Whats up with this balance team?

The comparison was about static def.
and Toss static def is in the early/mid >> zerg’s.
Because it costs zerg workers and toss 2 sec, even terran have more mineral loss because of build time.
But yes later zerg static def has more utlity due to mobility.

you brought your own points through each other… c) d)

Definitely salty he isn’t at my MMR.

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But i am tho 0.o And that with playing macro.


Wooow look at him bragging about his mmr while cheesing.
The matches vs protoss are awfully short. How can you know that all they do is turtle skytoss 0.o
Also you got 51% winrate vs protoss this season so why the whining?

It also costs protoss the equivalent of a gateway but ok :smiley:
Cant fool me with that one.

Besides hes referencing the hero mistake. And based on that i knew he meant widow mines (had a discussion with him about hero clumping up workers vs widow mines). And yes…spores are definetly the reason why widowmines arent that great vs zerg. You simply cant afford a cannon early game in each mineral line for widow mines vs terran but you can afford spores tho.

hahaha, you actually wasted your time doing that. Of course I cheese Protoss. What am I going to do? Instantly lose the late game by amove carrier storm? Yea, no thanks.


So, basically you cheese Protoss every game, and if the Protoss player manages to hold it you accuse them of turtling…



I mean if you call investing 5 minutes into proving someone being a petty liar wasted then yes it might be wasted. I think its pretty fair to demask you. Everyone should know who you are and how dumb your claims are. Yeah yeah every protoss is doing skytoss and every terran is doing turtle mech. You prolly havent had any standard matches in a looong time.

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Petty liar? You took 10 games in which 4 I played macro and 6 I cheesed because they were mostly Protoss players. Like wth. This is kind of pathetic. Definitely salty Im way higher MMR than him.

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I just took a snap from the frontpage of your nephest site.

I still dont understand why you cry. You look good in zvp and zvz because you basically cheese every game but your zvt winrate is abysmal. Maybe your macro needs attention :slight_smile:

As i said. A cheeser. Maybe try to focus on macro before bragging :smiley:

I’m not sure, but I don’t think you understand.
He plays chees so that he can prevent a skytoss.

that’s different from when toss holds cheese he’s a turtle.

there was a hype around hero style for 1-2 months, then a lot of Toss at least dia-Master fell back into old patterns.
In addition, there was the patch that Queen push nerft. So optoines were taken again.

For Ladder Terran no idea, regardless of tournaments, there are days/week only with bio or only with mech. i think there is a new build? but all play differently.

Bragging? Im not bragging, just pointing out about how salty you are about me being 4.6k.

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I dont think so mate. If you think 4.6k is really impressive then idk. But hey its ok.

I dont think its impressive at all but you keep bringing it up. Salty kid.

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Im also on that mmr so nah im not salty. Also i know its because of cheesing but i actually brought this whole topic up because you said:

This is pure cringe.

Yes, I was stating my MMR because 4.6k is Masters 2 and you stated I never played any “good” Protoss before. If you honestly believe none of the players are good beyond the top 200 in every Country, you’ve got something wrong with you. Hell, this mmr puts me against GM players roughly 1 in 10 matches, which was my original point.

The only cringe thing here is you dude. You waste your time so much being salty.

I mean those are 2 different Statements. I said then maybe you dont Play good protoss because skytoss is vastly inferior. But now that i See that you only cheese protoss you Just Back Up your Claim that they all do skytoss Turtle. You dont even do 12 Pool macro. You Go full blown all in.

And 4.6k is still at least 600 mmr Off of real Grandmaster. But hey If an NA Guy wants to feel good im all Gucci.

it is indeed terrible Protoss been bad for years hey they finaly got a guy doing something weird win once thus it must be ok! ~ Thats Blizzard for you
the team is clearly greedy / lazy i mean heck WC3Reforge would like to just play properly lol

DRG is just show casing how Ez Zerg is.