What are the strengths of Protoss? What are the weaknesses?

What are the strengths of Protoss? What are the weaknesses?

To follow up the two questions, how do you play to your strengths and avoid your weaknesses.

Strengths? We have splash damage. We also got the warp prism, I guess. Weaknesses? No viable fleet ship/end game, crappy/fragile detection, weakest cannon rush defense, dies easiest to rush/cheeses vs all races, “power” units actually aren’t that powerful and we also die to other races’ abilities to split their forces and do widespread damage, etc. list goes on.


  • cheese, proxy buildings
  • high value a-move units (carriers, collossi, archons, immortals)
  • robo & stargate are the best option to defend cheese
  • twilight council opening for mid-game (blink vs. t/p, charge vs. z)
  • warp prism / warp prism micro (especially with archons/immortals)
  • chargelot runbys
  • easy to get high army value with archons (warp gate) or chrono-boost
  • one worker can build everything
  • a lot of casters (can also be a weakness like hit or miss with disruptors / sentries; less so with storm though you have to calculate with energy and your current army strength depending on energy if you go for a lot of high templars and/or sentries)
  • defending / holding ramps & choke points
  • mind games (probe movement, faking cheese, building placement)
  • chrono-boost to catch up on eco (probes) or timings (upgrades)


  • twilight council is the worst option to defend cheese
  • you have to practice wall buiding every season / for every map
  • there are no cheap units so scouting in the early game is not easy if you want to play greedy and reacting to drops, mutas, banshees and other mobile attacks can be difficult if you don’t actively scout for it.
  • PvP is the match up with the slowest rate of taking new bases / expanding because it’s so cheesy
  • as with other races some strategies are extremely powerful so if you don’t try out other stuff, you can easily win some games (storm vs. clumped bio or hydras, unscouted DTs or unscouted chargelot allin and then look like a total noob in other games (bad wall / reaction vs. cheese / rushes, running into lurkers/disruptors/widow mines and especially banelings with expensive units).
  • some players will insult you in or during the game because they don’t understand why you can not attack the whole game and just macro to then roll over everything with a big death ball or because you actually practiced that cheese strategy in a ton of games and know how to use the map

last but not least: