What to do vs Mech?

I’m lost when it comes to ZvT and trying to beat Terrans who Turtle into Mech. I know “Don’t let them expland” is a tactic, but it seems like that’s much harder to stop then it is for the Terran to react and cripple you.

If I do make it to Mid/Late game, I just don’t know what to make to counter Thors/Tanks, Mech in general. Every ground unit gets destroyed and Broods just don’t cut it. I’ve even tried Vipers/Infestors in the mix but the APM and control required to counter such a army seems to be much higher then a Terran who don’t even have to micro their units.

The only time I do manage to win vs Terran Mech-Turtle style is to somehow cripple the Terran before they get “too much mech”. Even in some cases I still end up losing because of the ridiculous HP of Mech units. BC’s are beasts…

Is it just easier for Terran to Turtle to BC/Thors/Tanks? Mech in general? Does Zerg simply require more APM to counter lower APM Turtle style play?

Guess these forums and game is more dead then I thought.

first ideas that i, too, forget from time to time:
1.) attack direction: T usually takes triangular bases. often the 3 base is well secured (most tanks). there are T that have little def at the natural. meaning you can come from the side and into the natural / main base. T is forced to clean his bases which gives you time and possibly a lead. ( map dependent)

2.) tech path: use your multi tech Roach warren/ spire/ ultra etc… first roach heavy and then on muta. example: you try to kill primary thor and then go on muta and kill tanks, meaning terran always builds what is worse in the next round.
i admit when the terran army is too all round it doesn’t work so well.

games plan:

  1. Serral, but on an older patch: get almost 90 drones → ling/bane Muta or Ravager.
    multi attack trade with terran, advantage by ecco lead, but you have to keep the pressure up.
    possibly nydus?

  2. what i try: ~66 workers fast~12 sh + roach/ Ravager or hydra (if Banshee). constant pressure. regularly change attack angle.
    possibly add spellcaster.

  3. mass Bl - viper ? not sure ~80 workers + fast tech?
    Blinding Cloud and ~15+ bl? not sure but the idea is clear.

  4. viper lurker/x, a kind of slow push with ~5 viper? take one viper and pull 1-2 targets into the lurker.

I can’t think of anything else atm.
other ideas:
infestor - Neural Parasite i like the idea, but often one scan and dead…

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I appreciate the reply. Most of what you said is that I do and sometimes it does work but it just takes everything out of me. At the end of the match I’m exhausted just trying to deal with 1 unit. The terrans are usually like 60 APM and sit behind PF walls and Turrets. Drags the game out to 30+ minutes and never attacks. It’s almost like if they sit there, you can’t really do a whole lot once it gets late game.

For now if I see a Terran going Mech and I can’t finish or delay them, I just leave since I can usually get 2 more matches in vs Terrans who don’t do this. It’s just anti-fun and it feels like the Terran has the advantage the whole time. Even if they do nothing but play sim-city and make mech.

It feels like Infestors losing IT’s it made it much MUCH harder to deal with.


Try lurkers and lings cover lurkers with lings and put lings on hold. This force Thors target lings. Use infestor use fg to keep them out range.

What do you guys use against tanks now? I used to use Infested Terrans to trigger them.

If it’s early game takes 3 ravager shots take out tank.

Or swarm host also works as well