Why are some mutators almost never used?

Question: Why some mutators like “Tychus Teaches Typing”, “Undying Evil” and others never appear on weekly mutation?

I never heard anything about that mutations.

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You Mutations? Not seeing those Mutators in the list…

That’s Boombots before it became Boombots.
And as far as i’m concerned, such mutators have no place in StarCraft. I don’t play strategy games to type on keyboard.

Either it wasn’t that interesting to play, or required too much work so it was never finished. Heroes from the Storm had a similar problem that it used to work properly only on one map, while on others it either worked too well (first Memorable Boss), or didn’t work at all.


You can see it in “Starcraft 2 Co-Op Weekly Mutation Database”.
I can’t paste the link here, but you can google it.
It’s a sheet on google drive where you can see all the past and next weekly mutations and also other informations.