What commanders do you find the most fun?

And why? Figured since there was a thread about most boring commanders I’d make one for most fun commanders.

My mains are Swann, Stukov, and Karax.

Swann - I like Factory units and Goliaths, which he specializes in, and has available respectively (Nova is the only other CO with Gollies).

I also really enjoyed that WoL mission where you use the laser drill, which is Swann’s version of a “hero unit”.

Pulse Cannon is his version of a nuke, which requires no ghost nor other unit to be there! Just need vision.

Always happy to give ally’s extra gas! :slight_smile:


Stukov - I like the fusion of Zerg, Terran, and Infested Terran.

Having hordes is also fun. From Bunkers, ICC, and cheapish Rax (15/0/1 per)

Db’s are just so much fun to use and abuse (esp. on his P1).

CDs are nice to have, and add to the “fusion” feature…
Apocalisk is a Zerg unit with Terran tech strapped to it
Aleksander is a Terran unit that’s been Infested and “Zergified”.


Karax - I really like having the SoA lasers to assist. Omnipresent, and can easily “zap” their way out of problems many minor problems that crop up. You can also get away with not making Observers with them!

He’s not OP as you need to balance his “3 pillars”… SoA lasers, towers, and units, to go about any given mission. Nor is he some mindless “A-move” CO since you need to manually use Orbital Stirkes and Solar Lances to good effect, and actually aim with them!

He’s got a nice array of support abilities… Chrono Field, Chrono Wave, Chrono Beam (“stim pack” from Energizers), repair beam on mech, Unity Barrier. Phase Detonation (aka “stun strike”) can put enemy units in a state high or perpetual incapacitation, letting your towers, units, and ally’s forces take on enemy waves with far less losses.

He’s more likely to place towers in remote areas, which grants visions to COs who make use of that (e.g. Tychus, Nova)


For all 3 of them - They have great towers, which I’m a fan of such playstyle.

Swann and Karax can pull of their tower play without eating into any additional supply.

Swann and Karax can rapidly build theirs to to set up footholds in areas where needed (e.g. going offensively, crossroads to intercept attack waves, or reinforce some areas as needed like with power fields and detection)

Stukov’s is practically iconic (dare I say, even the Missile Turrets), and effective in their own rights (P3 vs. non-P3). Pricy (they cost 4 supply!), but have Ultralisk-level stats (so… “Bunkerlisk”)

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Right now I think I’m having the most fun with Mengsk, Abby, and Karax for each race. They’re hard to get going but once they do their late game armies are nearly unstoppable (maybe except for Mengsk that requires more micro to fully utilize especially if you’re doing P2/P3).

I like macro CO’s that don’t simplify too much of the game’s mechanics, or that make up for that simplification in some way with engaging gameplay that doesn’t get repetitive.

So for me, my favorite CO’s are Kerrigan, Swann, Raynor, Karax (P2), Fenix, and Mengsk.

CO’s that can push bases at the start of the game or have powerful strengths, auto-gas is also a nice bonus.

Vorazun, Zagara, Fenix, Alarak, Mengsk, and Nova.

Alongside my thread about the most “boring” COs: I like COs who have more variety of gameplays, which includes Vorazun who can use MC to take control of units outside of her arsenal.

Due to my love for towers, I also like Zeratul since he can project his defensive structures into offense, even if his army is more or less F2 with minimal control.

Mengsk is quite broken, but all of his prestiges and the lack are fun to play around, offers longivity in picking him.

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Historically I’ve enjoyed Mengsk the most, though I haven’t been playing him lately (mostly cause I’ve been running B+'s, and I feel like outside of cheese he doesn’t handle mutations all that well).

Been playing a lot of HH, Kerrigan, Swann, Alarak, and Tychus

In general I like more macro focused commanders. I feel they are usually the ones that change their army comp/strategy a lot based on the map, enemy, etc. Tychus obviously has zero macro but picking outlaws and their upgrades when using Lone Wolf feels incredibly impactful and rewarding.

Zagara has consistently remained my favorite with her Hyper aggressive playstyle, Cheap and disposable army, relatively simple micro and her p1 is so insane of a boost that you lose your hero unit and don’t even care. Scourge are easily one of the best Anti Air units period and are excellent for sniping objectives that count as air units. Her defenses are a little lacking but she can do well even on Dead of Night by just beating it so fast it doesn’t matter her defense sucks.

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Have you tried P2 Zagara? I find this prestige really good even if the intent is to spam banes and scourge. Reason why is basically it helps deal with one of Zagara’s biggest weaknesses. Continuing to do damage and tank in sustained fights like Dead of the Night. That prestige makes abberations and corruptors much cheaper and aberrations are really good with this prestige. Plus having a bunch of abberations is good because you can upgrade abberations to reduce damage over units under them by 50% which makes banes more likely to hit intended targets and give zerglings sustain.

Another interesting thing I found out. The units only actually need to be somewhat close to abberations for the buff to work. Not necessarily directly under.

I’ve Tried all of Zagaras Prestiges

P1 is quite easily better than any other option in 99% of circumstances. Though p2 and p3 do offer fun playstyles and are perfectly valid choices to make. Even on Dead of Night I think the extra free banelings are at least comparable to beefier aberrations for defending the first 2 nights. and unless you are set on getting the bonus night 3 simply shouldn’t happen which is where the aberrations would really start to pull ahead in overall value. Corruptors however I find are still just inferior to scourge in all situations except against corsairs. Where corruptors don’t instantly die to the mass aoe damage. But that is if your just A moving your army mindlessly. With good splits scourge can overcome that weakness.

Scourge Queen is very good. I think its more a personal preference for me. I like the tankier abberations a lot. However I agree Scourge can be very good. A test was done. And turns out that the burst dps of scourge is about 27x that of corruptors. Even with P2 I usually use scourge for anti air. But hey. A lot of prestiges are more so meant to facilitate a certain kind of playstyle rather then compete.

As for P3 Zagara. It can be powerful, but Ill be honest. I think Apex Predator is kind of doesn’t fit with Zagara. It feels more like it would fit as a prestige for Dehaka. It can be very useful on certain maps, but eh. I don’t find it that fun.

As a side note. Dehaka’s swarmhosts are comparable to the power you can get with Zagara’s scourges. They do about the same damage vs air, but can also double as banelings since they hit around. And once you have the swarm host up, its basically like a free scourge generator.

  1. Alarak - P3 can spam Destroyers.
  2. Raynor - Orbital CCs and mass BCs when P3.
  3. Stukov - P3 can spam Infested Bunkers.
  4. Zagara - P1 when Banelings and Scourges.
  5. Mengsk - ESO when P1 is super effective.
  6. Tychus - Solo clearing when P2.
  7. Karax - Spear of Adun always gets the job done.
  8. Nova - P3 can solo clear enemies in early game.
  9. Zeratul - Artifact hunting.
  10. HH - Air superiority.