What's the meaning of all these? Destroying builds?

Ruined is quite the overreaction.

Indeed, and its not like people have been silent about how powerful and problematic his cannons are.

Boo hoo, now you have to manage your early game the same as every other commander.

Because every commander needs to play exactly the same :laughing:

Weren’t you just talking about how Mengsk’s “Only option” is to build mass ESO? Most commanders don’t revolve around building massive quantities of artillery.

Its all the same game. There are going to be some fundamental aspects of play, like saturating worker lines, that every commander operates with.

“Weeeee, Mengsk dead!”


Wait, is this a Mengsk or Zeratul thread? It’s all starting to blur together.

Regardless… “i dun wanna adapt/gitgud, i want muh ezclapwin button!”

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What went wrong in your life that you became such a toxic troll? I feel sad for you. Hopefully the Christmas time will heal your wounds.