What are your favorite, individual mutators, and why?

I’m aware that some of them can spiral out of control when combined with specific other ones. I’m talking about ones you like to see in general. List here for your reference

We Move Unseen - All enemy units are permanently cloaked.

Cloaking is typically only from those that can burrow and/or cloak (Wraiths, Banshees, Ghosts, Lurkers, DTs, from Arbiters, etc.). It’s nice to see them with any other unit comp really

Also changes up early game and build order, as you often have to rush detectors (esp. on RtK). Most notably, that early Ebay.

Midgame, it gives more prominence to towers (although I’m biased b/c I generally like making them). I make more cannons as Karax (or Obs if I got it randomly as Karax P2). And I never thought I’d make so many Missile Turrets as somebody like Raynor, or Primal Wurms as Dehaka.

Double Edged - Damage dealt by your units and structures is dealt back to them, but then healed back over time.

You get to brush off that list of units that have dps on the lower side and/or more tanky (e.g. Karax Sentinels and Mirages vs. Immortals), or are immune (various Top Bars, in one form or another)

Aggressive Deployment - Additional enemy units are periodically deployed onto the battlefield.

Force COs to deal with base defense more. This can be disruptive for some COs who can deal with them in waves (like Nova air strike, or Tyhcus medivac, Karax SoA lasers), but not when it’s perpetual (so towers and static are back in the picture)

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Propagators and Void rifts, but not when combined together. In general I like mutators that add more enemy spawns to the game. I like Propagators because they force the player to be a lot more cautious of their surroundings and heavily punish the uncareful while not being too insanely difficult to deal with. I like void rifts because this mutator forces you to be both very defensive and offensive and develop good map control. The void rifts are satisfying to shut down too.

I have a much longer list of mutators I hate then love though. Ill make the least favorite mutators thread.

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Polarity, Just Die, and Void Rifts are the least mutations at all. One simple sentence… they are annoying as heck.

Just die can easily become one of the most annoying mutations if its combined with something like void rifts or propagators. At least with void reanimators you can kill them and they take a while to revive all dead enemies.

I kind of like slim pickings, if only because it gives me an excuse to build hellions as Swann, lol. Plus it spices up the early game for some of the slower CO’s.


I previously hated that mutation, but I like how it changes up the gameplay and is not so bad if one is collecting the mineral drops often.

I like the ones that add more enemies -
walking infested
alien incubation
aggressive deployment
void rifts
void reanimators

Just Die and even Transmutation I would put in this category too as it effectively doubles the amount of enemy [health bars], though both of these can be extremely overwhelming as well.

I like these cause I feel like they give me something to do with the superpowered army all of the commanders eventually get.

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That’s right… if you need speed, Hellions are the way to go! Could be nice to scurry quickly to a lock in L&L