What's your rank and goal?

I just recently started playing again, after a hiatus of almost 5 years+ and I’m enjoying the game a lot and looking to climb further so, I was just curious on the state of the community here.

I know the forum is a little bit dead (okay maybe more than a little bit) but I’m still interested in knowing what you guys are doing over there.

Personally, started ranked with leaving a few games, that got me to silver 2 or so and now I’m gold 3, almost gold 2. Looking to get plat before august and diamond before end of the year if possible currently playing Z only, climbing very slowly. Used to play terran only but got bored with that real quick.

So what about you guys?

I mainly play z as well gold 3 as well I don’t know if I have real goal.

I play as x as well my goal get high as possible

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Already achieved my “wildest dreams” goal. Got master league a couple years ago. Now I just kind of casually play tbh.


i’m masters, i casually play around low master, my goal? make people upset they lost to mulalisk. how is that going ? well my win rate isn’t great :stuck_out_tongue:

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Came back after an 8 year hiatus in 2020, goal was to make masters… succeeded at that in a few months. Surprised myself by making GM this year. Been having a blast cannon rushing people all the way up the ladder!

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Low-mid diamond,I used to try to get into mster,reached 4,2k and got bored of the necessary grind because as soon as I stopped playing for a few days my skill/mindset decreased and lost mmr. Since then I just wanted to play even more casually and focus on enjoying the game on unranked mode with every race but mainly T and Z.

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I’m in mid-Platinum. My long-term goal is to earn all the achievements and possibly create some content covering different aspects of the Starcraft franchise in a big-picture way.


Didnt get to the point to become Masters on every acc including new ones so t here is no doubt but the 2018 protoss balans killed my hype and I saw the game not worth trying anymore.

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Diamond 2. Playing very casually, only 1000 total career games, been playing since 2013.
I suppose I’ll reach Masters’ eventually, in a decade or so.

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Im 39 years old man, Im silver 1 with Terran. Silver 1 with random. Silver 1 with Protoss. I prefer Terran then Protoss then Zerg the last in terms of emphaty. Recently I got viking portrait which is awarded for 100 wins as random. I would like to assend but i dont know how I would be better, i have mercy sometimes. I get happy when i win and get furious with myself when i lose. But when i play just for having fun i dont care losing or winning.

My goal for SC2 is the same for my shares in GME, to the moon, anything else is non negotiable.

Rank: Duke Nukem
Goal: Ultralisk Nerf

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