What it is like being a Zerg GM during ProtossCraft II

2019-hold my nydus worm brood lord winfestor clownfiesta.

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Or maybe because its a point so weak isnt worth even trolling about it. Every matchup is different, there is no X matchup is baseline for skill, usually every person has a matchup that for some reason they play better or have better results.


I told Blizzard employees that years ago. You cannot balance the game based on what one or two players in the world can do, because maybe he’s THE BEST PLAYER and is supposed to win every tournament, sort of like Roger Federer in his primie won almost every tournament on Grass or hard court. When you’re the best, you’re supposed to win, and that doesn’t mean your race is the problem, well usually.

You actually can’t balance the game based on what the top 100 players in the world are doing either.

The balance of Units in Broodwar follow precise mathematical rules.

The Units in SC2 don’t follow any mathematical rule, they are just randomly designed.

That was good for like 4 players. GM population and Zerg representation in tournaments didn’t go up at all. The only difference in 2019 was Dark winning more than usual.

I hate to break it to you guys but none of this matters anymore, the balance team has been reassigned.

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Oh yes. And current balance is way way worse than 2019? :smiley: please.

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That’s hard fact to digest for the whinners, the game is gonna get balanced just a bit more and that’s all, no big changes, and for sure they are not gonna change anything if the pro top does not show anything really broken.

Yes, Serral loses some games now. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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…not against protoss tho :stuck_out_tongue:

Only 100% For serral, the solution is making Serral does not reach the finals against P.

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Much worse. The only Zerg that did better last year was Dark.

This year low tier pros like Goblin, Maxpax, Nina, DNS and Skillous doing better than ever. And Protoss is completely dominating GM and doing better everywhere on ladder. Zerg was already the least played race and now it’s less active than ever.

I mean whatever lets you sleep at night.

I dont think many would agree that this year was worse than last year. Imagine how much op stuff zerg had (yeah worked only for like top 4 guys? please…) which got all fixed and the best zergs in the world are still the best players in the world…

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Yet none of you can name a Zerg that overachieved last year besides Dark.

Ah yes. Zerg is now borderline extinct on ladder so everything is right in the world.

umm, yes? When players are that much better, like Serral and Reynor, they’re going to win no matter what balance is like.

Weirdly that every zerg Who is dominating always is so much better than everyone else but Terrans and tosses are always patchterrans patchtosses.

Let it go. Zerg is in a decent spot. No need to cry. At least they were allowed in eu upper bracket unlike toss.

And no. Not only dark was better Last year. We got 70% zerg wins by 5 different zergs. Zerg even led in runner up. Where are Your Champions now? :slight_smile:

Once again. A worse year in terms of Balance is not possible after 2019.


People that spew such cynical BS are usually terrans. Are you sure that Stretch is not a crypto-terran simulating a Zerg poster?
Now, we had infamous Zerg posters derailing like the Flatearther BatZ that unexpectantly switched at weird positions.
I guess those 2-3 last patches are been too hard for the Zerg psyche.
Little know those clowns that still Zerg race is OP.

When the top Zergs can offrace at an equal level to most pro Toss players, then yeah, they’re just better than everyone else.

Of course Protoss whiners will think Zerg is in a decent spot after the race has been completely decimated.

GM being 50% Protoss and Zerg barely evident on ladder?? Thumbs up from every Protoss player in the world.

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80 apm Protoss are all over GM league and people still whine about Zerg. Amazing.

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Zero is 25%, which is almost their representation (26.6%).

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Your facts are, once again, plain wrong. Blizzard nerfed Protoss based on GM over performance despite the fact that Maru was winning every tournament in Korea at the time. Protoss performance has far exceeded what they deemed imbalanced back then.

That isn’t true because Aligulac’s win-rates are a non randomized sampling. The best Zergs will play the majority of the games in the sample due to the selection pressure of the tournament system favoring stronger players, so you can’t say if a win-rate was due to skill representation or balance.

The ladder system on the other hand doesn’t limit how many games are played based on your skill level, so each skill level is equally represented.

Win-rates also don’t account for relative skill differences, which we know exist in the tournament scene. In other words, a 50% win-rate is only a fair expectation if the skill representation in a tournament is equal, which we know for a fact is not the case.

Your facts are just plain wrong. Protoss has dominated GM for close to 2 years now and there is a clear linear trend to it (of increasing Protoss dominance). We also know that there have been repeated nerfs to Zerg and buffs to Protoss, so it makes sense that Protoss performance would go up and Zerg’s would go down.

Furthermore, this problem exists at more levels than Grandmaster level (and there are numerous ways to prove it).

Sure :slight_smile:
How convinient to Think that protoss doesnt win anything in a tourny Format because they simply arent Good enough.

You missed the point of how is this relevant? Gm representation means little. Zerg has always been the less popular race and frankly its much more of a Chore to Play. I can understand that Players get Bored of it and Quit.

Also…schrödingers Balance?? You Said that zerg was op but it only was Good for like top 4 Players. But now it got fixed and suddenly its Bad for all zergs so they quit ? :smiley:

Doesnt Make sense but then again You are a horrible zerg whiner.


Nah, compared with Trumpster BatZ he is the paragon of moderation. The Trumpster is converted in Terran-Zerg whiner…
Those clowns will drop immediately their BS of GM Protoss representation if Protoss went 20% and would invent the BS of Protoss representation in …Master.
It’s pointless to engage those clowns because their whole narrative is built on bad-faith.
Just enjoy their sophistical contortions and pity them.

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