Been leveling up Fenix’s prestiges, having fun, except when I have to fight air comps. What does he even do?? Adepts are solid-ish against mutas, not great against anything else. Carriers are just so slow to get out, and scouts are quite bad in all regards. And that’s his entire list of units that can shoot up. His dragoon suit is fine for stragglers but not even close to enough against a full air comp wave.
Last game on OE I was facing protoss carrier/arbiter and towards the end my carriers were faced off with a bunch of other carriers and the interceptors all killed each other so it was a ton of carriers just kinda staring at each other (I’m not saying this particular situation was necessarily Fenix’s fault; I should’ve micro’d my units to target the carriers). But it was funny, and felt indicative of Fenix’s attempt to kill air.
6 champions wreck any enemy composition, especially on P2 with optimal number of shells for every champion. Talis with upgraded glave debuffs enemy units, making them easier to kill for other champions. Warbringer immediately destroy a bunch of enemies with his blast at the start of the fight, Mojo stuns them. Each of them might not seem too great alone, but when combined, nothing can stand against them.
Also, if you’re playing P2, keep all champions in a single control group and fight only with them, keeping all other units behind the battle in reserve. After a champion gets killed, a substitute will enter the battle, and it’ll also be kept in the control group, so it’s easy to manage.
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If you really need to burst down air units, make sure they clump, and have the Dragoon Suit go to town with them. Press (default key) ‘R’ to enable zero cd (cool down) on his abilities, then rapidly use ‘E’ to AoE burst for air damage.
If you’re close by to your cannons, lure them back for some extra damage.
Mojo and Talis should be more than enough for most AA (anti-air). Especially on P2. If not, then you can use your shells to fight.
Consider using Conservators as their “bubble light shield” thingy reduces damage by 35%! And in stationary mode, provides power field to warp in Adept reinforcements (also provides that light shield on a permanent basis).
Arbiter suit to Cloak is nice if they don’t have detection (or destroyed it all). Use Stasis to incapacitate half of the enemy force to make it more manageable
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So against air comps esp vs. protoss; adepts, scouts, and carriers are your only option. If you have room to spare get 5 colossus and get a fully upgraded warbringer since it’s ability can hit air. Make sure your army is always under a conservator field. Now the thing is mojo disables air targets with it’s missiles and ability (which is just mass missiles) so you should be focus firing with your scouts especially against carriers, ignore the interceptors since they will go back when a carrier is disabled. If you have micro to spare consider switching back and forth on multiple carriers with mojo but considering you have a maxed out army focus firing should be one shotting enemy carriers.