Karax, available via the Solar Forge building. Former makes OS (Orbital Strike) salvos stun enemy units, while latter makes SL (Solar Lance) set the ground on fire, doing up to 600 dmg.
In general, if enemy comp is mostly air, I do the former. If targets are mostly ground (e.g. enemy waves, objectives), I go latter.
“Stun strike” is nicer with P1 and P2 (lets your units and towers strike with more impunity. Even better if you can time and rhythm it to keep them mostly stunned), while I tend to lean “set ground on fire” with P3 (SL is down to 1 minute cd, and only costs 30 SoA energy).
I like to go with the stun orbital strike vs air comps and solar flare against ground. So same as you.
On maps like DON or ME, solar flare regardless.
I usually dont research either of them.
First, thanks for explaining because I don’t pay attention to the names of things lol.
Then, my answer would be Solar Flare.
Phase Detonation stun for like 0.1s or 0.05s, something extremely small anyway, and using Orbital Strike too often on buildings or enemies immune to Stun decrease the overall efficiency of the upgrade.
Stun, however small the duration is still big deal when facing heavy air. As it allows you to shadow cannon them to hell and back or if you’re using mirages to get free shots off. I think only hybrids are immune to stun . It all comes to whether you’re facing air or ground enemies.
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