC is the most expensive unit in the game. There is nothing more expensive than the BC is. It’s also a slow moving, short range unit with 6 range (against both air and ground). Without tactical jump, the BC is quite literally a paperweight that costs more than your entire life savings while doing less than nothing at all, even with Yamato cannon.

Before they added tactical jump, I could count on one hand the number of times we saw BCs through the entire history of sc2 pro play and still have fingers left over. They were that garbage. Removing tac jump returns it to uselessness.

Ah yes, that’s why we see it so frequently in pro play even now.

Oh wait, we don’t.

I’ll give you that with tactical jump they do trade efficiently. But they’re generally not particularly difficult to deal with, even in a rush, and they delay other things by a lot because of their sheer cost alone.

if you have enough queens, you’ll be fine against an early BC even if the rest of your army isn’t there. larger numbers of BCs will require corruptors, but are still easily dealt with.

Having said all of this, I don’t like Tac-Jump, but it’s by far the least egregious of the map folding capabilities. Warp Gate, Recall, Mass Recall, Nydus Worm are all as bad, if not worse than tactical jump is since they map-fold much more than what effects just one unit.

Map folding abilities shouldn’t be in the game at all IMO.


The “one second” is on faster speed. Not editor seconds.

Yamato Cannon does not do damage in these circumstances, even though the projectile visually connects. If the target is not revealed when the projectile actually connects, it doesn’t deal any damage.

I agree, ducking into fog probably should cancel it.

… No? I mean, if it didn’t remove the spell, then tac-jump would actually counter it harder since it would let you retreat one BC to negate the spell’s effect while keeping all the others shooting.

Oh boy teleport an entire mixed army including dropships? that would be even more ridiculous
sure, you could chase the BC

and then you would always be lured into a ring of turrets or marines, effectively making it always a death sentence to follow

If Tac-Jump left a portal, then I could have my entire fleet of BCs teleport anywhere while only expending one of their cooldowns. That means at ~5 BCs, the button effectively doesn’t have a cooldown!

Okay, sure, enemy air units can follow, but that means I just have to make a pit-stop home between harassment attempts. To, y’know, kill any pursuers.

I think that they are cool and interesting, but they need to be restricted - cliffwalk, Blink, tac-jump, swarm host waves, and nydus canals are things I think fit the bill; but I absolutely agree - most of them are obnoxious because they too heavily remove positioning as a concern.

I think that using Yamato or Teleport should add a global CD, it does not feel fair at all using many yamatos and then teleporting safely,specially vs zerg because a mass bc can kill many corruptors and T won’t lose a lot on top of the overall T efficiency, if BC had some CD,like 10-15 seconds would be better I think.

One thing people say fungle I can’t find this out.

1 sec is how fast the jump once it blue can fungle stop it or is that to late. I think be late. Which why I find it joke that you can’t destroy them if they got itchy fingers on jump button.

The whole point I think remove parsite bomb is dumb it should follow them with jump. Even spell np followers them if it’s not out range.

I use parasite bomb since I built vipers and
Plus’s until corrupters become 3/3 they have to be 8 pop vs 6 pop so in early fights you can’t argue bc expensive since Zerg has spend more money

I tried use burrow to save queens and they get destroyed. Map editor still use that cancels. I think they need that but instead instant cancel it needs charge so gives Terran ability cast scan.

I hate argument that before tactical jump. Terran main problem how strong other units there is no need for ok units.

But op unit that forces a race to destroy economy to try protect its tech, force hand over built expensive tech buildings. Force race play overly defensive. Force certain unit knowing ground army is safe. Which then can be easily monitored to see if they 3/3. If block Zerg getting 3/3 you keep building them since Zerg lose advantage.

So certain mass that fungle do nothing so they don’t need to jump.

Problem everyone commits even your the whole time Terran controlling the fight. Unless you overly out smart him or he makes fatal mistake. Game is in Terran favor because one skill. That’s why it’s bs.

the whole point mutas got nerfed and major hard counters for because forces other player to play major defensive. But I guess it’s ok for Terran to do it.

Just ability move shoot make hydras poor choice.

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To be fair, attention is a resource. But so far as I’m aware, if the tactical jump has started before the fungal is cast, fungal will not stop it. Fungal prevents its use, it doesn’t stop something that is already active. It’s like hitting blink stalkers with fungal after Blink is on cool-down.

I actually think this is a weird quirk of Parabomb specifically, rather than anything else, since Parabomb stops following Vikings when they go into ground mode. I’m not 100% sure if it’s intentional (I think it is) that Parabomb doesn’t follow BCs through a tac jump, but it would make it unlike any other spell in the game.

Neural is a little different though since you’re forcing the jump yourself with Neural Parasite, and you’re forcing it to stay in the range of the infestor. That said, I see where you’re coming from here.

