What is the best map to train multitask?

in arcade have a lot of maps to train multitask, but how is the best and latest?

IMO best way is to fight elite AI if you are somewhere in the beginner range. Just make a custom game on a ladder map and fill with elite AI, or better yet, cheater, if you’re up for the challenge

I already know how to play against the elite AI.
What I want is a map to train multitask, there’s a lot there in the arcade but I’ve played 3 different ones and all have a small difference, who trains there or used to train, which one?

Just hit ladder. Best way to multitask is if you are pitted against an agressive opponent who keeps throwing things at you. You’ll run into them soon enough. The better you become, the harder your opponents will get and the more multitasking will be required.

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I played one where you have to constantly micro a probe around while macroing on an outdated map with your enemy (AI) literally right in your face. If you know what I am talking about, that is a bad map for realistic multitasking. IMO at the end of the day, the only way to improve is to face the real thing.

Just gonna echo these. If you wanna improve literally anything Versus related: Hit the ladder. You can’t improve a muscle unless you use it.

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