What if you are allowed to choose before the Aiur missions?

So Alarak counseled wisdom to nuke the planet instead of trying to save some protoss. I say we take it.

What would be some of major change if we are allowed to do so?

I know at least Wing of Liberty did this.

Well, Artanis would probably be killed by Vorazun on the spot, which would suck. And also the Khalai would almost certainly go extinct, which would suck.

Alarak is a pragmatist looking out for his own goals, but his goals are not Artanis’.

It also wouldnt have worked anyway, because most of the Golden Armada were not on Aiur at that point, and they were unable to directly engage the great fleet with their forces. Unless they got the GA as well, Amon would still carry on existing.

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Assume it would work, what kind of miracle will have to happen? Like what kind of new missions would be to replace the 3 final of LOTV?

None? Purification takes like half an hour and there isnt a lot of response to it if you dont already have a fleet in orbit.

It’s worth combined might of the forces Artanis had available for orbital bombardment was just enough to destroy Amons host body. There isn’t anything to indicate they could glass the planet, even if they decided to go that route.

They could easily do that. They just need a tiny bit of Plot Energy for their weapons.