They absolutely do not. Equal supply of corruptors will beat equal supply of BCs in a direct fight, assuming equal upgrades. Remember, corruptors do bonus to massive air, and have 2 base armour. BCs are much stronger vs ground units than they are air units, and that 2 base armour makes a huge difference since they do 5 damage to air units at 0/0 (8 at +3) - meaning they only do 3 damage to corruptors at base. By contrast, corruptors do 17 damage to BCs every shot (20 damage total to massive -3 armour) at base. By 3/3 this means that BCs do a whopping 3 damage to 3/3 corruptors (8 damage - 5 armour = 3 damage per shot) while Corruptors do 20 damage per shot at 3/3 (26 damage vs massive - 6 armour = 20)

I’m going to be honest, I have no idea what you’re saying here. That reads in a manner that’s completely nonsensical.

The point of that argument is that the BC was quite literally a paperweight. Again, a short range, slow moving unit. With no range and no ability to catch other units, they can’t really do damage, and are therefore a (very expensive) waste of money that serves no purpose in the game, while also having the longest build time in the game and being incredibly slow to build numbers. BC transitions weren’t viable before tactical jump, and removing it would make BCs useless again.

I think I understand what you’re saying here, but again, with your grammar and English (I assume it’s your 2nd language), it’s really hard to tell.

Early BCs is a massive, massive sacrifice for Terran; each BC you’re building at that early stage of the game must get significant damage done to be worth it. Drone kills are a must - often we’re talking about an entire mineral-line’s worth of drone kills in order to equalize the cost of the BC, the fusion core and the Starport build time (which is over a minute that could be utilized for other units like ravens, banshees, medivacs, vikings etc - in the time it takes to make 1 BC you can literally build 4 vikings, assuming a reactor).

The thing is, all Zerg needs to do to deal with early BCs is to make queens and spores, both of which they were already going to make. You’d need to pull your creep queens back to defend, and likely your inject queens too, but they can ward or potentially kill a BC.

Once corruptors are out - and you don’t need many - then you’re safe against a couple of BCs. Mass BC is different of course, you’d need a much larger force of corruptors to deal with BC en-mass, but it’s definitely doable.

Context??? Are we talking Mech or bio? Either way there’s solutions to both.

Mutas literally haven’t been touched in the entirety of legacy of the void, and nor have their counters, aside from the liberator who’s anti-air got repeatedly nerfed into the ground to be so bad that it’s genuinely laughable. Not that libs could kill mutas anyway.

Eh… Hydras are a poor choice not because of the move-and-shoot ability but because of the BC’s high armour values, making their DPS a lot less effective. Still, with Microbial shroud over them they can work in a pinch, but you’re always going to be better off with corruptors anyway.


Reason why you need extra pop because Yamato. So without Yamato, equal pop corrupters can fight but there is no leash, I can move screen over and still get shot and corrupter dies by yamoto. 3/3 you need 2 corruptors but because Yamato u need equal pop at 3/3.

Going back stealth only 5 units can move in stealth now. I think Ideal is stealth post move out way and it miss but there ideal of missing it attacks last know position. Kinda sucks everything for Zerg outside of infestor and roach.

Which queens because 7 range can keep hitting. Hydras can hit even though same range every time they stop and shoot there out of range even though they getting constantly hit. You just watch hydras scoot shoot without shooting and they dieing.

This is on creep it’s gets worse off creep.

Even fast rush 3 minutes to push before Terran has extra resources dump in marines or hellions. If can’t beat he have bc on way to aid.

Queens and spore won’t kill bc it’s only makes it leave. Terran has be dumb to lose bc because Zerg doesn’t have fire power or ability to force engagement. Now if Terran smart fly in then wait till does most damage jump out. You do run risk dieing if Terran jump in with ravagers outside of that.

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Stryker is right guys. I just had a game recently that I won as zerg against a terran player. Literally all the terran player did was on like 2 bases he just went straight to battlecruisers as quickly as he could. I destroyed both of his bases but he managed to keep his 2 battlecruisers alive. I had probably 5 spores in my base and I lost probably 4 or 5 queens just to one battlecruiser…

The range on the battlecruiser is so busted he just kept staying barely out of range…I was microing down his battlecruiser with queens but it just wouldnt die. After I won the game his battlecruiser was still alive somehow but in the red…and he had one other battlecruiser too. BCs have a ridiculous amount of life, insane range, insane damage, and then they can jump anywhere on the map…Yamato cannon is way too strong too and does splash damage. It’s by far the best unit in the game and nobody here can deny it needs some nerfs.

I can’t tell if you’re being facetious or serious.

I’m pretty sure your entire post is you simply being facetious, but just in case, no. Yamato is a single target spell.


Y’all here trying to protect a cancerous unit that has WAYY too much life and damage and abilities that frankly shouldn’t even be in the game. (i.e. tactical jump). I don’t know what else to say guys. We all know Blizzard won’t do anything about it but defending battlecruisers at this point??? Y’all trippin.

Only skill that works is np that full energy that’s two cast 8 secs each total 16 secs.

Now I am getting screamed use fungle that locks them down for 3 secs get two cast that’s 6 secs.

I only upset that only good skill use on them is only np.

If paying attention you be able click jump and spot on map I doubt Zerg can land fg on a bc.

So if your bc Terran do this force Zerg build corrupters. Every time you engage Yamato him and jump. Only you need look for infestor for np. It be point that Zerg can’t produce enough corrupters to counter bc.