One major things I find annoying both Terran and toss can easily build on Zerg expansion. Plus’s how long it takes and cost try to build to closer block expos.
I would like overload spew creep from beginning so they can protect expos. Without rushing towards it. Plus time takes overlord to even get on smaller gives Terran or toss enough time to have couple anti air.
I don’t see much offensive play outside super rush spine attack but be very much weaker then toss cannon rush very economy crushing on Zerg part.
I think faster tech path or ability to produce queen and upgrade tech lvl is needed. But I think anyone fighting against Zerg has this window of opportunity that is sadly built in game.
Which so wrong opportunity that is not player base but game design of poor structure needs be fixed. One reason long tech path that Zerg has.
Lair adds 57 secs and it doesn’t give Zerg any units just another way to unlock other units. I feel doing 57 secs we can’t build anti air so if Zerg used roach warren.
Remove ravage extend build time and just stack that roach warren and after it’s built it unlocks spire, hydra, infestor pit, Nydus pit and all t2 upgrades.
After infestor pit you build the hive.
So in end this allows Zerg be on same tech path air units vs air units. Since economy determines how many units have this won’t jump Zerg army count but rather different type units.
Now toss has same problem twilight council that also needs to be looked at.