Who thinks queens are any good

I would say queens are fairly well balanced unit and in this case your both wrong. Good players arbitrarily placing units in a tier list based of criteria that doesn’t make sense or exist in this first place is silly. Queens are so unique to the macro of how Zerg plays they are mandatory to build and I would argue that they have intentionally been balanced so they are less effective vs armies and mandatory for macro putting them on a tier list is akin to putting probes on a tier list and goign lol need minerals bro s tier. It’s also mandatory for you to have some number of queens at your hatchery’s to stop the mineral harass and inject since you can’t wall this harass will happen every game and frequently. In fact they are also zergs only real defensive mechanic. Having queens in the base is similar to terrans having mules and wall offs and siege tanks to defend theirs. Also from a fighting only perspective queens don’t come from larva so there is no choice there you can make as many as you wanted granted they build slow and walk slow this is by design. The way zerg is designed I would argue anything outside of simply massing queens all game as army units being meta means they are op and obviously not stronger than ghost in terms of fighting. People are not doing that however so they are balanced and working as intended as a defensive unit that prevents constant mineral harass and spreads creep without being massed all game as part of army composition for offensive attacks. Queens are not meant to be pure army units they are a mechanical component of the race and they don’t need buffed to use to fight as they are defensive. So you are right they are not a real army unit and that’s by design and working as intended.

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Problem is design of queen it’s poor choice.

Macro is poor choice you add extra step vs every other race. Pluss if Terran tech was locked behind orbital command. Then Zerg can be on same page or make where Zerg can upgrade lair and hive and make a queen at same time.

It be better add larva injection on hatcheries and move creep tumor to overseers.

Problem it’s tank that it be one thing if can run at siege lines. It can’t since it’s super slow.

Poor AA can fight multiple void ray but can’t fight single bc or carrier.

Problem if u rush tech your economy suffers we’re u can’t afford expensive none expensive tech.

Queens slightly like only because there is no other option.

Here’s what you’re actually saying:

I’m really bad at playing Zerg. Please buff Zerg so I can beat Terran & Protoss without having to learn to play better.


Edit: If you really want to learn how to beat carriers & bcs then just ask and ideally post replays.

That kind of sweeping change simply is not goign to happen at this games stage in life it gets a patch 1-2 times a year and they are minor tweaks for the most part not massive reworks. Sadly at lower skill levels I think if all you really cared about was winning you could do a very simple sub 4 minute roach Speedling all in off two bases every game and probably gain 2 leagues it requires much less apm the build is super streamlined and easy to manage and works to a surprisingly high mmr. Unfortunately that’s not any fun at all on the bright side I would rather be underrated than over rated the lower you are the more freedom you have to build and play however you want to.

Really queens before transfuse nerf they can decent against marines. Probably against bc but at this it was very rare to see bc.

If Terran only made medivacs and marines and Zerg made queens and spines. But after nerf it’s impossible since your wasting 50 hp.

Pluss I was asking do they feel weak but caffeine made comments not his own but placement of unit that even scarlet question. That should been sign to Zerg pro who made it meta mass queen question it’s worth.

I think the design of the game is such that how queens function now is how they want them too. If they were strong enough before to be used offensively and they nerfed them its a good indications that not how they were intended to be used. I understand you would rather have another military unit and have the macro abilities placed other places due to your other post I’m just telling you I don’t think that’s ever goign to happen simply due to how massive of a change it would be. Maybe the core design of I can make workers way faster than you and you need to try and kill them so I don’t pull ahead doesn’t appeal to you but its how the game is currently designed for zerg. As i mentioned before you have options you can ignore this design all together and all in most players and win without worrying about it or making more than 2 total queens all game. If players are masing queens to attack that’s a good sign they are too strong or working in unintended ways. Players making 1 queen a hatch for macro and a pack of them in the middle to spread creep and serve as a general defense feels like they have it right to me.

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Ok it’s poor design And anyone be honest knows it’s only design stop harassing units and not real push.

I feel that remove all nerfs give speed and make viable tank unit. It has same dps as reaper.

The funny of all arguments that each race outside of Zerg well np can easily wipe or remove energy.

Now do u have any opinion on subject or just more bs saying they won’t do that. I know but hole point thread do you think there fine or weak or op.

Not some bs what pros can do with them or blizzard wants this way.

I fundamentally disagree that its poor design in fact I think having a unit who’s purpose is to defend harassment and not to be used as an army unit primarily is good design. One of the many things I liked more about wc3 was the races built in defense mechanism that made rushing or cheesing far more difficult. So yes my opinion is that they wont chnage it and they shouldn’t change it. Also they are already super powerful early on for offense via proxy hatch or nydus rushes. They are not meant to be a late game army unit they cost 0 gas. You can personally not like that design but I personally do like it quite a bit. They are incredibly efficient don’t cost larva don’t cot gas spawn creep defend rushes and air and have a heal. Considering they are a core part of how the race functions changing them to the way you want would not only be for your arbitrary preferences but would require large reworks of the whole game which as I’ve stated doesn’t make much sense in a game this old. I’m not a pro and I can quite easily creep a whole map defend early aggression and even successfully cheese with them and have never found them in any way weak. So agree to disagree on the point.

My problem before transfuse nerf they could hold off marines push. Now they can’t even transfuse the spines against marines.

I feel queen can be great unit but is restricted.

Macro mechanics is unfair machanic that forces Zerg either pick fight or macro it has gotten some easy but in heat battle still pain

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They are really good if you know to use them. Do keep in mind tumors spread creep 2 your units move faster 3 more sight over territory. Those are my thoughts.

is possibly an idea.
I mean queens can no longer heal off creep.
say you could test, the change of patch 4.7.1 remove.

major change like queen rework will not happen. too complex.