What are some of your favorite commander voice lines?

Some of my favorites:

  1. Mengsk: “You left me no choice. Say goodbye to your constituent atoms.”
  2. Nova: “I guess you could say they didn’t stand a ghost of a chance”.
  3. Zagara: “From the skies we come”
  4. Stukov:“My favorite stories are the ones where the monsters win”
  5. Dehaka"Witness Strength of Primal Zerg"
  6. Artanis:“The enemy is attacking our drones”. The way he says this is just satisfying. With lots of worry.

Karax is also notable. Although I don’t have a top favorite voice line from him, the way he says all of his voice lines is satisfying to listen to.

And now I must rest. I have grown weary of carrying us to victory.
Even my structures put up more of a fight than you.

I just love the sass and edge of his lines.

Too bad Swann doesn’t do his surprise random nickname shenanigans in coop like calling Artanis skippy in the campaign. That would’ve been hilarious.

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I’m awful at Mengsk, and didn’t like him in the campaign, but his lines do stand out…
Every moment we waste is another arrow in their quiver.
Fight them on the field, or we will be fighting them at home
Strike before the protoss steal the thoughts from your head!

When his Kerrigan ally uses Immob. Wave…
Have you always been able to do that?
I deserve some credit for your present capabilities.

Bonus is if it’s a game where Alarak needed carrying :smiley:

Tychus: Why’s it gonna run away like that?
Stetmann: The bots are back in town! The bots are back in town!
Swann: Hey! not bad for a wrench jockey, huh?
Abathur: Swarm unstoppable. Cannot escape.
Stukov: I called this, the Apocalisk! See it in action.

“I’ve just lost a lot of good men.” as next batch of 50 Marines drops straight into battle, only to die a moment after, replaced by yet another wave.

Raynor’s relationship with his men seems to be just as abusive as Kerrigan’s relationship with him.

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This is one of the reasons why I prefer P1 Raynor. I feel like I’m committing mass murder dropping all those marines into colossus, banelings, and siege tank fire.

Sometimes, for the greater good, sacrifices must be made

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My favorite is when you play Tychus with Mengsk:
“Remember who holds your leash, Mr Findlay.”

The Landing Zone is occupied I say Crush Them! - Alarack